After the little nanny's introduction, everyone became very interested in Cai Hexuan's blue and white ghost sports car, the world's only one.

Everyone rushed over, scrambling for the little puppy’s mobile phone to view the photos.

Everyone who saw the appearance of the sports car was full of praise.

Hearing these compliments, Cai Hexuan felt as if he had taken a dose of Betel Nut Shunqi Pills, not to mention how happy he was.

On the other hand, Qiao Yang, who was already a little depressed, was even more speechless now.


What the hell is going on! .??.??

My plane costs thirty million dollars!

Why isn't it as good as Lao Cai's $15 million sports car?

What do these bumpkins think?

Do you still have some basic aesthetic knowledge?

Bad review!

It must be a negative review!

Vulgar, kitsch, uneducated.



Thinking that Wang Xinyi would like it, Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"No problem, I'll take over this sports car."

"Young Master Zheng, Young Master Qiao and Young Master Cai have all brought out good things, why don't you express your gratitude?" Lu Fei asked.

Hearing this, the pretentious trio all rolled their eyes.

"Mr. Lu, I am not telling you as a friend that your appetite is a bit too big, right?"

"Hey, Lao Cai and I have 45 million dollars worth of stuff together!"

"How do you deal with such a perverted price?"

"I really can't imagine that other than your Boeing private jet, what other daily necessities can be worth so much money." Qiao Yang said with disdain.

There was no need for Lu Fei to speak this time, and the little puppy looked down upon him.

"Old Qiao, let me tell you the truth, we are all friends. I don't approve of you playing such a big game."

"Master Di, me"

"Shut up and listen to what I have to say."

"But if you think about it carefully, tens of millions of dollars is not a big problem for you."

"Since you plan to entertain everyone,

I won't stop you. "

"But don't be so arrogant."

"My brother has many more good things than you think."

"The combined worth of the two of you is only 45 million dollars. This is just drizzle."

"My brother's EC225, it's a super limited edition modified version, worth 60 million U.S. dollars."

"I really don't know, where do you all get your sense of superiority?"


Hearing this, Qiao Yang, who was drinking, almost choked to death.


"You, you said Lu Fei has an EC225?"

"Say Mr. Di, bragging is more disgusting than breaking your shoes these days?"

"There are no more than ten EC225s in the world, how can he afford it?"

"Can you please stop making international jokes?"

"That's right!"

“Although you don’t have to pay taxes if you brag these days, you still have to exercise some restraint.”

"Otherwise, it will really affect your character, right?"

Cai Hexuan and Zheng Weian's lips turned upward.

They simply didn't believe what the little milk dog said.

When the EC225 was launched that year, the foursome tried to reserve one through their connections, and then exhibited it at Global World Showcase, but unfortunately they were unable to do so.

How powerful are the status and background of the four of them?

Even the four young men couldn't handle it, how could Lu Fei and the others be able to do it?

Isn't that nonsense?

You know, EC225 is not only money, but also a symbol of status. It cannot be bought with money at all!

The little naughty dog ​​glared at them with great contempt.

"I advise you to spend less time picking up girls and go out more often."

"This world is not just

Having a woman is so simple, please broaden your horizons, please? "

"What are you doing like that? What's that word called? Toad has never seen that one in the sky."

"Brother Long, are you talking about the frog in the well?" Wang Xinlei prompted.

The little milk dog suddenly realized.

"That's right, it's the frog in the well."

"You three idiots are the frog in the well."

"To tell you the truth, my brother not only owns an EC225, but he also has two of them. Are you convinced now?"


"Di Ruilong, shut up!" ??

"We treat you like a brother, but you treat us like idiots."

"If you try to help him brag again, we will break off our relationship with you."

The trio of pretentious men blew their beards and stared at each other angrily, making the little naughty dog ​​even happy.

After thinking about it carefully, the little puppy felt relieved.

More than a year ago, I was just like them.

Every day, I was drunk in the wine pool and the meat forest, soaking in the gentle countryside day and night, almost paying no attention to worldly affairs.

Things like the international situation, business operations, and stock prices are not within their scope of concern.

What they care about is where there are beauties and where it is more suitable to show off.

For example, Victoria's Secret shows, underwear shows, fashion shows, celebrity award ceremonies and other events, they can always get first-hand information.

Much more awesome than those professional reporters.

It is precisely because of this kind of life that the little milk dog has a drinking capacity second only to Lu Fei.

It was also this kind of life that seriously overtaxed his body, and he was almost unable to continue the family lineage.

Since Lu Fei was abstinent from sex, he has been by Lu Fei's side.

Traveling around and being exposed to all kinds of new things greatly broadened the little puppy's horizons and made countless good friends.

It is precisely because of this that the little milk dog admires Lu Fei.

Now that the little puppy has changed his mind, he thinks back to

Even if you lead a life of extravagance and extravagance, you will despise yourself.

Now that he is asked to return to Wenrou Township, this guy really can't accept it.

After being exposed to a new world and starting a new life, the little puppy realized how wonderful the world is.

So now that I see my three best friends, I feel really sad for them.

At this moment, the little milk dog had a bold idea.

He hoped that these three idiots would stay with Lu Fei like he did before.

Let them also broaden their horizons and live a new self.

Only in this way can we successfully take over the family business in the future.

Only in this way can they be saved from indirect corruption.

If that were the case, it would be a great merit for myself!

Thinking of this, Little Milk Dog decided not to try to persuade them, but encouraged them to challenge Lu Fei.

If they are convinced that they have lost, they may be able to change their minds.


That's it.

The little milk dog chuckled.


"You don't believe it?"


"I believe you!" Qiao Yang shouted.

"have to!"

"I won't talk nonsense to you either!"

"What we see is what we see and what we hear is what we believe."

"It just so happened that my brother's two EC225s were borrowed by me to pick him up the day after tomorrow."

"The plane is now on the rooftop apron of Baihua Building."

"Don't you believe it?"

"I'm going to call and transfer the plane right now, so you three idiots can see what your real strength is."

After the little nanny made the call, less than ten minutes later, a roaring sound pierced the air.

In the blink of an eye, two huge helicopters were already hovering above the rooftop.

Under the command of the staff, we descended slowly.

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