A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2105 I can’t figure it out

Jack did not refuse, and took Lu Fei's check with great gratitude, and then looked at Lu Fei's clenched fist with great curiosity.

"Mr. Lu Fei, can I ask what the gold foil you took out is?"

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"I don't know yet about this."

With that said, Lu Fei opened his fist and took out the gold foil in front of Jack.

He looked up, down, left and right, then carefully unfolded the gold foil.

"Looking at the style and patina of this knife, it should be from around the 13th century."

"And this gold foil, which is less than one millimeter thick, is actually folded into four layers."


"This craftsmanship is simply amazing." Lu Fei said to himself in surprise.

Jack didn't pay attention to what Lu Fei said at all, and stared at the gold foil in Lu Fei's hand with bright eyes.

Lu Fei fully unfolded the gold foil and frowned immediately.


"It depicts rolling hills without any signs or text."

"What does this mean?"


Suddenly, Lu Fei's eyes lit up and he shot out two bright rays of light.

"I see."


"finally, I understand."

"It's so awesome, so awesome."

"Mr. Lu Fei, what do you understand?"

"Why can't I see anything?" Jack asked confusedly.


"Mr. Jack, you are indeed my lucky star!"

"I finally understood that this gold foil should be a treasure map."

"It's part of the whole treasure map."

"This golden sword is extremely luxurious and will definitely not be a standard weapon for the army."

"Besides, this is a short sword, which can also be said to be a dagger."

"The great generals in the past were all generals on horseback, and such short swords had no use at all."

"So, it's impossible for this to be worn by a general.

The sword. "

"All things considered, this should be a commemorative sword."

"I couldn't figure out before why there are so many identical golden knives in the world."

"Now I think clearly, these golden knives should all be a carrier of this treasure map."

"Maybe the treasure map was divided into several parts and hidden in several golden knives to confuse the public and prevent others from easily obtaining it."

"That's right!"

"That's absolutely how it should be."

"Oh my God!"

"With such a luxurious sword and such awesome methods to hide a treasure map, what kind of valuable treasure will this treasure map hide?"

Speaking of this, Lu Fei's excited expression suddenly turned serious.

Then he slapped his forehead hard and said regretfully.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"If I had known that there was such a big secret hidden in the golden sword, I shouldn't have traded with Wade so cheaply."

"What a big loss!"

"What a fucking loss!!"

Lu Fei stamped his feet and beat his chest, extremely frustrated.

"Damn it!"

"Your boss, the Thomas family, as well as the Xiao family and the Robert family must know this secret."

"That's why they want to get my sword at all costs."

"Son of a bitch, these guys are such thieves."

"I thought I made a bargain, but I didn't expect that I suffered a big loss."

"It's so damned!"


"Now that I know the secret of the golden knife, anyone who wants to trade this knife with me must pay more." Lu Fei said fiercely.


"Mr. Lu Fei, please forgive me for speaking frankly."

"You both

Although you already know that there is a treasure map in the golden knife, why do you still want to trade with others? "

"Shouldn't you find a way to collect the golden knives and develop the treasure yourself?" Jack asked puzzledly.

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and shook his head feebly.

"Jack, you are too naive."

"It's easier said than done to collect the golden knives and the treasure map!"

"There are no hints or words on the lines on this gold foil. There is no clue at all."

"As far as I know, the Robert family has two such golden knives."

"Perhaps, the Thomas family and the Xiao family also have it."

"I also got two of them accidentally. God knows how many more golden knives there are?"

"Even if there are only these few, it is simply impossible to trade back the two knives belonging to the Robert family."

"Since they know the secret of the golden knife, they will never trade it."

"Now they have two knives in their hands, which gives them an inherent advantage."

"They must try their best to collect all the golden knives."

"Using my strength to compete with them is like a cricket striking a tree and an egg striking a rock."

"Besides, there are two uncertain factors, the Thomas family and the Xiao family."

"Compared to them, I am even smaller."

"The most valuable thing about a human being is self-awareness. I, Lu Fei, am not a fool. If I compete with them, I won't get the best of me."

"On the contrary, it would be wise to trade with them."

"Not only can you get a lot of money, but you can also make friends with them. Why not do it?"

"Am I right?" Lu Fei sighed.

Jack smiled slightly.

"Mr. Lu Fei, your analysis is too correct."

"Even though I am a housekeeper, there are not many people that I respect from the bottom of my heart."

"However, your wisdom has completely impressed me. Jack admires you so much."


br\u003e “Haha!”

"I feel a little embarrassed by your praise."

Lu Fei scratched his head, but his expression became serious again.

"Mr. Jack, from the beginning of our contact, I have never regarded you as a servant, but sincerely regard you as a friend."

"Because I like your temper very much."

"Although you don't want to follow me, I still ask you to keep it a secret for me and never let anything happen tonight."

"Otherwise, I would be very passive."

"This is my request to you, can you agree?" Lu Fei asked.

Jack put his right hand on his chest and said seriously.

"Mr. Lu Fei treats you sincerely, how can I betray you?"

"I promise you, not a word will be revealed."

"However, there is something I don't know whether I should say or not."

"But it doesn't matter!" Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you also know that my master, Mr. Quasi, is the second elder of the Thomas family."

"It can be said that I am also a servant of the Thomas family."

"But why do you trust me so much and tell me such a big secret?"

"This old slave really can't figure it out!" Jack asked seriously.


"Don't say you can't figure it out, even I'm a little confused."

"At the beginning, I just wanted to poach you from Ques, and let you go to Hong Kong Island with me and be my butler."

"Because I like your ability, and at the same time, we both have bad tempers."

"But I didn't want you to know this secret."

"But, I was so engrossed in my research just now that I didn't even notice you coming in to deliver coffee."

"Now that you have discovered it, I have nothing to hide."

"Deliberately concealing it would actually hurt our friendship, wouldn't it?"

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