Qiao Yang roared loudly, questioning Lu Fei's dragon watch.

At this time, Caroline stood up.

When his goddess spoke, the angry Qiao Yang suddenly transformed into a well-behaved kitten and immediately returned to his true nature as a gentleman.

However, questions still have to be questioned, otherwise, the game will be lost directly 2-0.

Not only will his 60 million worth of things belong to Lu Fei, but the EC225 he longs for most will also come to nothing.

"Ahem!" ??

"Miss Caroline, I respect your opinion very much."

"But in order to ensure the fairness of the competition, I still hope that Miss Caroline can provide direct evidence."

Caroline nodded.

"Dear Mr. Qiao Yang, of course I won't do anything wrong."

"Mr. Lu Fei's watch is recorded in China's "Constitutional History" and in the history books of the Republic of China."

"It can be said that this dragon watch has an orderly inheritance and a clear origin. It is indeed the only one in the world."

"I estimate that there should also be records in Patek Philippe's internal files."

"In addition, based on my understanding of Patek Philippe, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this watch."

"I can vouch for Mr. Lu Fei."

"If you can find evidence that this watch is not genuine, I will compensate you double."

After hearing Carlos's words, the threesome pretended to be in mourning.

But Lu Fei was a little impressed by this foreign girl.

"Miss Carlos, I didn't expect you to have researched the history of China. This surprises me very much." Lu Fei said.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Lu."

“China’s culture is extensive and profound. I like to read history books and books about China.”

"I only know a little bit about it. I'm just trying to do what I want in front of you."

Lu Fei nodded and stopped talking, but looked at the pretentious trio with a hint of teasing.

"You three young men, do you still have any questions?"

"I, we."

The three of them looked at each other and then lowered their noble heads.

"We admit defeat!"


These three young men are arrogant and arrogant;

Regardless of the situation, he is considered a man.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"In that case, what about our bet?"

"Don't worry, we are willing to admit defeat."

"My plane is yours." Qiao Yang said.

"My plane also lost to Mr. Lu." Zheng Wei'an also said nothing.

Lu Fei looked at Cai Hexuan again.

"You don't have to look at me, I can afford to lose."

"Tell me where to send the car, and I will deliver it to you within twenty-four hours."

"I guarantee this on the honor of the Cai family."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Three young men, we are all friends, just helping to have fun, why should we be so serious?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the three people's eyes lit up.

What's the meaning?

Could it be that Lu Fei doesn’t want it anymore?

is it possible?

This is a good thing worth 60 million dollars!

Is Lu Fei really so generous?

What they are betting on tonight is their pretense weapon, and of course they are reluctant to part with it.

If you just say a few polite words, it seems like you can really avoid losses!

But this will definitely have a very serious impact on the reputations of the three of them.

It doesn't matter if he pretends to be shameless in front of others.

But the goddess Miss Caroline was also present.

If you don't keep your words, you will lose face in front of Miss Caroline.

If it spreads again, there will be no way to get around in the future.

In the end, the three of them gritted their teeth and decided to bear the pain and give up their love.

Damn it!

Money is the bastard.

If the old doesn't go, the new won't come.

What I don’t have is money, so why don’t I worry about not having any good stuff to show off?

Gan! !

Thinking of this, the three people were determined


"Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

"After all, we are still men standing up to pee, so how can we not keep our words?"

"You don't have to accommodate us. We can afford this small unspoken bet."

"Hurry up and tell us your address and I'll call to deliver the goods right away."

have to!

In this case, Lu Fei couldn't say anything else.

Lu Fei discussed with Chen Xiang and sent two helicopters to Jincheng and Tiandu respectively. .??.??

As for Cai Hexuan's ghost sports car, it was sent directly to Jincheng and handed over to Wang Xinyi.

After everything was finalized, the little puppy picked up the wine glass and was about to toast everyone, when he was pulled back by Qiao Yang.

"Master Di, wait a moment."

"Depend on!"

"What else do you want to do?"

"Is it over yet?"

"Master Di, our matter is not over yet, don't worry yet."

"Mr. Lu, we just said that no matter what, all three rounds of competition must be carried out."

"Two to zero, we have admitted defeat, but I haven't competed with you yet."

"I don't want to have any regrets. I hope Mr. Lu will make everything happen." Qiao Yang said.

"no problem!"

"Please give me your treasure, Mr. Qiao."

As soon as he said this, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone knows that among the trio of pretentious people, Qiao Yang is the most powerful.

If nothing else, his airplane is much better than the other two partners.

The luxury goods that the other two young masters just brought out were all top quality.

The reason why everyone is not surprised is because they have seen too many more luxurious and good things from Lu Fei.

I am somewhat numb to so-called luxury goods.

But this does not mean that everyone does not understand aesthetics.

Now, Qiao Yang, the strongest among the trio of pretentious men, is about to challenge Lu Fei. Everyone is watching with rapt attention, looking forward to seeing what luxury items Qiao Yang can come up with that are of unbelievable value.

Qiao Yang curled his lips and snorted coldly, his expression grim.

Immediately he put his hands together and muttered something.

Then, the guy took off a brown string from his neck.

In the middle of the rope, a black and white dzi bead hangs impressively.

When Qiao Yang, a foreigner, brought out the Chinese Tantra Dzi Bead, everyone was somewhat surprised.

All eyes looked over attentively.

Qiao Yang held the dzi bead in his hand, shook his head and said in a coquettish voice.


"You Chinese people are all familiar with this thing, right?"

"Everyone of you, please raise your eyes. This is the eight hundred to the most pure six eyes."


Before Qiao Yang finished his pretentious remarks, Lu Fei's disdainful voice came.



"What did you say, Lu Fei?"

"You actually said that my Dzi beads are fake?"

"You are slandering!"

"What is my identity, Qiao Yang?"

“How could I wear fake Dzi beads?”

"Why do you say that?"

"Lu Fei, you must give me a perfect explanation, otherwise I will never be done with you."

Qiao Yang was furious, and the other two young men were also filled with indignation.

"Lu Fei, don't make trouble unreasonably."

"No matter how bad we are, we will never play with fakes."

"You have to explain it today, it's very important to our reputation."

Facing the anger of the three people, Lu Fei just smiled.

"You three, don't get angry."

"You all know what I, Lu Fei, do."

"There is a saying circulating in the Chinese collecting community."

"Everything I, Lu Fei, like is worth starting at a million."

"On the other hand, if I, Lu Fei, say it's a fake, others won't recognize it as genuine."

"This is not pretentious, it's because I have the strength."

"So, if I say this Dzi Bead is fake, it must be fake."

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