A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1923 Grasshopper and Cabbage

As soon as Xie Chuncheng was mentioned about the bet, he immediately became frightened and everyone burst into laughter.

After laughing, Lu Fei called the guy over again.

"Watch how I open the golden lock."

Lu Feiban opened the Qilin Needle and was about to take action, Ma Tengyun said with a smile.

"Brother Fei, let me do this little thing!" .??.??


Lu Fei handed over the Qilin Needle, but Ma Tengyun didn't take it at all.

He smiled and pulled Xie Chuncheng over.

"Brother Ma, what do you want to do?"

"Don't move, let me borrow something from you."



Xie Chuncheng was still confused, and there was a slight pain in his scalp.

When he reacted, he realized that Ma Tengyun had pulled out two of his hairs.

"Brother Ma, why are you pulling my hair out?"

"What do you mean? I'm borrowing two sticks from you."

"Why do you have to borrow it from me?"

Xiao Ma smiled slightly.

"Among us, you have the longest hair!"

Xiao Ma said, quickly twisting two strands of Xie Chuncheng's hair into a twist.

Twist the two strands together, leaving a trap the size of a grain of rice.

Under everyone's gaze, Xiao Ma inserted one side of the trap into the locked keyhole.

He shook slightly, winked at everyone and smiled.

"Chuncheng, you boy, keep an eye on it."

"The time has come to witness the miracle!"

As he said that, Xiao Ma exerted slight force on his fingers.


There was a crisp sound, and the golden lock opened.

"Holy shit!"


"Isn't it incredible that hair can open locks?"


"As expected of the Thief Saint of Guandong, I can't help but accept it!"

“A cow is a cow.”

"But with such a perverted master around me, I always feel uncomfortable."

\u003e "Hey, Brother Xiao Ma, you won't do anything to your brother, will you?"

"That's hard to say. I lost a pair of underwear last week. Maybe Brother Ma stole them."


After making a few jokes, Xiao Ma threw away his hair and made a gesture of invitation to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei gave Xiao Ma a heartfelt thumbs up.

His brothers have special skills and are loyal to him.

Having them by your side can help you solve a lot of things in certain situations.

For themselves, they are more important than their wealth.

Seeing these people in front of him, Lu Fei couldn't help but think of the brothers who went to the South China Sea with him in his previous life.

At present, several descendants of the Gao family, Qin family, Ma family, Xie family, and Zuo family have been found and gathered together.

In addition to the adopted sister and the little rogue who have no descendants, there are also several brothers whose descendants have not been found.

In the last life, his brothers were implicated and died in the South China Sea.

In this life, their descendants must be gathered together.

Even if they don't want to stay with you, you still want to give them a safe and prosperous life.

Otherwise, how can I be worthy of the spirits of those brothers in heaven!

Thinking of this, Lu Fei had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Gao Yuan asked.

"I'm fine."

"Let's see what treasure is inside this box first!"

Lu Fei said as he opened the gold-embossed red sandalwood box with his own hands.

The lid was lifted, revealing a piece of red silk inside.

Even after decades, the red silk remains as bright as ever.

There are two reasons why the color did not fade.

The first is that there is no oxidation.

Another reason is excellent quality.

The red silk fabric is the finest silk and satin in Suzhou.

The material chosen is the two layers of silk thread in the middle of the silkworm cocoon, dyed with natural pigments.

Silkworm cocoons were divided into five layers in the past.

The first two layers are called outer silk.

The texture of this kind of silk thread is hard and not flexible enough.

The innermost layer has relatively little exposure to air and sunlight, and is too soft in texture.

Only the middle two layers are the finest silk threads.

The materials made are moderately soft and hard, and more arbitrary, and more than 90% of them will be sent to the palace as tribute.

So it is rarely seen outside.

Returning to the main story, Lu Fei lifted up the red cloth and suddenly took a breath of air.

"Grasshopper and cabbage?"

"Holy shit!"

"It turned out to be it!"

"It turns out to be it!"

"Great, great."

Lu Fei was very excited, and the other brothers were also very surprised.

Although they don't understand the value of grasshopper and cabbage.

But the lifelike shape already amazed them.

Speaking of Cixi’s Jade Cabbage, most people have heard of it.

But what many people don’t know is that Cixi Lafayette loved more than just jade cabbage.

But there is also a jade carving of Grasshopper and Cabbage.

The piece is nearly twenty centimeters high, fifteen centimeters wide and weighs about two kilograms.

The lower part of the cabbage is gray and yellow with brown spots. The leaf veins on it are distinct and the leaves are rolled. The image is lifelike and the knife technique is simple.

The author made use of the emerald green color of the cabbage heart to create a round sculpture of a pair of fat, big-bellied katydids and a praying mantis. They seem to be crawling and gnawing on the vegetable leaves, which is lifelike.

The vitality of vegetables, grass and insects will arouse the caressing feelings of the viewer.

The author's ingenuity and wonderful construction are even more impressive. His outstanding technical achievements are the best among jade carvings in the Qing Dynasty.

The raw material of this jadeite naturally contains three colors: white, green and yellow.

When carving, the ingenious craftsmen did not avoid the yellow green texture, but boldly left it on the vegetable side.

It realistically expresses the texture of cabbage after being frosted, but reveals a rich flavor of life, making this cabbage more charming.

Since ancient times, Chinese people have had a unique love for jade.

After the Qing Dynasty, jade ornaments carved from fine jade became even more rare treasures.

Cabbage has the same pronunciation as "hundreds of wealth", and it means blessing you with abundant wealth.

Chinese people have said since ancient times that "cabbage and tofu ensure peace", and jade cabbage also represents peace and health.

Moreover, the white cabbage with green leaves is also a symbol of innocence, which means that the collector is indifferent to fame and wealth and has an elegant integrity, and must be pure and upright.

There is an entrance and exit door in the Forbidden City named after "Katydid". The katydid is a grasshopper, which means many offspring.

When foreign envoys came to visit, Emperor Kangxi would hang numerous grasshopper cages in the main hall and listen to the "group singing" of the grasshoppers. The word "grasshopper" is a homonym for the word "country".

The euphemistic name is: "All nations come to court!" In the north, people have a hobby of raising insects, and raising chirping insects has accumulated into a culture of chirping insects.

The themes of grasshopper and cabbage are both popular among the public. Combining the two, the meaning is richer.

The meaning of "grasshopper and cabbage" for the country is: the country owns a lot of wealth, the country is rich and the people are strong!

For individual families, it means: great wealth, many children, good fortune, and promotion!

Therefore, "grasshopper cabbage" has been used as a theme by many artists, using gold, silver, jade, paper, ivory and other carriers to create works of art in the form of casting, carving, and painting as home furnishings.

In her later years, Cixi's health deteriorated, so she drank cabbage soup to regulate her intestines and maintain her health.

"Cai Cai" and "Baicai" are homophonic, meaning to attract wealth and good fortune. Gold and silver are also called yellow and white things, so cabbage is regarded as an excellent lottery ticket.

And because cabbage is layered in layers, it is regarded as a good sign of wealth in every layer.

It is precisely because of these connotations that Cixi had a special love for cabbage.

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