Hearing Lu Fei's name, the threesome were shocked.

However, the little milk dog's attitude towards them made the three top young men feel inexplicably aggrieved.

What are you doing!

You know, how united and majestic the foursome were?

But now, just because of Lu Fei, Di Ruilong has not seen everyone for more than a year.

After more than a year, the pretending foursome finally reunited, but the little naughty dog ​​scolded them in front of everyone.

This made the pretentious trio, who had always been successful, feel extremely hurt.

Just when the three of them were depressed, Lu Fei took the initiative to reach out.

"Hello, nice to meet you."

The little brothers have long been disgusted with the arrogance and domineering attitude of the threesome. .??.??

Everyone was gearing up, waiting for Lu Fei to look at him so that he could rush forward and teach the three of them an unforgettable lesson.

But instead of looking at them, Lu Fei stood up and took the initiative to express his goodwill to the three of them, which made the little brothers somewhat puzzled.

In fact, Lu Fei didn't pay attention to the attitudes of the three of them at all.

Wasn't the little puppy like that back then a tough guy?

They are so arrogant because they have arrogant capital and strong capital, but it does not mean that their character is rubbish.

If they were really heinous people, Di Ruilong wouldn't have been able to get so close to them.

Even if Di Ruilong was blind, Di Chaodong would not agree.

It doesn't matter if young people like to pretend to pick up girls, as long as they are not immoral, then there is no problem.

What's more, the backgrounds of these three people are quite extraordinary. If they really become friends, they will definitely get a lot of convenience when doing business in their territory in the future.

Another point is that Lu Fei has some connections with the company of the Qiao Yang family, the most prominent family among the three.

Based on this, Lu Fei, who has been born in two lifetimes, will not care about anything with them.

Lu Fei took the initiative to show his goodwill and pretended to be a surprise to the trio.

Although they were still a little unhappy with Lu Fei, they didn't want to end the situation now.

The face is stiff.

After all, this is Di Ruilong's home court, and the Di family still has to give them face.

I didn't know how to smooth things over just now, so I just took advantage of this opportunity to get off the road.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yang was the first to reach out his hand.

"Hello, respected Mr. Lu Fei."

"I often hear Master Di talking about you, but it's a pity that I have never met you."

"It was a small misunderstanding just now, please don't mind."


"I'm not that stingy."

Then, Cai Hexuan and Zheng Wei'an also shook hands with Lu Fei.

However, these two people were not as open-minded as Qiao Yang. They just shook hands and nodded without exchanging pleasantries.

Seeing everyone shaking hands and making peace, the little puppy let out a sigh of relief.

The tense situation just now really startled this guy, but that was not what he expected to see.

One side is my brother, and the other side is my good brother who I used to play with. It's really uncomfortable to be caught in the middle.

Fortunately, the old grudges were settled and the misunderstanding was resolved.

In order to avoid conflicts from happening again, the little girl did not introduce anyone else to the pretentious trio.

Leave these three people to Wang Xinlei to take care of, and the Zhang Luo reception officially begins.

Not talking about others, just the pretentious trio chatted with Wang Xinlei for a while, found an excuse to get away from Wang Xinlei, came to the corner, and started drinking by themselves in depression.

Seeing Lu Fei and his brothers eating, drinking, and yelling without moral integrity, Cai Hexuan snorted with disdain.


"A bunch of old haters who have never seen the world, as if they have never eaten seafood in their lives."

"Where did Mr. Di find these poor relatives? How fucking shameful!"

"Who says it isn't?"

"Look at those two fat guys

, actually came out in pajamas. "

"And that kid, his lip was pricked and bleeding and he couldn't stop eating."

"What a lack of quality!"

"Hey, Master Qiao, why don't you say anything?"

Zheng Wei'an and the two murmured a few words, but found that Qiao Yang remained silent and his malicious eyes were always staring at Lu Fei's luck. .??.

Zheng Wei'an and the other two also looked over and immediately hit the top beam door with anger.

At this time, a group of beauties gathered around Lu Fei.

Chen Xiang peeled shrimps for Lu Fei, and Caroline handed Lu Fei tissues.

Wei Lingshan filled Lu Fei's glass with wine, while Kong Jiaqi brought the unfinished bird's nest soup to Lu Fei.

The thin and thin Song Xiaojiao and Liang Ruyi were holding tuna sashimi but could not squeeze past Lu Fei. The two girls stomped their feet in anger.

Seeing such a scene, the eyes of the pretentious trio were about to burst.

"Damn it!"

"How virtuous and capable is Lu Fei?"

"Why are there so many beautiful women surrounding him?"

"In terms of looks, any one of the three of us would be able to kill him instantly."

"In terms of connections, the three of us can travel around the world without any money."

"In terms of financial resources, let alone that."

"Why is Lu Fei so popular?"


"It's okay to say that those Chinese girls don't open their eyes, but why is my goddess, Miss Caroline, also surrounding him?"

"Why the hell is this!"

"I am so angry!"

"Master Qiao, you have to think of a way!"

"I must teach Lu Fei a lesson today, otherwise I will go crazy."

Zheng Wei'an and the two kept making noises.

Qiao Yang was also very angry.

Gritting his teeth and breathing heavily, suddenly, this guy's eyes lit up.

"Yes, I"

When Qiao Yang was about to talk about his plan, the foreign girl they brought twisted her waist and came closer.

"Master Qiao, I'm a little dizzy. Can we go back to the room?"

When the show-off trio comes, each person chooses a horse that they think they can handle to show off.

Unexpectedly, the foreign girl he brought with him was not on the same level as the women around Lu Fei.

Especially with their goddess Caroline present, the woman he brought suddenly became a stinking piece of shit.

They didn't bother to look at them at first, but now they were disturbing them again. The three of Qiao Yang were so angry that they vented all their anger on them.

He cursed loudly and sent his woman back to the room.

"Master Qiao, there is no one here now, can you tell me your plan?"


"I just thought of a brilliant idea, which will definitely slap Lu Fei's black face." Qiao Yang said excitedly.

"What's your idea? You should tell me quickly!"

"We can't wait."

Qiao Yang stated his thoughts, and Zheng Wei'an and Cai Hexuan nodded frequently.

"What a way, what a great idea!"

"We hit him in the face with what he does best, and it was so cool."

"But, are we sure?"

"It is said that Lu Fei's reputation is not in vain." Zheng Wei'an asked worriedly.

"Do not worry!"

"I've seen it a long time ago. That guy is only slightly better than those old haters."

"With the strength of the three of us, we can crush him in minutes."

"What I'm most worried about now is that Lu Fei doesn't dare to accept the move."

"As long as he dares to challenge me, I promise to make him lose face."

"As long as Lu Fei makes a fool of himself in public, I don't believe that the arrogant Miss Caroline will even look at him again."

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