A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1876 Empty City Strategy

It was certain that the boss Yang Shixing was here, and Yu Dabao and the others in the grass suddenly had a backbone.

He jumped out of the grass, his momentum instantly restored to 50%.

"Boss, it's them."

"They dug the road, and those who threw the petrol bottles were also their people."

Yang Shixing gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Mouse, give it to me."

"As long as no one is killed, you can do whatever you want."

"They ordered two loaders from me and five excavators from me."

"By the way, there's also the RV. Order it for me too."

"Damn it, if you dare to go against me in this place, he is looking for death."

"Brother Xing, just watch it!"

Mouse waved his hand, and the eighty-year-old gangster took the guy out of the car to assemble.

"Brothers, Brother Xing is going to invite you to drink tonight. Please serve it to me."

"As long as no one is killed, you can call me whatever you want."

"And I ordered that RV, too."


Mouse took the lead, shouting and rushing towards the dozen or so people on the edge of the chasm.

But just halfway through flushing, Mouse felt something was wrong.

There were a dozen people in front and eighty people on my side, and they were all armed.

There is a huge difference in strength, but the other party is not nervous at all, and still directs the excavation in an orderly manner.

This is unscientific!

As long as the person facing you is not a fool or a lunatic, shouldn't you run away from this situation?

Even if you don’t run away, be prepared to fight!

But what does this mean?

It's obvious that he doesn't take himself seriously!

The experienced mouse was doubting life at this moment.

With doubts in his heart, his charging speed also slowed down.

The further forward the mouse felt, the more something was wrong.

When he was still about ten meters away from the other party, there was still no reaction from the other party.

At this time, Mouse became completely nervous.

Raising his right hand high, the gangster immediately stopped.

Staring at the opponent's back, Mouse called his younger brother Heizi, who had the most ideas, over.

"Heizi, what the hell is going on?"

"Why don't they run away?" asked the mouse.

"Brother, I was wondering just now, but now I understand, they are playing an empty city strategy."

"Empty city plan?"

"What do you mean?" asked the mouse.

"Brother, in the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang used this trick to scare off Sima Yi's army."

"I guess they didn't expect we have so many brothers."

"They think they are no match for us."

"The road is blocked by us, and it's too late to run away."

"So, they deliberately pretended to be unpredictable and violent to scare us."

"On the surface, they pretended not to care about us, but in fact they were frightened to the point of trembling."

"Do you know why they didn't turn around?" Heizi asked.


"I guess they were so scared that they were sweating profusely and almost peed their pants."

"I turned around to avoid being seen by us, so I deliberately pretended to be cool."

"Boss, what are we afraid of, Brother Youxing?"

"If you ask me, let's do it!"

After hearing Heizi's analysis, Mouse felt it was quite reasonable.

Take a few steps forward, raise the steel pipe in your hand, and point at the back of the opposite person.

"Hey, stop fucking pretending."

"If you dare to damage our brother Xing's place, none of you will be able to get better today."

"Brothers, come on!"

When Mouse said this, the backs of three figures in suits and leather shoes opposite him slowly turned around.

Seeing the faces of these three people, Mouse's head buzzed, as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue.


"Stop, stop!"

"Fuck stop it."

"Dragon, Brother Long, Brother Xiaofei, Brother Dapeng, why is it you?"

Mouse didn't admit his mistake.

The three young men who turned around were none other than Dapeng Xiaofei and Wang Hailong.

These three people were well-known figures in Bianliang a few years ago.

In the past two years, following Yan Yonghui and facing the background of Li Yunhe and Lu Fei, his career has skyrocketed.

I'm not sure about other places. Anyone who lives in the area directly under the jurisdiction of Bianliang knows these three big guys.

Although Mo Zi is the best in Qingshui Town, there is no comparison with these three big guys.

It is not an exaggeration to say that with a casual word from Hai Long and the others, there would no longer be a place for rats to stand within the scope of Bianliang.

Mouse himself knew this.

Now it is clear that it is these three men. If the mouse did not wet his pants, he is considered a pure man.

Now he finally understands that this bullshit empty city plan is all nonsense.

Your own guess is the most correct answer, and others don't think highly of you at all!

Dapeng lit a cigarette and glanced at the mouse with disdain, frightening the guy to death.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, brother Dapeng. My name is Zhang Hao. You can just call me Mouse."

"I didn't know it was you three just now, I'm so sorry!"

"Are you going to take a trip into this muddy water?" Dapeng asked.


"I don't dare, I absolutely don't dare."

"Don't you dare get out of here?"

Although "Go away" is a derogatory word, in the ears of the mouse at this moment, it seems to be a wonderful heavenly voice, like a pardon order.

Throwing away the steel pipe in his hand, he nodded to Dapeng, turned around and ran away.

The boss suddenly ran away, and the rest of the gang collapsed instantly.

The mouse didn't even dare to get in the car and fled directly into the corn field.

In the blink of an eye, the eighty-year-old gangster is in front of you

Disappeared, leaving only various weapons on the ground.

Seeing the gangsters saying goodbye, Hai Long and the others turned back and continued directing the digging of trenches.

Yu Dabao on the opposite side and Yang Shixing in the car were completely petrified.

After five minutes, Yang Shixing finally recovered and quickly dialed Mouse's phone number.

There was no answer the first two times, but the third time finally came the sound of the rat panting.

"Mouse, what's going on?"

"Why did you run away?" Yang Shixing asked.

"Brother Xing, I'm really sorry, we can't take on this job."

"Also, don't call me from now on. Just pretend you don't know me!" Mouse said.

"What happened?"

"You know them, right?"

"who are they?"

"Why are you so afraid of them?" Yang Shixing shouted.

"I'm sorry, Brother Xing, I don't know anything."

"What the hell is going on?"

"Buddha said, don't say it."


"go to hell!"

No matter how Yang Shixing yelled, Mouse had already hung up the phone.

If you call again, the other party will shut down directly.

Yang Shixing is a man who has seen the world.

After what happened just now, although Yang Shixing didn't know who the other party was, he was sure that he had encountered a problem.

At the very least, he's someone a rat can't mess with.

Mo Zi is also a well-known figure in Qingshui Town, and there are really not many people he can't afford to offend.

Since he could scare the mouse like this, Yang Shixing did not dare to take it lightly.

He looked up at Yu Dabao, but there was no sign of him.

He looked into the grass.


As expected, the grandson got in again.

Seeing his cowardly look, Yang Shi gritted his teeth angrily, wishing he could rush over and give him a slap in the face.

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