A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1946 The real purpose

Seeing that the object in the box turned out to be the Taoist treasure Tiangang Sword, the two Taoist masters were amazed.

Zhao Yuting opened his eyes and examined it himself. He checked it carefully and found nothing suspicious. He couldn't help but be overjoyed.

But this is not yet completely certain that it is genuine.

After a while, Ma Qingfeng turned out the Taoist classics.

Compare them one by one according to the descriptions of the characteristics of the Tiangang Sword in the classics.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

"Brother, it is recorded in the classics that the Qianlong Tongbao, the starting coin of the thirty-six Kaiyuan copper coins, is missing a horizontal line in the middle of the word "Qian"."

"That was artificially rubbed away and replaced by a dot."

"And there are cinnabar dots among the dots, do you see it right?"

Zhao Yuting found a magnifying glass and looked carefully, his eyes widened instantly.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"Yes, exactly."

"The word "gan" is indeed missing a horizontal line in the middle. It is now a dot. There are a few tiny red spots in the middle, which are the imprints of cinnabar!"


"Tao Zun showed his sage and actually let me see the most precious Tiangang Sword!"

"Thank you, Taoist Master, thank you, Taoist Master!"

Seeing Zhao Yuting's expression, Lu Wei smiled.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, don't worry, senior brother, there is another characteristic." Ma Qingfeng said.




"Back to senior brother, according to records, there is a dot in the middle of the word "xi" in the Kangxi Tongbao copper coin at the end of the coin."

"That dot is also dotted with cinnabar. The purpose is to form the Tiangang Yang Gathering Formation to gather Yang Qi for the Tiangang Sword."

"Look quickly, is there anything up there?"

Zhao Yuting started studying again, and soon his excited shouts were heard.

"Yes, yes!"

"All the characteristics are exactly the same as those recorded in the classics."

"And all aspects are in place, which is enough to prove that this is true

The true Tiangang Sword! "

Having said this, Zhao Yuting put down the magnifying glass and came to Lu Fei respectfully.

The editor bowed deeply.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"Jushi Lu is indeed the son of destiny!"

"You can find important treasures such as the Tiangang Sword. This is the blessing between you and the Taoist sect!"

"May I ask Master Lu, where did this treasure come from?"

Lu Fei returned the courtesy.

"This is a treasure I got by chance. I'm sorry that I can't tell you how I got it."

"This is the Taoist treasure."

"If Master Tao can help me fulfill my wish, I would like to donate this sword to Yanqing Temple for free."

"But I have to explain one thing. I haven't done much research on this treasure. I can't guarantee whether it is genuine or not!"

Hearing that Lu Fei said that he wanted to donate the Tiangang Sword to Yanqing Temple, Zhao Yuting was so excited that he didn't know what to do.

He opened his arms and wanted to give Lu Fei a bear hug. After thinking about it, he felt it was inappropriate, so he finally bowed at a 90-degree angle.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"


"Thank you so much."

"Pindao has already checked it. This is indeed the Tiangang Sword, the most precious treasure of our Taoist sect."

"This treasure means so much to us, thank you so much."

Lu Fei nodded.

"In that case, I will donate it to you."

"But what about me?"

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

"You are right, Master Lu. The statue of the Three Purities Golden Body should be invited out to enjoy the incense and worship. This is a great merit."

"Later, the poor Taoist took a shower and changed clothes. He asked the Taoist Master to bless him with his golden body and personally presided over the consecration ceremony to pray for Mr. Lu's more than 20,000 pieces of jewelry."

Saying that, Zhao Yuting stretched out his fingers

Quickly deduce.

"Lord Lu, Pindao just deduced that today's auspicious time is noon."

"It's still two-quarters of an hour until noon."

"Later, the poor Taoist asked the Taoist Master to set up the Seven-Star Big Dipper Formation, and with the blessing of the stars and the power of the Taoists, he ensured that the ceremony would be completed within noon." .??.

"This will not only drive away the evil spirits, but also completely seal the dragon and phoenix spirits in the jewelry."

"If your lady wears such jewelry, she will definitely have a long and peaceful life."

"Well, Lu Fei thanks Master Dao in advance."

"From now on, this treasure is yours to watch in Yanqing."

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

"Thank you, Master Lu."

"Pindao hereby swears that no matter what happens, Lay Master Lu and your descendants will always be the most distinguished guests of Yanqing Temple."

Having said that, Zhao Yuting couldn't wait to come to the Tiangang Sword.

Just as he was about to reach out and pick up the Tiangang Sword, his junior brother Ma Qingfeng stopped him.

"Senior brother, no!"


"What's going on?" Zhao Yuting asked confused.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord!"

"Don't touch this precious treasure rashly."

"Senior brother, you need to bathe, change clothes, and burn incense at the altar before you can start!"

Zhao Yuting patted his head and said.

"Blessings and Immeasurable Heavenly Lord!"

"What junior brother said is absolutely true. It's all because of brother being too impatient."

"Lord Lu, please wait here for a moment while Pindao arranges for his disciples to come and serve."

"I'll see you again after Pindao and my junior brother have taken a bath and purified themselves."

"Master Tao, please."

Looking at the two Taoist masters leaving, Lu Fei smiled knowingly, lit a cigarette and sat down.

There is no doubt that the Tiangang Sword was made by Lu Fei himself.

As for the features on the Tiangang Sword, Lu Fei knows it better than Zhao Yuting and Ma Qingfeng, so naturally

Made perfectly.

However, Lu Fei did not deliberately use the fake Tiangang Sword to fool the two veterans.

As the saying goes, sincerity leads to spiritual success.

As long as those who use and worship the Tiangang Sword think it is real, then it is real.

Even if others say no, they will think so.

As for making the Tiangang Sword, Lu Fei actually had another purpose.

The original intention of making this sword was to use it as a stepping stone to invite the golden statue of Taoist Sanqing.

Lu Fei was a member of the Taoist sect, and he knew the origins and experiences of the three statues. They were indeed rare and supreme magic weapons of the Taoist sect.

In a few days, Lu Fei will travel to England, which is the territory of the Thomas family. Lu Fei always feels incomplete.

In the past few days, Lu Fei felt uneasy and made random guesses from time to time.

The reason why the Thomas family suddenly changed their attitude was not because they sincerely made friends with themselves.

Several times, Lu Fei caused them heavy losses, and they wished they could cut him into pieces with thousands of knives.

The reason why he changed his attitude was the second seven-star knife he posted on Weibo.

It was this knife that made them fearful.

Otherwise, they probably would have started to take revenge on themselves.

Not only the Thomas family, but also the Robert family.

In China before, they couldn't help themselves.

But this time I want to go to the UK, which is like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

One careless move could lead to catastrophe.

In addition, if they knew that the head of the Xiao family, Xiao Tingfang, was their biological mother, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

However, for the Thomas family's seven-star national sword, Lu Fei had to go there even though he knew there were tigers in the mountains.

All kinds of worries combined made Lu Fei uneasy.

So before Lu Fei was about to leave, he did a divination in front of the golden statue of Taoist Sanqing to see what his fortune would be like.

This is the real purpose of making Tiangang Sword.

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