A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1870 Master’s Wife

After dinner, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang came to Li Xi's home with gifts.

We haven’t seen each other for several months, and Niu Niu has grown a lot taller.

Lu Fei was very pleased that her skin was oily and shiny, and her speech and behavior revealed her ladylike temperament.

Not only her temperament, but Niuniu's academic performance has also improved by leaps and bounds.

Up to now, Niu Niu has learned the history of Ming Dynasty.

This speed was beyond the reach of even Lu Fei in his previous life. Teacher Li even praised Niu Niu as a child prodigy.

After sitting at Li's house for more than an hour, Lu Fei said goodbye.

Niu Niu took Lu Fei's hand and was a little timid about what she wanted to say.

"What's wrong?" Lu Fei asked.

"Master, how many days will you stay in Bianliang?"

"A week or so."

"Master, can I stay with you these days?"

"Don't worry, I won't delay my studies." Niu Niu said.

Chen Xiang stroked Niu Niu's ponytail and said with a smile.

"No problem at all."

"Grab some clothes, we're leaving now."

Chen Xiang spoke, but Niu Niu looked at Lu Fei pitifully.

It wasn't until Lu Fei nodded that Niuniu happily went back to the house to pack her things.

Chen Xiang rolled her eyes at Lu Fei and said slightly reproachfully.

"You control this child too strictly."

"This is not good for the children."

Li Xi smiled and said.

"Xiao Fei is right to do this."

“Without rules, it’s impossible to form a circle. Without the five tones, it’s difficult to establish the six rhythms.”

"Since ancient times, Master has always been strict."

"Teacher Li, let Niu Niu stay with me these days."

"You and your wife should also have a good rest. When we leave, we will send Niu Niu here. I will bother you again later," Lu Fei said.

"I didn't say anything!"

"This child is now an integral part of our family."

"Perhaps Niu Niu will be my greatest pride in the future."


"Didn't you say before that your greatest pride is me?" Lu Fei asked.

\u003e "Haha!"

"When this child grows up, his achievements will never be inferior to yours."

"In comparison, I am more optimistic about Niuniu."

After leaving Li's house with Niu Niu, Lu Fei and the other three went to the old site of Zhang Huaizhi's house.

After leaving for more than half a year, this area is now filled with high-rise buildings.

Zhang Huaizhi's old house still exists, with the front being transformed into a sales office and the backyard being the project department.

Looking at this old house, Lu Fei was filled with emotion.

Here is the testimony of the awakening of memories of my two lives.

It was also here that I met Gao Yuan.

This is also the holy place where I and Chen Xiang are united.

Here, Lu Fei has experienced too many joys and sorrows, which is of great significance to Lu Fei.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei dialed Song Jinfeng's phone number.

"Xiao Fei, when will you come to Bianliang?" Song Jinfeng asked.

"Brother Song, I've arrived this afternoon."


"Why don't you say hello when you come over so I can pick you up?"


"Aren't you in Qinhuangdao?" Lu Fei asked.

"No, I'm back too."

"As things over there are arranged, I must come back if Xiaofeng gets engaged!"

"Where are you now?"

"I'm going to have a drink with you."

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Forget it about drinking, it's too late."

"Where are you? I have a few words to talk to you."

"That's fine!"

"I'm in the project department here in Bianliang, which is Mr. Zhang's old home."

"Are you coming here, or should I go find you?"


"That's a coincidence. I'm right outside the old house. Just wait, I'll go in right away."

After hanging up the phone, the three of them got out of the car. Song Jinfeng had already greeted them.


"Brother, I miss you so much."

"The eldest lady is here, hello eldest lady."

"Brother Song, don't be like this, just call me Chen Xiang."


"Come on, let's go in and talk."

Once inside, Lu Fei's eyes lit up.

The outside was transformed into a sales office, and Lu Fei thought that the inside had also changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, the furnishings in the courtyard and the old house remained unchanged from before.

Seeing Lu Fei's expression, Song Jinfeng said with a smile. ??

"Brother knows that you have feelings for this yard, so it is just a simple repair. All the furnishings remain intact."

"The sales office in front was also built outside the yard, so the old house was not harmed at all."

"By the way, the tree got sick at the beginning of the year."

"Jiaojiao and Ruyi made a special trip to the provincial capital and hired several plant experts to help with maintenance."

"After working hard for more than half a month, I finally saved this ancient tree."

Lu Fei nodded.

"These two girls are interested. I will go see them tomorrow."

"Brother Song, what you just said is right. This house has a special relationship with me."

"This is why I came to you."

"If it doesn't affect the overall beauty of the community, I want to keep this yard."

"Do you think so?"


"You don't need to explain this. My brother has already thought of it for you."

"We re-planned this community and the entire building revolves around this old house."

"Besides, we have already decided on the name of the community, and it is called Zhangjiayuaner."

"Unexpectedly, the name and the old house gimmick attracted more attention."

"The TV station even came here to shoot on-site and made a documentary called Memory of the Republic of China."

"After such publicity, our Zhang Jiayuan's reputation has become huge."

“Currently, all the first-phase housing has been pre-sold.

, and more people are paying attention to the second phase. "Song Jinfeng said.


"This is an unexpected surprise!"

"I didn't expect that modern people still have such aesthetic concepts. Yes, it's really good."

"Brother Song!"

"After the project is completed, can the sales office be demolished?"

"I want to restore this place to its original state. The name of the old house is Zhang Mansion."

"Okay, that's it."

After walking around the courtyard, everyone entered the house and came to the east room. Seeing the big fire bed, Lu Fei couldn't help but laugh.

Chen Xiang's face instantly turned red to the base of her ears.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"Your face is red." Niu Niu tilted her head and said.


"No, it's nothing. Auntie is fine." Chen Xiang became even more embarrassed.

"Niuniuer, from now on you will change your name to Master's wife, and you can no longer call me aunt, do you understand?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Hello, Master!"


"This, this, why don't you call me aunt!" Chen Xiang couldn't wait to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

Niuniu shook her head and said.

"That's not okay. Master said, rules are rules."

"Okay then!"

Lu Fei gently pulled Chen Xiang, who lowered his head directly.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"If your child changes his mind, you should at least show it!"


"Sorry, I, I forgot."

Chen Xiang said, rummaging through his bag, and finally took off his watch in a panic.

"Niuniuer, aunt, no, my wife has not prepared anything today, so I will give this watch to you."

"Hope you like it."

"Thank you, Master."

“Patek Philippe Royal Classic, this watch is so expensive!”

"Niuniu, thank you, Master."

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