A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2095 Mr. Lu’s people

Chang Yufei took action and increased the price by 1.5 million pounds at a time.

Even though the price increase is only 1.5 million pounds, adding so much at this point is enough to show the courage.

In this way, not only does it appear wealthy, but it can also intimidate competitors in terms of momentum.

Sure enough, the price of 38 million was quoted, causing an uproar.

Feeling the envious eyes around him, Chang Yufei felt proud.

At the same time, he looked at Lu Yun's back again, feeling somewhat confused.

This bottle gourd is definitely a very powerful treasure. According to Lu Fei's character, he should have shown his rich character long ago.

But so far, he is still indifferent, which makes Chang Yufei a little confused.

Not only Chang Yufei, but also all the big bosses in China were confused.

From the moment he sat down, Lu Fei kept chatting and laughing with the people around him.

The host asked him to come on stage for appraisal and he would not go, and he would not participate in the competition if the baby appeared.

This is really weird.

Some people even doubted whether the Lu Fei sitting in front of him was wearing fake makeup.

The price of 38 million was quoted, and the few remaining people shook their heads and put down their number plates.

They all recognized Chang Yufei and knew his identity.

What people spend is not their own money, and they are completely different from bosses like them.

Chang Yufei pretended to ask for the price and then reimbursed him in full after returning. They didn't have that ability.

Besides, the price is already quite high, almost close to the ceiling of this gourd bottle.

There is no point in continuing to compete.

For a time, except for the wealthy Wang Zhenbang who followed suit, all the other bosses withered.

Wang Zhenbang held up the number plate and added the guaranteed price, which was 38.5 million.

The host had just reported the number, and Chang Yufei raised his hand again and directly called 40 million.


The venue suddenly became noisy again.

"Old man, the price is too high, give up!" Feng

Yuanyang persuaded.


"I just can't stand Chang Yufei's beating nature."

"I know them well at Christie's. They don't care if I spend more money now. They will hide the things when I go back."

"Hide it for three to five years, then publicize it, and then put it up for auction. I dare not say more. It is absolutely no problem to make ten to twenty million."

"When that time comes, whoever takes the photo will be unlucky, why don't I just accept it now!"

"Besides, I really like this gourd vase."

Wang Zhenbang said, raising the sign again to increase the price by 500,000.

Chang Yufei laughed and asked for 42 million.

According to the current market conditions, this price has reached the ceiling.

Wang Zhenbang was about to raise his sign, but was stopped abruptly by a few old guys around him.

Collection does depend on strength, and the Wang family is indeed not short of money.

But it’s not worth it to waste money to collect items.

Moreover, the old man's current state is obviously suspected of being angry.

This is a very taboo event at an auction.

If it cannot be controlled, it may be a huge loss.

Wang Zhenbang knew that everyone was kind to him, but he still blew his beard and glared angrily.

Seeing the valuable treasure from China falling into the hands of Christie's, the old man was unwilling to accept it.

However, after calming down and thinking about the consequences, I finally decided to give up.

Putting down his number plate, Wang Zhenbang glared at Lu Fei's back.

I thought this guy was indeed a little weird tonight!

This is not his character. What on earth was he thinking?

Could it be that he just came to watch the excitement?

"Ladies and gentlemen, this long-necked gourd vase with light yellow ground color and icing on the cake, with a long-necked gourd vase with a picture of Longevity and Longevity, is priced at 42 million pounds."

"Is there any higher one?"

"Forty-two million pounds a time!"

"Forty-two million pounds twice."

"Is there any higher?"

"four thousand"

Before Peter finished speaking, Gene's number plate was raised.

"I'll pay 45 million."


Chang Yufei increased the price twice, each time by 1.5 million, which was already scary.

But Gene directly increased the price by three million, which was even more shocking.

When the price was announced, there was a lot of noise in the venue, and some people even applauded.

When Chang Yufei looked at the number plate, two dark antennas suddenly appeared on his forehead, and he felt extremely depressed.

Damn it!

It’s this dog fight again!

When the seal was auctioned just now, he was the one who stood up to cause trouble and steal the limelight for himself, and now he came to influence his pretense.

It's absolutely abominable!

Others were envious of Jean's momentum, but there were boos around Keji.


"With a one-time increase of three million pounds, can you make some progress, Gene?"

"That's right, Chang Yufei's grandson dares to increase the price by 1.5 million. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing for your family to increase the price by such a small amount?"

Xiao Ma Longyun and others fired their bows left and right, saying this not to Gene, but to Wade.

Everyone knows that Gene is Wade's younger brother, and the price bid is of course to implement Wade's wishes.

People like them don't think it's a big deal, so they'd be happy with a one-time increase of 30 million!

Gene rolled his eyes angrily, but Wade didn't care and thought it was a joke.

In fact, everyone was just joking.

Three million pounds is just a joke. To outsiders, he sounds like a madman, but for the three of them and Lu Fei, this is perfectly normal.

Forty-five million pounds, already over

Christie’s plan is out.

Chang Yufei was unwilling to be robbed of the limelight and had no choice but to give up.


"Mr. 016 strikes again."

"This gentleman bids 45 million pounds. Is there anything higher than 45 million pounds?"

"any left?"

When the price was announced, the host Peter was very excited.

This price also exceeded their company's estimates, and far exceeded it.

This was the highlight of his auction career.

Not only can it increase his fame and worth, but he can also get a huge commission.

Thinking of this, Peter's voice trembled with excitement.

"Forty-five million times!"

"Twice forty-five million!"

"A long-necked gourd vase with light yellow ground color and icing on the cake, a long-necked gourd vase with a long life and a long life. It is now asking for 45 million pounds."

"This is the pinnacle of China's painted enamel porcelain. This opportunity must not be missed before it comes again. Is there anything higher?"

This price was already sky-high, and even though Peterl mobilized all his passion and shouted until his voice became hoarse, no one raised the sign to increase the price again.

In the end, Peter knocked down the gavel decisively.

"Forty-five million pounds, the third time, the deal is done."

"Congratulations to Mr. No. 016, for harvesting China's most precious Qianlong light yellow ground Yangcai long-necked gourd vase with the icing on the cake."

"We all applaud and congratulate you."

Gene stood up, smiled at Lu Fei, and strode backstage to hand over.

The big guys from China behind them suddenly had a realization in their minds.


"Did you notice it?"

"This man bid twice for China's most important treasures, and when he stood up, he politely greeted Mr. Lu first."

"Could it be that he is Mr. Lu's employee?"

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