A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1833 Shang Fang’s Sword

After hearing that Lu Fei said that he was going to Tiandu, Zhang Huan's attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

"Damn it, Lu Fei, are you telling the truth?"

"of course it's true."

"The room has been packed for you. You buy the tickets and send them over. I will have someone pick you up at the airport."

"That's pretty much it."

"I just said that you are not so cruel. It was my sister-in-law who wrongly blamed you."

"I'll forgive you this time!"


"Thank you sister-in-law!"

"Lu Fei, you made an agreement with Xiang'er and asked her to accompany me to the Summer Palace, and also to Xidan, and by the way, Taikoo Li, and..."

"Sister-in-law, please discuss this with Xiang'er. We can go anywhere."

"What about, where is my brother Li?"

"Brother Li, he has something to do and it's not convenient for him to answer the phone."

"What can happen to him?"

"He giggles, just wait, I will send you a photo and you will know."

After hanging up the phone, a few seconds later, Zhang Huan's photo was sent.

When he clicked on the photo and took a look, Lu Fei burst into laughter!

"What the hell!"


Lu Fei laughed crazily, startling Chen Xiang.

"Lu Fei, what are you laughing at?"



"Xianger, come and take a look, you made me laugh so hard."

When Chen Xiang saw the photo sent by Zhang Huan, she laughed so hard that her stomach ached and she collapsed directly into Lu Fei's arms.

It’s not that the two of them don’t have strong control, it’s just that the photos are too funny.

In the photo, Li Yunhe is wearing pajamas, holding half a watermelon and kneeling on two pieces of instant noodles.

The old face turned red from holding back, and the facial features moved in agony.

If you look carefully, there are beads of sweat on your forehead.

It would be fine if someone else had this look.

Li Yunhe is the famous little overlord of Bianliang!

If this photo were posted online, it would definitely be on the front pages of major websites.

At this time, Li Yunhe's phone called, and Lu Fei turned on the speakerphone directly.

"Hey, is it sister-in-law?"

"It's your sister, I'm your uncle!" Li Yunhe shouted.

"Uh. Hahaha"

"You're so ridiculous, Lu Fei, please delete the photo quickly, or I'll fall out with you." Li Yunhe said in a low voice.

"Holy shit!"

"Young Master Li, what's your attitude?"

"I advise you to be more polite when talking to me in the future, otherwise I will send this photo to Han Bing and ask her to help you hype it up."


"Brother, please stop making trouble, okay?"

"Brother, please, delete the photo quickly. It's so embarrassing." Li Yunhe begged.

"Hey, weren't you awesome just now?"

"No, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding."

"You are my brother, okay?"


"That's pretty much it."

"It's okay if you want me to delete the photos, but you have to tell me what the situation is."

"You, Mr. Li, are calling the shots in Bianliang City. When did you become like this?"

"Aren't you embarrassed to kneel down to your wife for instant noodles?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Li Yunhe's voice changed.

"Brother, it's hard to explain in words!"

"Zhang Huan wants to eat watermelon, I'll go out and buy it for him."

"When I came back, I met Lao Yan at the intersection. The two of us chatted for a while, but we ended up going back twenty-six minutes late."

"No, Zhang Huan is angry."

"You have to force me to kneel down and make instant noodles for twenty-six minutes."

"You have to feed her watermelon while kneeling."

"Brother, I feel so wronged."

"By the way, Zhang Huan just said you wanted us to go to Tiandu City, right?"

"You call Zhang Huan later and tell her that Xiang'er has something to do and can't accompany her. I'll go to Tiandu City to hide away for a few days to relax."

"I beg you."



"Li Yunhe, Li Yunhe."

"I used to think you were a pure man, but I didn't expect you turned out to be a cannon."

"You have trained your wife like this, why don't you die!"

"Bah!" .??.

"I seriously despise you." Lu Fei laughed.

"Fuck your uncle's stinky shit."

"You kid don't understand the situation."

"what's the situation?"

"Zhang Huan, she's pregnant."

"The old man gave her Shang Fang's sword. She must be used to it up and down."

"Last time I spoke louder, the old man chased me for ten minutes with a rolling pin."

"This is what the old man is used to!"

"Me, can I fucking afford it?"


After listening to what Li Yunhe said, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang looked at each other in confusion.

"Pregnant again?"

"When did it happen?"

"Why haven't I heard you say pinching?"

"Depend on!"

"I'm two months pregnant and I just checked out last week."

"You know how I got here this week?"

"To describe it in four words, life is worse than death!"

"Brother, please save my brother!"


"It's interesting!"

"Sir, stop making sarcastic remarks. Are you going to help?"

When he said this, Li Yunhe's voice became louder, and Zhang Huan's shouts immediately came from the phone.

"Li Yunhe, who are you talking to?"

"Ah, no, I'm watching a short video."

"Come out quickly, I want to eat watermelon."

"Come on, come on!"

"Brother, please!"

Li Yunhe hung up the phone, and Lu Fei and Chen Xiang lay on the bed and laughed.

"Honey, look at Brother Li, he has one baby every year, I'm so envious!"

"We are also a legal couple now, do you think?"

"Don't even think about it."

"I told you, I don't want to wear a wedding dress with a big belly."

"Let's discuss it further?"

"No negotiation."

"No children without a wedding."

"Yes, I'll listen to you."

"Lu Fei, just now you said that Brother Li is not a man and doesn't know how to train his sister-in-law."

"What do you mean?"

"How are you going to train me in the future?"


"Then what, you are worrying too much."

"I will only love you."


"It would be weird to believe you."

Chen Xiang said as he took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Huan's number.

"Xiang'er, Lu Fei said you want to accompany me around the capital, is it true?" Zhang Huan asked.

"Sister-in-law, I have some time recently, so I'll have some fun with you."

"By the way, you don't need to buy air tickets tomorrow. We will transfer to Bianliang to pick you up, and we will go to Tiandu together." Chen Xiang said.

"That's great, my sister-in-law is waiting for you at home!"

"Xiang'er, I heard that you and that guy Lu Fei got the certificate, is it true?"


"It's great. Lovers finally get married. My sister-in-law wishes you all the best."

"However, my sister-in-law would like to remind you that Lu Fei is not a fuel-efficient guy. You must train him well."

"You can't spoil a man, otherwise you won't be able to stop yelling."

"Recently, my sister-in-law has studied some classic routines and will teach you them all later. I will ensure that you will be obedient and obedient to Lu Fei's training."


Lu Fei beside him suddenly became heartbroken.

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