A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1840 A thorough investigation

As the saying goes, whatever you fear will come to you.

Ever since Li Zhengrong appeared, Guan Jingbo and the others were worried that there was something wrong with Ruixin's containers.

If something happens, the three of them will undoubtedly be cannon fodder.

And it’s the kind of death that’s unclear.

As a result, their worries came true.

When the time came to eleven o'clock in the morning, the inventory of goods was halfway through, and finally a major discovery was made.

"Report to the left team, look at this."

The team member brought over a pack of pills, and Zuo Zhigang checked it himself.

"Methadone hydrochloride?"

"Where was this found?" Zuo Zhigang asked.

"The report is in the packaging box of Ruixin Capsule."


"This is a first-level banned drug, so brave."

"Call and call all the brothers on duty to investigate thoroughly."

“Don’t miss a single packing box.”


Hearing the words methadone hydrochloride, Guan Jingbo and the others' legs became weak and they almost collapsed to the ground.

Although they barely managed to stand, everyone was trembling with fear and their livers were splitting.

Methadone hydrochloride is a neuropathic analgesic with extremely strong dependence and is a banned drug worldwide.

This is also a first-level banned drug. The crime of smuggling this thing is very serious.

Li Zhengrong gave Guan Jingbo and the others a disdainful look and came to Zuo Zhigang.

"Captain Zuo, thank you for your dedication to your duties. I will submit a letter of thanks to the superiors."

"Thank you, Mr. Li, this is what we should do."

While the two were talking, dozens of reporters appeared out of nowhere and surrounded Guan Jingbo, Zuo Zhigang and the others.

"Mr. Guan, we have recorded what you just said to Captain Zuo."

"You expressed your willingness to guarantee Ruixin Group, but now illegal drugs have been found. What does this mean?"

"Please explain it to everyone."

Guan Jingbo was so frightened that he lost his mind when he saw this.

"I, I never said that

Such words. "

"Didn't you say that?"

"Mr. Guan, to tell you the truth, we have been here for a long time."

"We have recorded everything you said before."

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it. We can show you the audio and video." The reporter said forcefully.

"I, I, don't get me wrong."

"The reason why I am willing to guarantee is because I believe in the credibility of Ruixin Group."

"But I didn't expect such a result at all!" Guan Jingbo said.

"Do you believe in Ruixin's credibility?"

"Mr. Guan, you are the law enforcer!"

“If you can openly evade inspection just by relying on your credibility, then what’s the point of having national laws?”

"Do you think you can explain what you said?"

"Captain Zuo enforces the law selflessly and rigorously, but you three leaders come out to obstruct it in every possible way."

"We have reason to believe that you are the protective umbrella of Ruixin Group."

"How many times have you done something similar to this kind of violation of law and discipline?"

When the reporter asked this question, Guan Jingbo and the three of them were all dumbfounded.

Faced with such a situation, even if you have 10,000 mouths, you still can't explain it clearly.

At this moment, the siren sounded.

In the blink of an eye, a dozen police cars drove over.

The car door opened, and Ma Wencheng, the leader of the Yangcheng Police Force, appeared in front of everyone.

"Guan Jingbo, Yu Zhenhua, and Tang Aiguo, the three of you are suspected of obstructing official duties, abusing your power, and are involved in major smuggling cases."

"Please come back with us for investigation."

At this time, Guan Jingbo and the others could no longer hold on and collapsed to the ground like mud.

Before being taken away, Guan Jingbo glared at Li Zhengrong bitterly and said.

"Mr. Li, you arranged the reporter, right?"

Li Zhengrong chuckled.

"It's really me."

"I said before that I have no right to ask whether you are using your power for personal gain."

"But as a citizen of China, I have an obligation to support justice."

"What's wrong with me doing this?"


"Mr. Li said that very well."

The three of them, Guan Jingbo and others, were taken away. .??.

Reporters began to broadcast live the entire process of illegal drug inspections.

The Ruixin Group's smuggling of illegal drugs was exposed, and China was in an uproar.

Tiandu's top management immediately ordered the Special Branch, the health department, and the police headquarters to join forces to investigate the case thoroughly.

Ten minutes later, dozens of police officers rushed into the Tiandu headquarters of Ruixin Group.

Asia CEO Nina, as well as company executives and office executives were all taken away for investigation.

The company account is frozen and all information is sealed and taken away.

Not only the head office, but also the eleven regional agents that had just signed contracts with Ruixin received the same treatment.

At the same time, the official websites of all hospitals that cooperate with Ruixin Pharmaceuticals also announced that they would remove all Ruixin Pharmaceutical products from the shelves.

And unilaterally terminated the contract with Ruixin.

Seeing this situation, the agents who had terminated their contracts with Tengfei Pharmaceuticals regretted it.

The agents who signed contracts with Ruixin were stunned.

Two hours later, Dong Jianye rushed to Yangcheng Beigang, and the Special Division took over the investigation work.

As of 3 p.m., all four containers had been inspected.

In these four containers, a total of 150 kilograms of various prohibited drugs were confiscated.

Hearing this number, even Dong Jianye felt his scalp numb.

"Check it for me!"

"No matter who is involved, we must investigate to the end."

"No clues can be missed."


At this time, it was seven o'clock in the morning London time.

The British Global Daily was the first to publish this news, and then all communication networks spread the word.

At four o'clock in the afternoon China time, the news of Ruixin Group's smuggling of illegal drugs spread to the whole world.

When the London Stock Exchange opened, the stock price of Ruixin Group fell off a cliff.

Ruixin headquarters tried every means but was unable to save the situation.

Even at this time, they couldn't believe that something would happen suddenly and be so serious.


"Oh, God!"

"Who can tell me what is going on?"

"Why is there methadone hydrochloride in our containers?"

"Why?" roared chairman John Peterl hysterically.

"Boss, I think someone is deliberately trying to mess with us."

"Our containers were inspected when they left the port and there were no problems."

"But when I arrived in China, illegal drugs were detected."

"There are various signs that it is very possible that someone deliberately framed us."


"Investigate it as quickly as possible to find out who is behind us."

"By the way, why weren't we the first to know about such a big situation?"

"What's going on Nina?"

"Why weren't we informed?" John shouted.

"Go back to the boss, as far as we know, Nina has been controlled by the Chinese police."

"Maybe he didn't have time to report to us."

"Damn, how could this happen?"

"Notify the public relations department and do everything possible to stabilize the situation for me and try to eliminate the negative impact."

"Let me see negative reports again and tell them all to get out of here."

At this time, the secretary rushed in in a panic.

"Boss, I have your phone number!"

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