A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1918 Returning with a full load

The underwater coffin is just ordinary pine wood. It has been soaked in this environment for decades and has long since become rotten.

The crowbar fell apart with just a little force.

Piece after piece of sawdust floated up, and in a short while, the entire coffin board was removed.

The four of them cleared away the large pieces of debris, and Lu Fei held his breath and plunged into the smelly sewage to start groping.


"Xiao Fei, how are you?"

Lu Fei spit out a few mouthfuls of sewage, raised a red agate bracelet and smiled.

"They're all here."

"There are two boxes below, and the rest are all in bulk."

"It's full of mud, so you have to be gentle."

"Tianhao, take the bag and work."


Qin Tianhao dropped the bag, and the four of them started working together.

At 3:30 in the morning, two electric tricycles quietly left Maojia Village carrying a full harvest.

Lu Fei and Gao Yuan dealt with the aftermath carefully.

Some wheat seedlings were dug up from deep in the wheat field and transplanted outside.

The work is done with great detail, and you can never tell it unless you look carefully.

After all the work was completed, Lu Fei and the other three jumped into the reservoir to clean the smelly mud from their bodies.

I put on some clean clothes, got into the tent and had a good sleep.

Early the next morning, Mao Jiang delivered breakfast.

The three of them continued fishing after eating.

I don’t know if it was because the Dragon King came back from a visit, or if the more than 100 kilograms of nest material had an effect.

The three people who had no results yesterday started connecting rods this morning.


"Brother Fei, my grass carp weighs at least ten pounds."

"Wild fish are so powerful, it's so enjoyable."

Pony yelled excitedly.

"It only weighs ten pounds, why are you yelling!"

"The one Brother Yuan got just now weighs at least twenty-five pounds."

"Hey, brother Yuan, you bit the hook again."


By the time Bai Dazhi arrived at the reservoir, Lu Fei and the others had already hit seven Big Macs.

\u003e Seeing the big fish struggling in the fish lake, Bai Dazhi's eyes almost popped out of his head in surprise.

"The Dragon King really showed up?"

"That is!"

"I told you yesterday that sincerity will lead to success, but you didn't believe it."

"See, we're here again."


"Holy shit"

I have been playing for more than three hours, and the connecting rod is always in the state.

Such abnormal results attracted all the fishing friends around.

Just when everyone was enjoying themselves, Lu Fei stood up.

"Old Bai, we have something to do and we have to go back to Tiandu."

"If you don't mind it, this fishing spot is yours."

"Really?" Bai Dazhi shouted excitedly.

"You do not want?"

"Yes, yes!"

"Thanks, buddy!"

"Don't thank me."

Lu Fei pointed to the Dragon King Temple Road behind him.

"If you want to thank me, just thank Lord Long!"


"Dragon Prince bless you, please don't take your life for granted!"

"That was all my buddies together."

Bai Dazhi's words made everyone burst into laughter.

Lu Fei gave the fish he caught to Mao Jiang and asked him to take it to the B\u0026B and sell it.

The old man is quite honest and insists on purchasing according to the market price.

There was no other way, so Lu Fei had no choice but to take the old man's 700 yuan and say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, Mao Jiang and his eldest son Mao Wenfu sent Lu Fei and the others to the entrance of the village, and then reluctantly said goodbye to the God of Wealth.

The reason why Lu Fei and the others stayed for a long time was to deceive others.

Everything seems perfect now.

No one saw anything wrong with the wheat field at all.

Even if someone finds out later,

Nor will it be associated with myself.

After getting on the highway, Lu Fei contacted Zuo Xuesong.

The three people over there have entered Zhongzhou with their harvest, and everything is going well.

Lu Fei traveled day and night and returned to Bianliang City safely at eight o'clock in the evening.

When he arrived in Bianliang, Lu Fei did not go home directly, but came to an unused villa owned by Li Yunhe in Beicheng District.

When Lu Fei and three others arrived, another group of people, Zuo Xuesong and others, had been waiting for a long time.

The uncle and nephew of the Qin family and Zuo Xuesong drove an electric three-wheeler back to the town last night and loaded it up overnight to return to Bianliang. .??.

Everything went smoothly, without anyone noticing.

"Brother Fei, you're back."


Lu Fei met everyone, and Xie Chuncheng walked out.

"Brother Fei, I got everything you asked me to buy."

"very good!"

"Brother Fei, why do you want me to buy that ultrasonic washing machine?"

"I asked around and they said that thing is for washing crayfish. Do you want to open a restaurant?" Xie Chuncheng asked.

"I'm going to kill you, you idiot."


After laughing, Zuo Xuesong led Lu Fei to the garage.

The rolling shutter door opened, and a stench hit his face. Lu Fei quickly took a few steps back.

After glaring at Zuo Xuesong, Lu Fei said angrily.

"You just brought it back to me in original form?"

"Right?" Zuo Xuesong nodded.

"Why don't you find a place to wash yourself? This damn thing smells so bad!"


"Time is tight and the tasks are heavy, so avoid unnecessary complications!"

"Besides, I can't afford it if the contents inside get damaged by washing," Zuo Xuesong said.

"Holy shit!"

"Your kid has learned to be bitchy now, are you feeling itchy?"

"No, Brother Fei, don't be angry. Can't I change it next time?"


! "

"Next time is next time. I'll give you a small punishment today."

"Except for those two boxes, the rest of the bulk goods will be cleaned by you."

The bulk cargo was packed into two large snakeskin bags, and cleaning out so many bits and pieces was quite a project.

When Zuo Xuesong heard this, he suddenly felt hopeless.

In fact, Lu Fei was just joking with him.

Even if Zuo Xuesong was willing to clean up alone, Lu Fei still thought the speed was too slow.

Carry the snakeskin bag into the courtyard, unzip it, connect the high-pressure water gun, reduce the pressure, and perform preliminary cleaning.

Lu Fei noticed it when he was collecting treasures before.

The two bags of bulk goods are all jewelry, gold and gemstones and other items.

These things are not afraid of water and will not cause harm as long as the pressure is not too great.

These treasures have been soaked in coffins full of mud for decades, and the smell can be imagined.

Now that it is washed by the water gun, the taste is even more delicious.

After two consecutive rounds of flushing, the smell finally became smaller.

Most of the mud on the jewelry has also been removed, and the original appearance can be seen clearly.

In the past, among the treasures in various places, these guys also found some top-notch jewelry.

Originally, everyone already had a certain immunity to these things.

But when the treasure in the bag gradually became clear, everyone became uneasy.

Gold inlaid with jade, gold inlaid with precious stones, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, agate and Dadong beads.

Jade, jade, tourmaline, coral, Dzi beads, any one you pick out is the best among treasures, the best among the best, without any flaws.

Lu Fei took an emerald bead the size of a table tennis ball in his hand and looked at it carefully.

The beads are round and green, crystal clear and extremely gorgeous.

"Brother Fei, this bead is so beautiful!" Zuo Xuesong cried out.

"Pony, turn off the lights."


Ma Tengyun agreed and turned off the light. An incredible scene happened instantly.

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