A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1994 Delivery

Judging from the size of the tomb and the unearthed cultural relics, Ji Kai's coffin is likely to contain a large number of burial objects.

Among them, lacquerware, which represents the highest quality in the Spring and Autumn Period, is indispensable.

Lacquerware from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period is quite rare.

There is not even one complete utensil in the whole of China. ??

This large tomb is in a dry environment and well-preserved, and it has not been visited by tomb robbers.

If there is lacquerware in the coffin, it must be quite complete.

But, this is just inside the coffin.

If the coffin is opened and oxygen enters, the paint on the lacquerware may oxidize and disappear instantly.

The wooden structure will also be damaged by carbonization, and the loss will be immeasurable.

There are only two ways to ensure that the contents inside are not oxidized.

The first is to operate in a vacuum state.

There is no shortage of large-scale vacuum laboratories, but it is a pity that in that environment, people cannot enter at all, let alone open coffins.

Therefore, the first item can be ignored directly.

Another way is to use efficient protective agents for protection.

As for this kind of protective agent, currently only Lu Fei has the most perfect one.

Therefore, Guan Haishan decided to wait until he got Lu Fei's protective agent before making any plans.

In the past, Lu Fei would not refuse this request.

But this time, Baolan Fei's answer subverted their previous understanding of Lu Fei.

"wait for me?"

"What does it have to do with me if you open the coffin?"


"Baolan Fei, that's not what you said, we need to use your protective agent!" Guan Haishan said.

"Protective agent?"

"Why should I give you my protective agent?"

"What a joke!"


After hearing Lu Fei's answer, Guan Haishan's old face changed several colors instantly.

Fortunately, no third person heard this, otherwise he, the general counsel, would be disgraced.

"Baoshaifei, what happened to you today?"

"You talk in a weird way, are you having trouble?

Son? "

"If you're not happy, then wait until you're in a better mood!"

Looking at the prosperity of Geelong outside the window, Lu Fei took a puff of cigarette and said lightly.

"I'm fine, I'm in a good mood."

"But I don't understand, what does this have to do with you?"

"The protective agent is mine, what obligation do I have to give it to you?"


Guan Haishan gritted his teeth in anger, but it was really hard to get angry.

I called Lu Fei twelve times in a row before, but Lu Fei didn't answer.

At that time, Guan Haishan vaguely noticed that something was wrong with Lu Fei's mood.

As for why Lu Fei had such a big contrast, he had a rough guess.

But he still thought Lu Fei wouldn't be so narrow-minded.

But now hearing Lu Fei's answer, Guan Haishan realized that the problem was somewhat serious.

"Baolan Fei, did I offend you somewhere just now?"

"If that's the case, I'll apologize to you."

"Our friends have been friends for such a long time. We won't be brought down just because of a misunderstanding, right?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Mr. Guan, you are thinking too much."

The title Mr. Guan, coupled with the pronunciation of the word "you", made Guan Haishan frown immediately.

"Friendship is friendship, business is business."

"The protective agent is my core secret. In order to study this, our Lu family has spent several generations of hard work."

"Of course it's okay if you want to use it, as long as you can afford the corresponding remuneration." Lu Fei said.


"Easy to say?"

"How much do you want?" Guan Haishan asked.

"I have plenty of money."

"I don't want money."

"You can use my protective agent. Give me those red sandalwood aniseed materials outside."

"My protective agent can be used for you ten times for free." Lu Fei said.


"Lu Fei, those timbers are unearthed cultural relics. It's impossible to give them to you. I don't have the right and I can't do it."


"Then you're talking about Jie Baomao?"


After Lu Fei finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone. Guan Haishan on the other side gritted his teeth angrily, and his face instantly turned livid.


Lu Fei drank a cup of tea when a call from Little Dog came in.

Duan Qingyi and her family arrived at the hotel.

The wedding of Little Dog and Duan Qingyi followed the Chinese style.

Today, brides-to-be stay in hotels.

Tomorrow morning, the wedding team will come to the hotel to pick up the bride.

I went to Zhongzhou Island with my mother-in-law’s family for the wedding.

According to the rules, the little puppy shouldn't meet Duan Qingyi today.

But Di Chaodong was worried about treating his in-laws poorly, so he let the little dog take charge of the arrangements.

Duan's family is Lu Fei's good friend. Lu Fei received the call and immediately went out to meet him.

As soon as he went out, Mr. Duan and the Duan family walked over.

"Hello, Mr. Duan, Lu Fei is polite."

"Xiao Fei, you are here too!"


"Very good!"

Seeing Lu Fei, the old man was extremely happy.

After hugging and shaking hands with Lu Fei, Little Milk Dog arranged for everyone to go back to the room to rest.

Lu Fei chatted with Mr. Duan for a while, then called Yue Qifeng out with a wink.

The two came to Lu Fei's room, and Yue Qifeng looked around.

"What are you looking for?" Lu Fei asked.

"Where are those two foreign girls?"


"Old man, you are already this old, but you still have this habit?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yue Qifeng's old face turned red with shame, and he glared at Lu Fei fiercely.


"You're talking less and less, kid."


"Aren't you looking for those two foreign girls yourself?"


Yue Qifeng spat.

"You kid, stop throwing dirty water on me. I'm already this old, and my reputation can't be ruined in your hands."

"Those two foreign girls are the owners of the goods. I will deliver the goods. Is there anything wrong with them?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"What you said is quite wrong."

"Your cargo owner is not them, but me."

"Just give me the goods. As for those two foreign girls, if you want to meet them, I can help you arrange them."

"Well, not only meeting, but also having a meal is no problem."


"Baoshaifei, shut up!"


I think back then, Yue Qifeng was a gentle and elegant old man.

But since meeting Lu Fei, the old man's temperament has changed drastically.

Not only does he use vulgar words, but his temper is getting worse and worse.

Some time ago, the old man summed up his own personality and found that his current character was ruined by this rag.

It seems that it would be better to have less contact with him in the future!

After laughing, Yue Qifeng took out two brocade boxes from his bag.

Contained in the box was the emerald necklace and super luxurious lily brooch that Caroline had dreamed of.

Lu Fei had seen the drawings with his own eyes and knew the difficulty of making these two pieces of jewelry.

Yue Qifeng was able to complete it in more than forty days. He deserves the title of the greatest master of the contemporary era.

Not only the speed, but also the production process is perfect.

The most difficult part of the necklace is polishing the eight-pointed star pendant.

But this difficulty was achieved to the extreme by Mr. Yue.

Under the sunlight, the eight-pointed star shines with brilliance, and the rays of light are thousands of auspicious colors, which is so beautiful.

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