A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1851 Hands and eyes reaching the sky

After accepting the red envelope, Qi Yuezhai's two master chefs were grateful and started working immediately.

Everyone who knew how to make dumplings came over to help, and Lu Fei's house was even more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, the dumplings were ready half an hour ahead of schedule.

The two master chefs said their goodbyes and left, and everyone sat around to prepare for the meal.

Lu Fei poured the wine, but everyone was still a little confused.

"The dumplings get better the more you drink."

"Let's have a drink today." Lu Fei said.

"Hey, it's not the new year, why do you have to eat dumplings?"

"Even if you want to have this bite, there's no need to hire a restaurant chef!"

"Is there any special situation?" Li Yunhe asked.

Lu Fei took a dumpling for Chen Xiang and said with a smile.

"You guessed it right, today is indeed a bit special."

"Today is the 100-day anniversary of Xiang'er and I receiving our certificates."

“Dumplings symbolize lively reunion.”

"So today I treat everyone to dumplings."

"Whether you like it or not, these two fillings are Xiang'er's favorite."

"If you like it, eat more. If you don't like it, eat more."

"But no one is allowed to say anything disappointing."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, boos broke out everywhere, and Chen Xiang's smile was brighter than the flowers.

"Honey, eat slowly so you don't get burned!"


"Xiao Yao, take away the vinegar quickly, it's killing me!"



"Wife, why are you pulling my ears? Let go!"

Li Yunhe was laughing when his ear was suddenly grabbed by Zhang Huan. Li Yunhe grimaced in pain.

Zhang Huan shouted with wide eyes.

"Li Yunhe, you don't understand the style."

"It's okay if he's not as good as Lu Fei. He's not as romantic as anyone else."

"Why don't you die!"


br\u003e “Just wait, I want you to look good when you get back.”


After dinner, Lu Fei gathered his friends together and had a video connection with Mr. Xu and Gao Yuan from Jincheng.

"Second brother Yuan, please inform all brothers that if you want to make money, please deposit your money into this account within three hours."

"This time you will make a profit without losing any money. The more you invest, the more you will make."

"If you miss the opportunity, please don't blame me!"

When Lu Fei said this, everyone became excited.

Especially Li Yunhe, his saliva almost flowed out.

"Brother, tell me, do you have another good project?"

“What’s the rate of return this time?”

“How long does it take to make a profit?”

Lu Fei chuckled.

"One week at most, guaranteed profit."

"As for what the project is, no one is allowed to ask."

"Forget it if you have concerns or worries."

"Trust me, don't talk nonsense, pay me immediately."

A few minutes after the video ended, all Lu Fei's brothers received WeChat notifications.

As soon as they heard about making money, everyone became excited and immediately emptied their accounts and transferred money to Lu Fei.

As for worries and concerns, they don’t exist at all.

Boss Lu has never let anyone down, and he won't do the same this time.

In less than half an hour, the public account provided by Lu Fei had earned nearly 10 billion.

Seeing this number, even Lu Fei was a little excited.

Lu Fei was not excited to see the money, but he was happy to see the brothers having money in their hands.

After the fund-raising was over, everyone made some cold dishes and continued drinking.

At eleven o'clock in the night, Lu Fei returned to the study and sent a message to Zhang Kaifa.


At six o'clock that morning, the Shenzhou Police Headquarters, Special Branch and Interpol received a video at the same time.

In the video, a cargo ship is docked at the dock.

A dozen masked men in black took advantage of the cover of night to jump on the cargo ship, opened four containers of Ruixin Company, and started tinkering.

After struggling for an hour, the men in black closed the container.

When they were about to retreat, the mask of a man in black accidentally slipped off, revealing a scarred and extremely vicious face.

The Special Branch and Interpol were shocked to see this face, and they also learned the man's identity.

At 8 a.m., the official website of China Customs and Police Headquarters simultaneously released this video with text annotations.

The drug smuggling case of Ruixin Group was solved and the truth of the case was revealed.

When the Ruixin cargo ship docked at the port of Malacca for supplies, South China Sea pirate Huo Laosan and his men hid illegal drugs in the container. ??

According to analysis, pirates plan to use Ruixin containers as a cover to transport prohibited drugs.

Unfortunately, the container was inspected at Yangcheng Beigang, and the contact person did not appear.

Facts have proved that the smuggling case has nothing to do with Ruixin Group.

It was late at night in London when I received the news.

But Chairman John burst into tears with excitement and immediately informed other shareholders.

At 9:30 in the morning, the health department issued an announcement to clear Ruixin Group's name.

The Special Office returned the information of Ruixin China Corporation and allowed the company to continue operating.

These things spread around the world as quickly as possible, and the Ruixin Group smuggling case was completely cleared.

The stock market opened at two o'clock in the afternoon, and Ruixin's stock price, which had almost hit bottom, began to rebound gently.

Seeing this scene, the shareholders of Ruixin Group cried with joy.

"I bought it!"

"We won, we finally came alive."

"Who can tell me whether this is Lu Fei's energy?"

"If it's really because of Lu Fei, then he is so powerful

. "

John nodded and said.

"There is no doubt that Lu Fei must have done this."

"This man is simply very knowledgeable!"

"If we had known this, we should have listened to Li Zhengrong and cooperated with Lu Fei earlier."

"If that were the case, our stock price would not have dropped to the level it is now."

"Fortunately, it's not too late. We still have a chance to recover."

At this moment, Ruixin's shareholders have no doubts about Lu Fei's ability.

As for whether Lu Fei framed him or not, it doesn't matter for now.

The most important thing right now is to go all out on public relations to restore the company's reputation and let the stock rebound quickly.

"Dear Ms. Nina, I have done what I promised you."

"You can rest assured now, right?" Lu Fei said on the phone.

"Mr. Lu's hands and eyes are really good, thank you."

"Ms. Nina, why do I feel that you are not surprised?"

"Mr. Lu, you are right."

"I'm really not surprised."

"Because I believe in Mr. Lu's strength, this little thing is not a problem for you at all." Nina said.

"Thank you beauty for your compliment, I humbly accept it."

"There is another thing I want to inform you about."

"I'm going to hold a press conference at seven o'clock tonight to announce the news of our cooperation. Do you have any questions?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I have no problem at all."

"See you at seven o'clock in the evening."

At seven o'clock in the evening, Tengfei Pharmaceutical's press conference was held at Tiandu Yunlong Hotel.

The scale of the on-site reporters this time was much larger than Phil’s new product launch conference a few days ago.

Almost all mainstream media and online platform news media were present.

Such a scene is very rare in China.

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