Phil Pharmaceuticals has been researching its new series of cerebrovascular products for many years.

It has been warmed up many times before and has received widespread attention.

At today's press conference, Phil President Robin personally attended and announced the launch of new products, which immediately caused an uproar.

The agents who had terminated their contracts with Tengfei Pharmaceutical were filled with regret.

If I had known the outcome would be like this, I wouldn't have betrayed Lu Fei even if I killed them!

Unfortunately, saying this has become nonsense.

Fifteen minutes later, the new product launch ceremony officially started.

After completing the ceremony, Robin left the stage and Xing Shuya answered questions from reporters.

Gene was watching the live broadcast in the car and said with a smile.

"My friend, you are going to drive Ruixin crazy!"

"Jean, are you sorry for saying this?"

"Isn't this what you want to see?"


"Then what should you say in your Chinese dialect?"

"It should be said that we are happy together."

"Same joy?"

"Yes, if you are happy and I am happy, we are both happy."

"Ha ha!"

"I like this word."

"By the way, can you tell me how you did it?" Gene asked.

"What do you mean?"

"My friend, there is no need to hide it from me, right?"

"Didn't you do Ruixin's smuggling of banned drugs?"

"Why do you have such an idea?" Lu Fei asked.

"Because you have the motivation and the ability."


"Speaking of the starter, it seems like you are bigger than me, right?"


"What you say makes sense!"

"However, we don't bother to do such a despicable thing." Gene said.

"You are disdainful, but I, Lu Fei, also have a bottom line."

"So it wasn't you who did it?"

"of course not."


"Who could be helping us?"


I know, I must thank him heavily. "

"By the way, what are you going to do now?" Gene asked.

"Tell me what you think."

Jean said with a wicked smile.

"I think we must not miss this opportunity."

"Through our team's analysis, Ruixin can last for at most one week."

"When the time comes we join forces to acquire Ruixin, how about you take the big share?"

Lu Fei was noncommittal, lit a cigarette and just smiled.

"Fei, why are you laughing?"

"Isn't what I said right?"

"Gene, do you believe in karma?"


"What's the meaning?"

"In ancient China, there were five elements, eight works, three religions and nine streams."

“That one sentence can sum up all industries and all people.”

"There is also a saying that even if someone is innocent, they should be killed."

"What this sentence means is that there are endless scum in these professions and they have done all kinds of evil things."

"So, this is also called low-life, and is usually looked down upon by people."

"Building bridges and paving roads, keeping matchmakers and pulling fibers, hanging pots to help the world, and opening porridge shops in February and August are all activities that accumulate virtue and do good deeds."

"Even extremely evil people must respect these professions."

Lu Fei's words immediately confused Jean.

"Fei, can you speak more clearly?"

"You've got me confused."

"To put it simply, you Phil and Ruixin are both businessmen."

"But you are all in the pharmaceutical business."

"Your medicines can save countless people from illness and even save countless lives."

"This is virtue."

"The reason why I gave Lan Xianglu to you in the first place is very important."

"So, I advise you not to push Ruixin too hard."

"If Ruixin's medicines end up in your hands, the lives and pain lost because of the lack of medicines will be transferred to you."

"In that case, you will probably be punished."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Gene's hair stood up.

"I bought it!"

"Fei, you, you scared me."

"is it so serious?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"That's what I said, it's up to you to believe it or not."

"Anyway, I believe that I will not cooperate with you to acquire Ruixin."

"Not only will I not acquire them, I will consider saving them if possible."


"What do you mean?" Gene asked.

"I have investigated and Ruixin's drugs are indeed effective."

"So, I plan to win Ruixin's China general agent."

"In this way, I can use Ruixin's medicines to benefit the people of China."

"Representing their products, what about ours?" Gene asked.

"Same agent!"

"They are all good medicines that benefit the people, regardless of each other."

"Jean, you won't object, right?"


"of course not."

"However, I don't think Ruixin will agree to your request."

"They can make more money by entering the Chinese market, so why should they give you a share of the pie?" Gene said.

"Jean, are you confused?"

"In the current situation, they cannot protect themselves. Do they still have the ability to expand the market?"

"But as long as they agree to my request, maybe I can help them."

"What if they don't agree?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"There is another saying in China: If God does evil, you can do it, but if you do evil yourself, you can't live."

"If you don't agree, then I can only give you an advantage."


But, didn’t you say there would be retribution? "Jin asked nervously.

"This moment is also that moment."

"If you acquire it directly, it's your business."

"It's their fault that they didn't have the ability to seize the opportunity."

“Your God is not confused and will know the difference.”

"Fei, are you sure?"

"I am sure."


"I'll listen to you."

"Don't listen to me, everything must go as it comes."

“Some things just happen naturally and cannot be forced.”

"Fei, you know so much."

"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

News of Phil's new product quickly spread around the world.

This is undoubtedly adding insult to injury for the precarious Ruixin Group.

Affected by this, Ruixin's stock plummeted again today.

By the close of trading, Ruixin's market value had evaporated by more than 30%, and there was no sign of stopping the bleeding.

When the market opened the next day, the market plummeted again.

John had no rest for several days and his mouth was full of blisters from worry.

House seemingly endless rain.

I thought Paul, the second shareholder, could bring good news, but Paul called according to the contact information John gave, and the other party didn't answer the phone at all.

After being in contact for a whole day, I finally heard the other party's voice.

But the other party's answer was that there was nothing he could do.

Actually this is not surprising at all.

Ruixin's case of smuggling illegal drugs has attracted great attention from above.

At this time, even those who are blind must avoid their sharp edges, and no one dares to support them.

John and other shareholders were disheartened when they heard Paul's feedback.

"what to do?"

"Everyone, tell me what to do?"

"If we can't find a solution, we will have no choice but to go bankrupt and close down."

"Everyone is talking!"

"Chairman, if it doesn't work, we can only try with Lu Fei!

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