A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2091 Things Done


Lu Fei actually knew that he had the "Picture of Jiangshan Sheji"?

Damn it!

Where did all this news come from?

Damn it!

Damn it!

At this moment, Guan Haishan even doubted whether the master was entrusting them with dreams.

Otherwise, this is simply impossible!

It's incredible


Suddenly, a glimmer of enlightenment appeared in Guan Haishan's mind.

Fatty Wang knew it, and Zhang Yanhe knew it.

Baolan Fei actually knew it too.

Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe knew that was too evil.

But Baolan Fei knew it, but it was understandable.

After all, this guy has a close relationship with his master, Kong Fanlong.

It is possible that at some point in time, the master slipped up and told Lu Fei about the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu".

As for Fatty Wang and Zhang Yanhe, they probably learned about it from Bao Bao Fei.

At this point, Fatty Wang mentioned the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" and tricked himself into using his treasure to borrow money from Lu Fei.

Could it be that Fatty Wang is the "spy" who keeps the rags flying around him?

"Fat man, did you learn about the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" from Bao Baofei?" Guan Haishan asked in a low voice.

"Tattered flying?"

"He knows too?"

"Damn it, it really can't contain the fire!"

"Mr. Guan, it seems that this is no secret at all!"

Fatty Wang Jiejie smiled strangely, but his initial slight shock was still keenly captured by Guan Haishan.

Needless to say, Fatty Wang and Bao Lanfei are in the same group, and they just want to use this opportunity to create the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" plan.

Son of a bitch!

You are just too much of an animal.

At this time, Lu Fei's message was sent.

"Do you want to borrow it or not?"

"When borrowing money, use the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" as collateral."

“When will you pay back the money, and when will you give away the treasure?

for you. "

"If you don't pay within twenty years, the baby will be mine."


"What are you?"

"Guan Laosan, you don't have much time."

"Chang Yufei is about to close the deal!"

Lu Fei was right, the auctioneer Peter had already called for the second time.

The hammer will fall again.

The seal falls into the hands of Christie's. The next time they put it up for auction, it will be far more than the current price.

Guan Haishan's mind was racing, thinking about whether to take a mortgage with Baoshaofei.

The Baoxi indeed had great temptation for him, but the "Picture of Jiangshan Sheji" was more important.

It is currently the largest remaining bone carving of Li Gongran in the world.

Moreover, there is an imperial inscription and postscript written by Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, which can be said to be a priceless treasure.

However, Baolan Fei didn't want it, but wanted to use the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" as collateral!

As long as you pay back the money within twenty years, the baby will still be yours.

Guan Haishan calculated that the worthless collection in his hand was worth about 10 million.

Your own house can be worth more than 10 million.

There are also those seals in your own collection that you can use as a last resort.

The value can reach about 50 million.

Not to mention there are still twenty years to go.

With his great master's vision, it is not impossible to pick up missing treasures.

After weighing the pros and cons, Guan Haishan finally gritted his teeth and agreed to Lu Fei's conditions.

"The seal of Emperor Guangxu's Shende Hall is worth 15.3 million pounds for the second time. Is there anything higher?"

"The third time of 15.3 million pounds, done"

The mallet in Peter's hand was raised proudly and was about to fall down. Chang Yu was beaming with joy.

Although this price is a bit high, it is

If I buy it and save it for five, six or seven years, and then put it up for auction, I can make at least twenty million.

Christie's is familiar with this kind of thing, and there is no pressure at all.

If he earns more in the future, it will also be Chang Yufei's contribution, and he will also get a lot of commission.

Therefore, Chang Yufei was in a very good mood.

But just as the deal was about to fall, a number plate in the first row was suddenly raised.

"I'll pay 16 million!"

This voice sounded, and the whole place was in an uproar.

Chang Yufei frowned, and Guan Haishan also looked confused.

Because the person bidding the price turned out to be not Baolan Fei, but a white-skinned foreigner.

It's Jean next to Lu Fei!


"Finally, an expert took action."

"Mr. No. 016 bids 16 million, is there anything better?"

Chang Yufei looked gloomy and raised his number plate again.

"Mr. No. 022 bids 16.1 million!"

"It seems that Mr. 022 is determined to win!"

"any left."

"I'll pay 17 million."

Gene strikes again.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

"Seventeen million pounds!"

"What a great gesture!"

"This price has far exceeded the value of the seal itself."

"This guy is really rich!"

The audience was talking a lot, their eyes were full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and some even laughed and called Gene a fool.

However, Guan Haishan didn't hear any of this because he was completely shocked by the price.

Seventeen million pounds, that’s 150 million Chinese coins!

However, this is not the final transaction price yet, damn Tasha Fei hasn’t made a move yet!

If Baoshaifei wants to fight for it again, it will not exceed 200 million Shenzhou coins in the end!

Oh my God!

It's so much money, I'll pay it back with wool!

It seems that he is destined to miss this Fang Seal.

Guan Haishan was extremely depressed and was about to send a message to Lu Fei to give up.

Suddenly, he discovered that Jean, who was calling the price, was laughing and chatting with Taopo Fei.


Could it be that they are in the same group?

Seventeen million pounds has exceeded the ceiling of this seal by a large margin.

Chang Yufei's face turned red from holding back, and he finally chose to give up.

"Seventeen million firsts."

"Is there any higher?"

"Seventeen million pounds for the second time."

"Seventeen million pounds for the third time."

"make a deal!"

The gavel fell and the dust settled.

Gene went to the backstage to hand over the news with a smile, and the audience in the audience couldn't help but sigh.

The most important treasure of China, the seal of Guangxu Shende Hall, finally fell into the hands of a white-skinned foreigner.

It's simply sad!

But it’s useless to be depressed. Who makes people rich?

There are also many big bosses and powerful collectors in China.

But the price is really ridiculously high, and no one’s money comes from the strong wind.

It’s really not worth losing so much wealth out of impulse!

Regardless of others, Guan Haishan's heart was full of mixed feelings and irritability at this time.

On the one hand, he was worried that Gene was not with Lu Fei, and was not helping Lu Fei take down the treasure seal.

On the other hand, I am also worried about the price.

It’s really hard to pay off that much money.

Just when he was struggling, Lu Fei's text message was sent again.

"When the matter is done, when we get back, we will take the "Jiangshan Sheji Map" to sign a contract with my legal affairs department and write an IOU."

"Seventeen million pounds, equivalent to 156.3 million Chinese dollars."

"It must be paid back within twenty years, otherwise, the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" will be mine."

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