A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1873 Extraneous problems

Lu Fei was resolute, and Li Yunhe shouldn't force himself.

Everyone got in the car and returned to the city.

On the way, Li Yunhe and Yan Yonghui called respectively to investigate the matter.

With the ability of Bianliang Little Overlord, investigating these things is not a problem at all.

As soon as everyone arrived at Li's house, the results were already known.

The black and white results of Li Yunhe and Yan Yonghui come together, and the facts are basically clear.

After the treasure fight on Hong Kong Island, due to various reasons, the Bianliang old guys headed by Zhu Dahai broke up with Lu Fei and broke up.

When Zhang Huaizhi passed away, everyone settled their differences, but those old men never returned to their old jobs.

Some time ago, Wang Ji's old shopkeeper Wang Guohui gathered his brothers together and said that he had a good deal and hoped that everyone would join in.

Wang Guohui's youngest son Wang Bin is engaged in geological exploration.

Last autumn, I went to Baigang Village with my friends and found that the chestnut trees on the mountain in Baigang Village were growing well.

The chestnuts produced are plump, shiny in color and have a great taste.

In the eyes of outsiders, this just means that chestnuts grow well.

But in Wang Bin's eyes, it was much more than that.

Wang Bin knew that the growing conditions of chestnut trees were not too harsh.

However, it is not easy to produce top-quality chestnuts.

During the Anti-Japanese War, islanders loved chestnuts very much.

Chestnut trees of good quality were selected from various places and brought back to the island country for planting.

But what I never expected was that the chestnut tree could survive, but it just couldn't bear chestnut fruits.

Agricultural experts from the island country have been studying for several years and finally found the answer.

The first condition for the growth of chestnuts is that the soil in which the chestnut trees grow must have iron elements.

The more iron there is, the better the chestnut will grow.

Most people don't understand this knowledge, but Wang Bin, who specializes in geological research, knows it very well.

On that day, Wang Bin retrieved more than a dozen samples from the mountains of Baigang Village for study, and found that there were iron ores on the mountains on three sides of Baigang Village.

This result is so shocking.

After that, every rest day, Wang Bin went to the mountains of Baigang Village to study and collect samples.

Later, we found an expert in iron ore to study together.

After half a year of investigation and research, the final answer is that there is indeed iron ore in Baigang Village.

Moreover, the reserves are astonishingly large, and the quality reaches the highest level in China.

After getting this result, Wang Bin was so excited that he couldn't sleep at night.

There is only one idea in my mind, that is, to open an iron mine.

However, it is not easy to open an iron mine.

Building mountains, applying for permits, building bridges, opening roads, purchasing equipment, hiring workers, etc., etc., are not a small investment.

Without a start-up capital of 30 to 40 million, it would be impossible to get started.

It would be fine to find someone to invest in mining, but Wang Bin couldn't bear to share the fat he got with others.

There is no collateral for a loan, and relatives and friends don’t even have to think about it.

In order to raise money, Wang Bin lost more than 20 pounds in three months and became completely disfigured.

Really worried and helpless, Wang Bin told his father Wang Guohui about the dilemma of preparing to start mining.

Lao Wangtou has been running an antique shop for many years, and he knows a lot of big bosses. He knows how profitable the iron mine is, and he knows a lot about it.

When the two of you put it together, it's nonsense to start a mine based solely on your own abilities!

If we continue to waste like this, if others find out about the situation in Baigang Village, it will be like a piece of cake.

The only way now is to attract investment and open the mine as soon as possible.

Although you earn less in this way, it is still a considerable amount of income.

It is determined to find someone to invest, but who to invest is another headache.

The two of them were worried about finding an investment company.

Investment companies are all professionals, and thieves are terrible.

If you cooperate with them, it won't be long before the two of you are kicked out.


It’s not even possible to find the boss of a big company.

Those grandsons who stick to their hair are smarter than monkeys.

If they know the truth, if they can't keep it safe, they will kill the donkey and start the mine themselves. In that case, the Wang family will have to die as cowards.

After thinking about it, Wang Guohui thought of the old guys who opened antique shops in Xiaonanmen.

Having been in business for many years, these old guys have quite a lot of money.

I dare not say that it is too much. Seven or eight people can put together 40 to 50 million, which is definitely a drop in the bucket.

The most important thing is that these old guys know everything and are absolutely at ease.

Thinking of this, the Wang family immediately took action.

The next day we had a treat at the seafood restaurant and gathered the old guys over.

At the wine table, the situation in Baigang Village was told.

Zhu Dahai and other old guys are not too old. If they didn't feel ashamed of Lu Fei, they would definitely not retire early.

For more than half a year, everyone has been idle at home and is looking for something to do.

After listening to Wang Bin talk about the mining, everyone became excited.

In the following days, eight old men followed Wang Bin to Baigang Village for an on-site inspection.

They personally collected samples and went back for testing to confirm that what Wang Bin said was true. The old men hit it off immediately.

The cooperation method is that each company contributes 8 million, with a total start-up capital of 40 million.

The iron ore was discovered by Wang Bin, so Wang Bin took 20% of the shares and was elected as the chairman of the iron ore by the old men.

The remaining 80% of the shares were divided equally among the eight companies.

On the second day after signing the contract, Wang Bin signed a contract with Baigang Village in his own name.

The contract period is thirty years, and the annual contract fee is 100,000 yuan.

After another month of busy work, the mining procedures for Baigang Iron Mine were approved.

The moment he received the procedure, Wang Bin burst into tears with excitement.

Next, Wang Bin traveled around to buy equipment and recruit talents.

Another month passed and everything was ready.

But just when they were preparing to build roads and open mountains to bring in equipment, something big happened.

Zhang Dewang, the head of Baigang Village, immediately fell out when he found out that Wang Bin was planning to build an iron mine.

I took out the contract on the spot.

Take a good look!

The contract says about planting, breeding, etc., but it doesn't say about mining.

There are iron ores in the mountains, and our village has long known about it.

The reason why there is no mining is to protect the environment.

When you said it was a mining project, no matter how much money you paid, we would not contract it to you.

Hearing what Zhang Dewang said, Wang Bin was dumbfounded.

It cost more than 30 million to buy equipment and hire employees.

If this iron mine cannot be opened, I and the eight shareholders will really not survive.

Wang Bin begged and finally moved Zhang Dewang.

You have invested so much, and it is indeed unkind to not allow you to open the mine.

However, as the village chief, I also have to explain to the villagers.

How about this!

It's okay to open a mine, but your mine must spend 300,000 yuan a year as pollution compensation for the villagers.

In addition, you have to pay a deposit of two million to the village.

In addition, Zhang Dewang himself will be given five million in benefits.

Another point is that the young and strong laborers in our village must go to work in your mines.

Wang Bin had already paid the deposit and pollution compensation, so he had to pay for it.

No matter where mining is done, this is the rule.

It is also reasonable to solve the problem of labor force in the village.

However, Wang Bin didn't understand Zhang Dewang's five million personal benefits.

Zhang Dewang said, if you start mining here, I, the village chief, must mediate everywhere.

This is what I deserve for my hard work.

Without money, your iron ore mine will not be opened.

If you dare to go up and sue me, you will not be able to contract the mountain in Baigang Village.

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