A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1988 Core Secret

The information was handed over to Lang Lijing, and Lu Fei had enough confidence in her.

Back in the car, Lu Fei first sent a message to Xing Shuya, asking her to work with peace of mind and leave the peripheral matters to him.

Back at the hotel, Lu Fei called Li Zhengrong again.

Li Zhengrong is Kaikai's right-hand man, and his management ability is quite outstanding.

After two contacts, Lu Fei admired the general manager's ability.

"Master, do you have anything to tell me?" Li Zhengrong asked respectfully,


"Brother Li, can we not call him that?"

"I can't stand it."

"You can call me Lu Fei or whatever you want, but don't mention the word young master to me."

Li Zhengrong smiled slightly, and the two of them immediately got to the point.

Lu Fei entrusted some things to Li Zhengrong.

These things are quite difficult for other people.

But Li Zhengrong agreed with confidence.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei lit a cigarette, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Regarding the smuggling of drugs, it was obvious that someone was deliberately targeting him.

The reaction of the health headquarters showed that the senior officials had already intervened.

The emergence of a huge source of smuggled authentic goods shows that Ruixin headquarters has secretly provided support.

Otherwise, there would never have been so many genuine new drugs.

The intervention of Ruixin headquarters must be due to dissatisfaction with the contract it represents.

I want to use this opportunity to cause trouble and ruin my company's reputation, and then use the opportunity to cancel cooperation with myself.

Lu Fei can understand their dissatisfaction.

But this kind of despicable method was intolerable to Lu Fei.

I had talked to Jean before.

That guy planned to take advantage of the last crisis in Ruixin to acquire them directly, but Lu Fei stopped him.

Ruixin's medicines have good response and effects. It is not easy to develop such good medicines.

Pharmaceutical companies are an industry that treats diseases and saves lives, and Lu Fei doesn't want to go too far.

However, his kindness did not win their respect. Instead, he used despicable means to deal with himself.

In this case, there is no need to be polite to them.

There was no talking all night, and at five o'clock the next morning, Lu Fei was woken up by Guan Haishan's phone call.

The archaeological team headed by Guan Haishan has been assembled and is preparing to start archaeological excavation of the Chunqiu Tombs in Bianliang at 5:30.

"Baolanfei, during yesterday's research meeting, I suddenly remembered something."

"I remember that you have a formula for isolating oxidation protection agents, right?" Guan Haishan asked.

"That's right!"

"Great, please send me the recipe quickly."

"With the protective agent, there will be no worries in the future." Guan Haishan asked excitedly.


"why are you laughing?"

"Guan Laosan, you trembled when your upper lip touched your lower lip, you said it so easily!"

"The formula of the protective agent is an exclusive formula passed down from my ancestors. Why should I give it to you?"

"Did you forget to take your medicine when you went out this morning?"


After hearing this, even Guan Haishan, who had become immune to Lu Fei's poisonous tongue, was almost furious.

"Hey, don't be so stingy, okay?"

"You know better than me how important protective agents are to archaeological work."

"In order for the archaeological cause to flourish, shouldn't you worry about personal gains and losses?"

"You don't even care about the 100-billion-dollar foundation. Do you still need the formula for a protective agent?"

"Don't worry, as long as you hand it over, I will personally go to the top to ask for credit for you."

"I bother!"


Lu Fei spat directly while talking on the phone.

"I've seen shameless people. This is the first time I've heard of people like you who are so shameless and invincible."

"Your master didn't ask me for the protective agent formula back then, how dare you say this?"

"Guan Laosan, who gave you the courage to say this?"

"The protective agent is my core secret. Do you want some Bilian?"

"You cough!!"

Guan Haishan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Thinking about it carefully, Lu Fei was right.

No matter what industry it is, core technology is priceless, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many patents.

The archaeological community in China has not been able to develop an effective protective agent for a hundred years, which shows how difficult it is.

The value of this technology cannot be measured by money at all.

Lu Fei's reaction was not excessive at all.

"What the hell, don't be angry!"

"What I said just now was a little too much. I apologize to you."

"Do you think this will work?"

"We don't want your formula. You produce your own protective agent. Can we pay for it?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"A child can be taught, this is like a human saying."

"So, you agree?" Guan Haishan asked excitedly.

Although there is no formula, it is okay to get the finished protective agent!

He had seen the effect of Lu Fei's protective agent with his own eyes, and it was indeed quite impressive.

With Lu Fei's protective agent, losses caused by oxidation can be avoided in future archaeological operations.

This is really important to China’s archaeological cause.

Besides, once you have the finished protective agent, send it to the Academy of Sciences and let those old academicians study it.

With the help of those old monsters, no matter what the ingredients are, they can be researched.

By then, Lu Fei's core secret will no longer be a secret.

Thinking of this, Guan Haishan laughed excitedly.

But before his smile lasted two seconds, a fatal blow came over the phone.

"Guan Laosan, you think too much."

"The materials required for the protective agent are quite scarce and cannot be mass-produced. Just give up!" Lu Fei said.

"Hey, don't deny it so quickly."

"You tell me what materials are used, and I will help you find them."

"Everyone is gathering firewood and the flames are high. It shouldn't be a problem for everyone to help find some materials." Guan Haishan said reluctantly.


"Just give up!"

"Mass production is impossible, but when encountering major archaeological discoveries, I can provide you with some."

"However, my protective agent is not given for free!"

"Easy to say!"

“As long as it works, pay is not an issue.”

"By the way, what to do with this big tomb?"

"How about we open it again after you come back with the protective agent?" Guan Haishan asked.

Lu Fei shook his head.

If Fu Yuliang had informed him earlier, he might have been able to save it.

When the tomb door was opened, the pottery figurines and murals had oxidized, air had entered, and it was too late to do anything.

"I watched the video the day before yesterday, and it's already oxidized."

"It's too late to say anything now."

"You will connect with me live later and directly open the ear chamber and the main tomb chamber."

"Looking at the specifications of this tomb, it should be a prince-level tomb."

"If the sarcophagus and coffin are not damaged, just transport them away as a whole and open them when I get back."

"According to the funeral style of the Spring and Autumn Period, the burial objects in the ear chamber and the main tomb chamber should be mainly bronzes."

"These things are not afraid of oxidation, they can be opened directly."

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