A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2054 Sikuquanshu

Lu Fei didn't pay much attention to the many precious wooden and lacquerwares, but this ebony chair caught Lu Fei's attention.

The conditions for producing ebony are extremely harsh, so the amount of ebony in the world is already scarce.

Ebony aniseed materials with a diameter of more than forty centimeters are even rarer.

If you are willing to use such expensive materials to make a chair, you either don't know how to do it, or you are a super boss.

Look at the auspicious cloud pattern on the wooden ridges, which is even more special.

If you look closely, you can see that the carving technique is from right to left, with the cloud tail pointing up.

This is a typical carving style of the Two Jin and Three Kingdoms periods.

Looking at the padding of the chair, it is completely in line with this era.

The ebony chair from the Jin Dynasty and Three Kingdoms period is so cool.

"Murray, write this down for me too."

"I'll discuss it with you two elders then." Lu Fei said unceremoniously.

Murray promised, but turned around and rolled his eyes.

Murray said in his heart, Lu Fei is so shameless.

You dare to ask for anything, are you too rude?

Lu Fei was very calm in his heart.

This request is nothing at all, it is just a test of the Thomas family's sincerity.

You know, that knife struck a lot of hard goods in the Robert family!

This knife has a more important meaning than the previous one.

It doesn’t matter whether we want to do business with them or not. If we don’t hit them hard when we come to London, we will have nightmares when we return to China!

A man will not be rich without external wealth, and a horse will not be fat without eating night grass.

Sooner or later, the relationship that he is the eldest son of the Xiao family will become a secret. Now this is a rare opportunity to rip off someone, and he must not take it lightly.

As he walked further, Lu Fei's heart beat violently.

Because here comes the calligraphy and painting that Lu Fei cares about most

Special area.

The scrolls are not unfolded and have a protective film on the outside, but each scroll has photos and labels attached.

There are nearly 300 works by masters of calligraphy and painting from the Tang and Song dynasties, the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Lu Fei's mouth watered when he saw them.


Rest here quietly, I will take you home sooner or later.

Wait for me!

Just past the scroll section, which is dozens of meters long, is the classics and book section.

The first thing that caught your eye was a large solid wood box. The box was locked tightly and you couldn't see inside.

But the label on the box made Lu Fei's heart almost burst.

"Sikuquanshu" North: Volumes 11-13.

"That's right!"

Written clearly in English and Chinese characters on the label is "Sikuquanshu".


The full name of "Sikuquanshu" is "Qinding Sikuquanshu", which is a large series compiled during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty.

Under the auspices of Emperor Qianlong, Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty, it was compiled by more than 360 senior officials and scholars including Ji Yun, and copied by more than 3,800 people. It took thirteen years to compile.

It is divided into four parts: Jing, Shi, Zi and Ji, hence the name "Siku".

According to the Wenjin Pavilion collection, a total of 3,462 kinds of books are included, with a total of 79,338 volumes and more than 36,000 volumes, and about 800 million words.

The first draft was completed in the forty-seventh year of Qianlong's reign, and the entire work was completed in the fifty-seventh year of Qianlong's reign.

Emperor Qianlong ordered people to hand-copy 7 volumes of "Sikuquanshu" and ordered them to be hidden throughout the country.

The four parts copied first are stored in the Wenyuan Pavilion of the Forbidden City, the Wensu Pavilion of Fengtian in Liaoning, the Wenyuan Pavilion of the Old Summer Palace, and the Wenjin Pavilion of the Summer Resort. These are the so-called "Northern Four Pavilions".


The three parts that were copied later were stored in Yangzhou Wenhui Pavilion, Zhenjiang Wenzong Pavilion and Hangzhou Wenlan Pavilion. These are the so-called "Southern Three Pavilions".

"Sikuquanshu" is the largest cultural project in ancient China. It provides the most systematic and comprehensive summary of Chinese classical culture and presents the knowledge system of Chinese classical culture.

"Sikuquanshu" can be called the richest and most complete collection of China's traditional culture.

Almost all disciplines in Chinese literature, history, philosophy, science, engineering, agriculture, and medicine can find their origin and bloodline.

Before Siku was revised, the publishing industry in the Qing Dynasty was highly developed, classics were fully accumulated, book collections were flourishing, document compilation work was in full swing, and Sinology became the mainstream style of study.

In the contemporary academic style, scholars need to read large collections of books and many complete original works to cite materials and verify academic origins.

As for how to treat the Western learning that entered China since the late Ming Dynasty, it is time to consciously review and summarize it to guide the subjects to understand Western learning and establish a Western learning policy.

Under this situation, larger-scale actions are needed to conduct a thorough and comprehensive academic and cultural review, and the government must personally take charge of this task to complete this task.

Emperor Qianlong, who had good cultural qualities and great talents, hoped to surpass his predecessors, and he was also fully capable of discerning and regulating culture.

In the middle period of Qianlong's reign, after more than a hundred years of hard work, the Qing Dynasty showed its prosperity.

The urgent need to summarize ideological and academic culture, political and economic guarantees, as well as Qianlong's personal preferences and the voice of the academic community made China's traditional book compilation in the prosperous age show great charm at this time, giving birth to another large-scale compilation after Kang Yong and Shun Shun. The situation of books.

The magnificence of the prosperous age needs to be enriched by huge works, and the Qing government also needs to complete the mission left to itself by the times.

Qianlong also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of compiling the "Sikuquanshu" to collect books from all over the country and implement the policy of "combining bans with collection".

On the surface, Siku's book repairing originated from three aspects.

First, Zhou Yongnian advocated the theory of Confucianism and Zang again since the late Ming Dynasty and Cao Xuequan advocated the collection of Confucianism and Buddhism to stand side by side with Buddhism and Taoism.

Second, Qianlong issued an edict to the provincial governor to collect suicide notes and send them to the capital.

Third, Zhu Jun and Wang Yingcai asked the school to organize the "Yongle Dadian" and compile lost books.

But in fact, it is the development of academic culture to the summary period, and the need for the synergy of academic and political forces.

Of course, Qianlong's private intention to surpass his father and ancestors' achievements in compiling books, especially his grandfather's Collection of Ancient and Modern Books, cannot be ignored.

It can be said that "Sikuquanshu" is the most comprehensive series of books recorded in China from ancient times to the present.

The recorded text is more than three times more than that of "Yongle Dadian".

It is no exaggeration to say that this is the greatest political achievement of the prodigal emperor Qianlong in his sixty years of reign.

But even such an awesome treasure-level classic has the same ill-fated fate.

In the third year of Xianfeng and the fourth year of Xianfeng, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom successively invaded Zhenjiang and Yangzhou.

Some of the Sikuquanshu archives stored in the Wenzong Pavilion of Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang and the Wenhui Pavilion of Tianning Temple in Yangzhou were burned by the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom.

During the catastrophe in the Old Summer Palace in the 10th year of Xianfeng Dynasty, it is said that the series of books collected in Wenyuan Pavilion were also burned.

There are only seventy-three volumes of the existing fragments of "Sikuquanshu".

But now it seems that the facts are quite different.

If the box in front of me really contains volumes 11 to 13 of "Sikuquanshu", it means that the original burning of the Old Summer Palace was just a pretense.

The real series of books was also looted by the British and French forces and shipped back to Europe.

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