A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1940 Senior Brother Calm Down

After joking a few times with Gao Yuan, Lu Fei asked the two little Taoist priests to carry the box in.

The box Lu Fei customized was quite big. In addition to containing treasures, it also had a thick protective layer.

Due to its huge size, the little Taoist priest had to carry a box back with two people.

Entering the Taoist temple, Zhao Yuting, Ma Qingfeng and other Taoist priests were waiting for him.

Seeing the two apprentices carrying such a big box, Ma Qingfeng and Zhao Yuting looked at each other in surprise.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"Why is this box so big?"

"How much stuff does this have to hold?" Zhao Yuting exclaimed.

Ma Qingfeng saw his senior brother's surprise and quickly comforted him in a low voice.

"Senior brother, despite the size of the box, there may not necessarily be many things in it."

"Jushi Lu is a professional collector, and he pays most attention to protection."

"I think there should be several individually packaged small boxes inside. In total, there are only seven or eight pieces at most."

Zhao Yuting nodded.

"Junior brother's words make sense."

"Even if there are ten items, it can be done in half an hour at most."

"Senior brother, I can still hold on."

While talking, the two little Taoist priests put the big box on the ground, nodded to the two masters, and prepared to turn back and go out.

Zhao Yuting was slightly startled.

"Hua Feng, Hua Liang, where are you going?"

The little Taoist priest saluted with his hand.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"Go back to Master, there are still others outside."




Hearing the replies from the two apprentices, Zhao Yuting looked somewhat embarrassed.


"I see."

"Junji Lu is our honored guest. Don't be indifferent. Follow Jingshi Lu's arrangements in everything!"

"Also, Master Lu's treasure is by no means an easy thing. Remember to handle it with care."

"Yes, Master!"

After a while, two little Taoist priests came in carrying a large box of the same size.

When he saw that it was such a big box, Zhao Yuting couldn't help but

Jin started to chew his teeth.

"Is it such a big box again?"

"Brother, please calm down!"

"Two boxes can only hold twenty items at most."

"Jushi Lu is our distinguished guest, and he is very generous. Please don't show any impatience!"

"Don't worry, junior brother, I will do my best to assist you when the consecration ceremony is held." Ma Qingfeng said.

"Junior brother, you are worrying too much."

"I'm just a little surprised, how could I be impatient!"

"We must help Master Lu."

"Don't say ten or twenty, even if it's a hundred or a thousand, I won't refuse."

"By the way, Jushi Lu's packaging box is actually made of iron pear wood. This material is not cheap!"

"What the senior brother said is true, what the senior brother said is true!"

The two Taoist priests looked for relief, and the little Taoist priest walked outside again.

"Hua Feng, where else are you going?"

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"Back to Master, there's more!"



Zhao Yuting's mouth was opened to the extreme. It is no exaggeration to say that half of the steamed buns could be put in at the same time without touching his lips.

Seeing that his senior brother was so rude, Ma Qingfeng quickly reminded him.

"Brother, you are out of control!"

"calm down!"

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

"Senior brother, I'm just surprised."

"That gorgeous style!"

"Let me tell you, Master, how many boxes are there outside?" Zhao Yuting asked nervously.

"Go back to Master, there are two more."


"Two more?"


"What, how big is the box?"

"Same size as these two."



"Master, what's wrong with you?"


"Master, it's okay. You go and help Master Lu."

"Don't be impatient!"

"Don't forget, Master Lu is our distinguished guest."

"Yes, Master!"

When the two little Taoist priests went out, Zhao Yuting almost cried.

He pulled Ma Qingfeng aside and said with a sad face. ??

"Junior brother, did you hear that?"

"Hua Feng said there are two more boxes."

"How many pieces of jewelry must be packed in four such big boxes!"

"It looks like we'll be busy next time."

Ma Qingfeng's expression wasn't much better, but his mentality was obviously slightly better than Zhao Yuting's.

"It doesn't matter, four boxes only contain forty treasures at most."

"With our ability, half a day is enough."

"Don't be nervous or regretful. Don't forget, Master Lu is not a stingy person."

"He will definitely not let us take such a difficult task in vain."

Thinking of Lu Fei's generosity and generosity, Zhao Yuting's mood finally relaxed a little.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

"Junior brother is right."

"Consecration is our business scope. Solving other people's problems is the foundation of us cultivators. Senior brother understands this."

"Well, let's go meet Master Lu!"


While they were talking, all four large ironwood boxes were brought in, and Lu Fei also came back.

Seeing Zhao Yuting, Lu Fei slapped his hands and saluted.

"Zhenzhen Zhao, these are the jewelry given to my wife."

"You don't think it's too much trouble, do you?"

Zhao Yuting forced out an awkward smile.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"What did Master Lu say?"

"You are our most valued guest, no matter what the request is,

No one would refuse. "

"It's just four boxes, no problem!"

Lu Fei returned the courtesy.

"Thank you, Master Dao!"

"You're welcome, Master Lu."

"However, there is something I need to discuss with you, Mr. Lu."

"Master Tao, please speak."

"That's right. In order to better pray for your lady, we need to know the specific quantity of the jewelry."

"Only in this way can we report truthfully when communicating with Dao Zun."

"Otherwise, if the wrong number is reported and the goal is not achieved, Taoist Master might be blamed!"

Lu Fei nodded.

"I understand what Mr. Dao said, but I'm afraid it's not particularly convenient in the courtyard."

"How about we go to the Taoist Master's room in the backyard and talk about it?"

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"What Master Lu said makes sense, please!"


Such a toss-up between the two parties attracted countless tourists who came to the Taoist temple to offer incense.

Everyone is wondering why the viewer attaches so much importance to this young man.

Also, what kind of treasures are contained in the young man's four large and very high-end boxes?

At this time, someone suddenly whispered.


"Why does the young man talking to Master Zhao look so familiar?"


"It looks familiar to me. Why does it feel like it's Mr. Lu Feilu?"


"I also saw it, it's Lu Fei."

"Yes, he is Lu Fei."


"Lu Fei actually came to Yanqing Temple to offer incense. It seems that Yanqing Temple is not an ordinary efficacious person!"

“This time I chose Yanqing Temple, and I made the right choice!”

Everyone's discussion became louder and louder, reaching Zhao Yuting's ears in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yuting, who was a little depressed at first, was overjoyed when he heard these voices.

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