A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1881 People feel refreshed during happy events

In the corner under the moonlight, a pair of old men over fifty were whispering, which was very interesting.

Facing Wei Shufen's questioning, Zhu Dahai became extremely nervous.

"Shufen, please wait for me a little longer."

"When the house is built and I finish arranging Tianbao's wedding, will I marry you right away?"

Wei Shufen was not happy to hear this.

"Zhu Dahai, I've had enough of this kind of sneakiness."

"We are all this old, maybe one day we fall asleep and never wake up again."

"I don't want to wait any longer."

"Tianbao is a sensible child, he will definitely not oppose us."

"If you are embarrassed to tell him, I will tell him in person tomorrow."

"No, please don't."

"I said, did I say it was still unsuccessful?" Zhu Dahai said.

"Well, you must give me an accurate answer today. When will you marry me?"


"Aunt Shufen, I have the final say in your affairs."

"Will you let my second uncle marry you tomorrow?"

Suddenly someone interrupted, and the second elder was startled.

When he saw clearly that it was Tianbao, his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Tianbao, you, why are you here?"

"What did you hear?" Zhu Dahai asked.

"We all heard it."

"Uncle Dahai, my aunt has expressed her opinion, so don't be reserved and act like a man's daughter, aren't you?"

"Just listen to Tianbao and marry your aunt tomorrow!"


"It's so embarrassing. It's all your fault."

Wei Shufen punched Zhu Dahai hard and ran away.

"Auntie, go back and get ready!"

"My second uncle will come to pick you up tomorrow."

When Tianbao shouted, Wei Shufen ran faster, making Wang Xinlei laugh.

Zhu Dahai looked at his nephew again, his expression was embarrassing.

"Tianbao, me, me"

"Second uncle, don't say anything else."


br\u003e “I’m outside, and what I’m most worried about is that there’s no one around you to take care of you.”

"I have known about you and Aunt Shufen for a long time."

"Aunt Shufen is a good person, I am completely relieved."

"Why don't you marry my aunt back tomorrow while Brother Fei and the others are here?" Tianbao said.


"Tianbao is absolutely right."

"Marry her over and you won't have to be secretive anymore." Wang Xinlei said.


"What else?"

"You agree with me, can you do it like a man?"

"In this case, let's go back and tell Brother Fei and the others about this happy event. I guarantee that everyone will definitely approve of it."

Zhu Dahai was still hesitating, but Tianbao Xiaoyao carried him back to the living room.

"Everyone, please be quiet. I have some great news to announce."

"Brother Fei, Uncle Dahai is getting a wife!"


Wang Xinlei's voice caused a commotion in the living room.

"Xiao Yao, what are you talking about?"

"Uncle Dahai is an elder, you can't make fun of him!"

"Yes, yes, if you dare to talk nonsense, Brother Long, I will whip you."

"Don't worry, I'm definitely not talking nonsense."

"Let Tianbao explain it to you in detail. I'll pee first."

Wang Xinlei went to the toilet, Zhu Tianbao was smiling, and Zhu Dahai was coy.

Everyone guessed this expression and immediately swarmed up to surround Zhu Dahai.

"Lao Zhu, can you tell me?"

"What's going on?"

Being forced by everyone, Zhu Dahai gritted his teeth and told the truth.

Zhu Dahai and Wei Shufen have been friends for seven or eight years.

Previously, Wei Shufen was afraid of being embarrassed and did not dare to marry Zhu Dahai due to her status as a widow.


After Wei Shufen figured it out, Zhu Dahai was worried that Tianbao would not agree.

There have been so many years of misunderstandings.

During the time when Tianbao was not at home, the two were inseparable.

Zhu Dahai was arrested, and Wei Shufen was very worried.

Today I heard that Zhu Dahai was released and came here to visit.

After hearing what Zhu Dahai said, everyone in Lu Fei laughed loudly. .??.

"Lao Zhu, this is a good thing!"

"Since you are in love with me, let's just do what Tianbao said and marry Aunt Shufen tomorrow."

"It just so happens that we are in Bianliang these days, so the crowds make it more lively."


"Brother Fei is right, there are so many people and it's so lively."

Everyone coaxed together, and Zhu Dahai's old face suddenly turned red.


"Second uncle, please stop being so."

"With Aunt Shufen taking care of you, Brother Fei and I can rest assured when we are outside."

"That's it!"

Li Yunhe laughed loudly.

"Everyone is right. Mr. Zhu, please stop holding it."

"In this case, I will say hello to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow and ask them to send someone to work on site."

"Getting the certificate and having a happy event are both possible."

Everyone offered good advice, and Zhu Dahai finally stamped his feet and shouted.


"Just tomorrow."


"Congratulations to Mr. Zhu, congratulations to Mr. Zhu!"

"Everyone here counts, come and have a wedding banquet tomorrow!"

After everyone cheered, Lu Fei immediately made arrangements.

"Xueqing, please measure Lao Zhu's size and order several sets of clothes for Lao Zhu overnight."

"Dapeng Xiaofei and Hailong, you are responsible for purchasing."

"Tomorrow, we will set up a running water mat in the village and notify the whole village to come and have a wedding banquet."

"Brother Yan, please arrange for the best wedding team in Bianliang to make it grander for me tomorrow."

"By the way, call some people over to decorate Mr. Zhu's new house. We will go to the Wei family at ten o'clock tomorrow morning to welcome the bride."


Lu Fei made arrangements and everyone prepared overnight.

Lu Fei worked until late at night before going back to rest.

When I came back at six o'clock the next morning, Huali Village was extremely lively.

Every farmhouse put up a sign saying it was temporarily closed, and all chefs and waiters were sent to Zhu's house to help.

The closure of all businesses was not only due to Zhu Dahai's popularity, but also because Zhu Tianbao spent money to book all the farmhouses.

Not only could he be a favor, but he could also get benefits, so the owner of the farmhouse would certainly not refuse.

Renting out dozens of farmhouses is a serious extravagance in the eyes of the villagers.

But with Tianbao's current financial resources, this is not even a drop in the bucket.

You know, after following Fei Ge for more than a year, Tianbao has made a lot of money!

It was even more lively when we arrived at the door of Zhu's house.

There are dozens of dining tables set up on the village road outside the door.

Red tablecloths, red lanterns, red happy characters, etc., filled with a festive atmosphere everywhere.

"Brother Fei, you're here."

"Tianbao, where is your second uncle?"

"Xue Qing is putting on makeup for my second uncle," Zhu Tianbao said.

"make up?"

"As for it?"

"Brother Fei, you don't know, my second uncle was so excited that he stayed up all night."

"This morning I had a pair of big dark circles under my eyes, and my eyelids were swollen."



When he came inside, Lu Fei asked them one by one, and all the preparations were in place.

The leaders of the Civil Affairs Bureau arranged by Li Yunhe came to work on site at 10:30.

After confirming that there was no problem, it was served early and everyone took a hasty bite.

After breakfast, the groom Zhu Dahai walked out of the room.

Dressed in suits and leather shoes, with a radiant face, this is how a serious person feels in high spirits during happy events!

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