A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2116 Must go back

After the clan leader's analysis, everyone felt that it was reasonable, but they were still a little worried, but they couldn't find a reason to refute it.

"Master Patriarch, what should we do next?"

"The condition Lu Fei negotiated with us before was that he wanted the entire collection of our China Museum."

"Now that Lu Fei has taken out the treasure map from his knife, the knife has no value."

"Wouldn't it be a huge loss if we agree to his conditions again?"

After Murray finished speaking, other elders and senior officials also supported his views. .??.??

Huo Lin waved his hand and said.


"We can't say no."

"According to the original plan, I agreed to trade with him."


Everyone frowned upon hearing this, and Murray was even more puzzled.


"Murray, I know what you're going to say."

"Don't worry, Lu Fei wants to plot against us. He is just wishful thinking."

"The condition we agreed to with him was to stabilize him, paralyze him, and make him get carried away and relax his vigilance. Only in this way can we have a chance."

"The collection of the Shenzhou Museum is nearly 100,000 pieces."

"It will take at least five days for Lu Fei to hand it over to us, count it, and then transport it."

"You try to slow down the pace as much as possible. You can even delay him for a week."

"This week, we will definitely find a way to get the gold foil map in Lu Fei's hand."

"As long as Lu Fei does not leave the UK, we will have no losses."

"The great Thomas family is not something that a young boy like him can provoke."

"As long as we get the map successfully, it will be easier for us to kill him than to kill an ant." Huolin said fiercely with his fierce look on his face.

Huolin hasn't been so serious for a long time, and the murderous intent in his eyes today made everyone shudder.

"The patriarch is wise."

"But how are we going to get the treasure map in Lu Fei's hands?"

"You can't grab it openly."

"We usually have Long Yun and Wade following us, so we have no chance."

"A week goes by so quickly, we must think of effective ways immediately!" Murray said.

Everyone also became worried and looked at Huo Lin in unison.

Huo Lin looked calm, as if he had a chance to win.

"Roy, how are your arrangements going?"


"I'm sorry, Mr. Patriarch, I had a little incident here."

"Nina She"

Roy was interrupted by Hollin mid-sentence.

"I know!"

"Lu Fei did not go to Nina's residence, but went to the villa."

"After entering the room, Nina and Lu Fei did not appear within the scope of our surveillance at all."

"This is not Nina's mistake, it's Lu Fei's too cunning. He must be on guard against Nina."

"It will be difficult for Nina to achieve her goal tonight."

"But it doesn't matter. Trust needs to be tempered."

"After a few days of contact, I believe Lu Fei will relax his vigilance towards Nina."

"The woman you are looking for is not simple. Even a man would be unable to control her."

"Lu Fei is not a saint. Nina will achieve her goal sooner or later."

“Still, be prepared to fail.”

"The reason why I asked you to prepare two lines is to prepare for emergencies."

"Is there any problem with your other line?" Hollin asked.

"no problem!"

"She has made an appointment with Lu Fei to go on a date tomorrow night at the place we prepared in advance."

"I believe she has the ability to complete the task." Roy said.

"Roy, I heard that she has a very good relationship with Lu Fei."

"She won't come out

Sell ​​us? "

"Don't worry, Patriarch, it won't happen."

"The fate of their family is in our hands, and she will never dare to resist at all."

"I'm confident that as long as Murray can keep Lu Fei from leaving London for the time being, I promise to complete the task within three days."

"As long as we get solid evidence, we have Lu Fei's lifeline!"

"Now Lu Fei is an influential figure in China and even Asia. He will never make fun of his reputation and future."

"Even if he doesn't care, the Chen family and Wang family of China will not let him go."

"In that case, he will be just a street rat, and China will no longer have a place for him to stand."

"Considering the serious consequences, he will definitely compromise with us." Roy said proudly.


"Murray, Roy, you must cooperate sincerely this time and complete the task perfectly."

"As long as you get Lu Fei's treasure map, you two will become the elders of our family's Council of Elders," Huo Lin said.

Murray Roy was inexplicably excited and thanked him repeatedly.

"Master Patriarch, I don't think we can place all our hopes on Roy."

"Although his plan is very successful, it is not completely guaranteed."

"The auction is over, and Lu Fei's mission to London has been completed."

"No matter how much we try to support him, we won't be able to support him for long."

"So, I think we should find another way to do both."

"If Roy's mission fails for some reason, we can respond in time and change the response plan."

"Otherwise, it will be too late to sharpen your weapon in battle," Quess said.

Among the Thomas Family Presbyterian Church, the second elder, Quess, is the most thoughtful and is called the most intelligent star by the patriarch.

The opinions and plans he puts forward are generally adopted by the Presbyterian Church.

The point raised now is of even greater significance. The conference room suddenly became quiet, and everyone

Everyone was lost in thought.

Huo Lin looked at his watch and frowned.

"It's getting late."

"You continue to study the plan and contact me at any time after you think about it."

"I'm going back. I stayed out for too long and was discovered by Lu Fei, which aroused suspicion, so we became passive."

Hollin wanted to go back, but Ques stopped him.

"Master Patriarch, you can't go back."

"Why?" Holling asked.

"Master Patriarch, your previous analysis does make sense, but that is just your subjective analysis."

"None of us are sure whether Lu Fei accidentally leaked it or deliberately set it up."

"If it was Lu Fei who set up the trap before, it would be too dangerous for you to go back now."

"You are the head of the family, so you should stay in the family and take charge."

"As for the villa, I can just give him any reason. At worst, someone else will take care of him."

"No matter what, I will never let your safety slip even a little bit," Quess said.


After hearing this, Huo Lin not only did not worry, but actually laughed.

"Quis, I know you are good for me, thank you for reminding me."

"But you all don't have to worry about me."

"I have experienced countless ups and downs over the past few decades, and I naturally have the ability to protect myself."

"There are Lu Fei and his two men in the villa. Reina and the others can handle it."

"Besides, I believe in my perception and my ability to see people. No matter how smart Lu Fei is, he will never associate me with the clan leader."

"If I stay with Lu Fei, I will have many opportunities."

"If the opportunity is right, I can even take Lu Fei's treasure map directly."

"This way we have one more certainty."

"There are secret sentries over there at the villa. There is absolutely no problem with my safety, so don't worry!"

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