A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1921 Hundreds of birds paying homage to the phoenix robe

Lu Fei was extremely happy when he saw the golden quilt of Empress Dowager Cixi in the box.

Although the brocade quilt has rotted, the gems on it are not damaged.

Moreover, the natural patina of the gemstones is completely intact, making it extremely bright and moist.

It is not difficult for Lu Fei to collect these gems and have the opportunity to copy a gold brocade quilt in the future.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei inserted the demonic dragon into the rotten cotton wool and carefully picked out the cotton wool one by one.

As for the gems and pearls above, the two tough-mouthed guys Xie Chuncheng and Qin Tianhao will be punished to be responsible for picking them.

"I'm telling you, choose carefully for me."

"The number of beads here can be as small as a ding or a dozen."

"One less and I'm not done with you."


"Brother Fei, these big beads are okay. There are more than 10,000 rice beads in total. How do you want us to choose?"

"You might as well just kill us."

The two brothers suddenly fell in love with each other.


"Don't complain to me, this is your punishment for being stubborn."

"Choose carefully for me, and one less will deduct two years of your salary."


"Brother Fei"

"Shut up!"

"Get out of here if you continue to compare."

Lu Fei's eyebrows stood up, and the two brothers really didn't dare to say anything.

Everyone pursed their lips and stared, resisting the overwhelming stench as they groped through the sticky black rotten cotton wool.

More than 10,000 beads, that’s quite a lot of labor.

It is a severe test for both mental strength, physical strength and eyesight.

Seeing the aggrieved look of the two of them, the few people nearby laughed for a while. After laughing, they all helped to pick.

Most of the box was filled with disgusting rotten cotton wool.

It took Lu Fei more than an hour to pick them out.

When the last layer of rotten cotton wool was lifted up, a touch of orange was revealed underneath.


Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, looked at it carefully, and laughed out loud the next second.


"Here's some good stuff!"

After hearing this, everyone stopped what they were doing and came over to watch excitedly.

"Brother Fei, what is this?" Xiao Ma asked.

Lu Fei cleaned up a few more piles of rotten cotton wool and said with a smile.

"This is the Hundred Birds Phoenix Robe worn by Cixi."

"This is a super big baby."

"There are four hundred and twenty Dadong beads on this phoenix robe, and one thousand middle beads."

"There are 4,500 small pearls in total, and 1,135 large and small gemstones in total."

"According to Li Lianying's oral account, the cost price of this phoenix robe was 790,000 taels of snowflake silver."

"According to the current market value, it is worth more than 10 billion."


"So expensive?"

"Isn't this girl too luxurious?"


"That's not luxury, that's prodigal, okay?"

The boys expressed their opinions, and Lu Fei nodded.

"Yes, he is a prodigal."

"At that time, the Qing government was plagued by internal and external troubles and corruption."

"The front line and military supplies have been without official pay for months, but this bitch is so extravagant and wasteful."

"The value of her burial objects alone is more than half of the Qing Dynasty's treasury."

"If we use this money for military supplies and equipment, and recruit wise men to fight against foreign enemies, the fate of China may be rewritten!"

"Strictly speaking, this bitch is a sinner in the history of China."

"Sun Mazi raped her Dongling, and she deserves it."

"This is retribution."

Xie Chuncheng raised his eyebrows in a disgraceful manner

Thumb said.

"Brother Fei said that's great."

"Now that we have taken these treasures, it can be regarded as justice for heaven, right?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"You are right, we are doing justice for heaven."

"You can say such upright and awe-inspiring words, Brother Fei, I must reward you well."

When Xie Chuncheng heard that he was going to be rewarded, he was so excited that his mouth and fork were stuck to his ears.

"Thank you Brother Fei, thank you Brother Fei." .??.

"Hey, Brother Fei, how are you going to reward me?"

The phoenix robe of Bai Niao Chao is made of gold silk, brocade thread and gold foil. Although it is also rotten, it is much better than the brocade quilt.

Lu Fei casually took out a large piece of tattered cloth and said to Xie Chuncheng.

"Brother Fei, I keep my word, and I will reward you for picking out all the beads on this phoenix robe."

"Be careful, there is one missing bead, I only ask you."


"I'm not alive anymore!"


Xie Chuncheng was about to cry but had no tears, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Brother Fei, why do you always target me?"

"There are so many beads, how can I choose them all?"

Xie Chuncheng was crying and feeling extremely aggrieved.

"Chuncheng, don't you know what is good and what is bad?"

"This phoenix robe is different from the brocade quilt just now."

"These are the clothes worn by Empress Dowager Cixi. You can touch them with phoenix energy."

"Also, these are all top-grade Oriental pearls and gemstones."

"Most people will never have the opportunity to see it in their lifetime. You can pick it up yourself. This is a great blessing!"



Xie Chuncheng still wanted to bite his tongue, but thinking of Lu Fei's anxious expression, he swallowed it back.

Then he looked at the others aggrievedly.

"Brothers, Brother Fei said that doing this job can bring you good luck. Can you help me together?"

Xiaoma patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

"I think that we should give up!"

"This is Brother Fei's reward for yourself, and we don't dare to take advantage of it."

"Besides, we don't have that fate!"

"Brother, you're going to be better off this time."

"You are unjust!!"


All joking aside, of course we can't let him pick out his own items.

The two items add up to more than 20,000 beads. If he were to complete it alone, he would be presbyopic even if he was not crazy.

Even if there were no such sequelae, we would not have much time to wait in the United States.

After laughing for a while, everyone squatted down to help.

Even Gao Yuan started to pick.

Lu Fei picked out all the rags in the box, leaving a thick layer of beads and gems of different sizes at the bottom of the box.

Lu Fei turned on another ultrasonic cleaning machine, held the box and poured all the beads into it.

There was only the last box left. It was still early, so Lu Fei was not in a hurry.

Let everyone continue to pick, and one person goes outside to light a cigarette to get some air.

It wasn't that Lu Fei was being lazy, he just couldn't stand the smell.

Good guy!

After decades of fermentation in the stagnant mud, the smell was several times worse than that of rotting corpses.

The smell is indescribable. If you smell it for a long time, you must be poisoned.

Lu Fei didn't even dare to light a cigarette inside, for fear of igniting the generated methane gas, so he had to sneak out.

He took out a top-quality cigarette and took a deep breath. The long-lost tobacco aroma slowly circulated in his lungs.

I looked up at Ban Yue and breathed out the cigarette. It felt so comfortable.

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