A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2136 Charge some interest

Although Murray's plan reveals his ambition, it is indeed a good way to get the best of both worlds.

Especially at this special moment, this is the best choice.

Ques thought for a while and decisively agreed to Murray's plan.

As a result, the arrogant and domineering Thomas Roy became the most miserable unlucky guy.

The Thomas Family Presbyterian Church immediately announced that the family had suffered huge losses due to Roy's mistakes.

Therefore, driving Roy out of the Thomas family has nothing to do with the family from now on.

Not only that, even the power to cooperate with the puppets in running the steel company was ruthlessly deprived.

From then on, the Thomas family no longer protected Roy, and he could only fend for himself.

This is the second time that the Thomas family has issued a notice to clear the door since it became the leader of Europe.

There was an unlucky guy like Roy before, and the result was extremely miserable. .??.

Until he was killed by his enemy, the family did not intervene.

So no one outside doubts the determination of the Thomas family.

After receiving the news, the wealthy businessmen who were usually suppressed and bullied by Roy immediately started to take action.

Roy was frightened out of his mind when he saw this news.

Even more frightened were Roy's immediate family members.

Not only are they worried about family embarrassment, but they are also worried about Roy's revenge.

Therefore, Roy's close relatives no longer dare to contact Roy, and treat him as a piece of shit.

Roy's family members were all in danger. They immediately liquidated their property, switched accounts, and left London as quickly as possible, and then left Europe.

They believe that only by leaving the family's control can they have a chance of survival.

The family ran away, but Roy couldn't.

All permissions are stripped away, all accounts are frozen, and most importantly, you must always be on guard against revenge from past enemies.

At this moment, Roy was betrayed by his family, had no love in his life, and was really desperate.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Roy called

Turn to Murray for help.

As a result, Murray was quite friendly towards him.

He also told Roy on the phone that this was a major plan of the family and it was also his only chance to get away with his crime and make meritorious service.

After hearing the plan, Roy was moved to tears and vowed to get things done.

Murray immediately assigned people to Roy and taught him how to do it. Roy agreed without hesitation.

Roy immediately prepared secretly, and Murray was not idle either.

Although his plan was perfect, there was one thing he had to figure out before taking action.

That's what happened to the surveillance video.

If there is really a super awesome hacker, their plan will probably fail.

Quess immediately contacted the family's most cutting-edge network technology talents and came to the villa to investigate.

More than a dozen experts carefully peeled off the cocoons and studied for a long time, but found no abnormalities.

That is to say, there is no trace of video clip replacement at all.

Now everyone is stupid.

Damn it!

If the video is real, it's really crazy.

Could there be another version of the truth? Could it be that the invisible ghost kidnapped the clan leader?

Although this is absurd to say the least, they think it is impossible.

But reality cannot be explained at all!

In fact, it’s not that it’s unexplainable, it’s that their talents are not good enough.

For Lu Fei's plan, Lang Lijing prepared two days in advance.

Through hacker technology, Angang's system was completely taken over.

The video last night was indeed edited by Lang Lijing.

However, after editing, Lang Lijing released the complete video

Reprogram the monitoring program.

In this way, all the edited clips will become a complete movie, and there will be no trace at all.

In addition to these there is another advantage.

In fact, there was only one edit in the entire film.

In the few minutes when people evacuated from the villa, the remaining scenes were all still night, which would be even simpler.

As for the monitoring time, that is simply child's play. Not to mention them, even a dabbler like a little puppy can do it.

Although the video produced in this way is perfect, if you peel it off carefully, you can still find the problem.

Unfortunately, finding the problem requires knowing exactly when it occurred.

Otherwise, we can only slowly compare and investigate minute by minute, and we won't be able to find any flaws until three to five months.

However, even if it is found after three to five months, it will be too late.

Although it was incredible that the surveillance problem was not found, Murray felt that he should continue with his plan.

Success is of course the best, but even if it doesn't succeed, the only loss will be the life of competitor Roy.

The odds are stacked against him inside and out, and Murray wants to try.

Returning to the family, Ques presided over a high-level meeting,

After the Presbyterian Council studied and voted, they chose to support Murray's plan. Murray was so excited that he almost laughed out loud.

Next, it is a rigorous deployment.

On the other side, Lu Fei and others left the villa, and Long Yun immediately arranged for people to protect the safety of Lu Fei's plane and Lang Lijing.

There are many treasures on Lu Fei's plane.

The three hundred boxes of top-quality red wine that were used to blackmail the Thomas family, as well as the twelve zodiac animals such as dogs and other treasures were all on the plane.

Of course, what Lu Fei cares about most is the personal safety of Lang Lijing and the first officer.

Now that he and the Thomas family are on a par with each other, he must guard against the other party's plot.

If a bomb was installed on the plane and detonated after the plane took off, it would be a damn unjust death.

"Fei, go to my villa now!"

"The family has sent top experts to protect you and me. You are absolutely safe with me," Wade said.


"But there is one more thing that needs to be resolved immediately."

"Do you want to come with me?" Lu Fei asked.

"what's up?"

"Charge some interest!"


"I like this, I'll go with you."

Wade's motorcade drove to the city and found a Chinese restaurant for breakfast.

More than a dozen bodyguards were on alert throughout the entire process, but even so, Wade was still a little nervous.

He knew very well how terrifying the Thomas family was, and he still had to be cautious in their territory.

Lu Fei, on the other hand, felt relaxed.

The food was put on the table and he devoured it without any nervousness.

"Lu Fei is calm and courageous, which is completely inappropriate for his age."

"It's so unpredictable!" Wade thought to himself.

Wade asked after returning to the car after breakfast.

"Fei, where can we collect interest?"

Lu Fei looked at his watch.

"It's still early. Find a place to rest for a while. We'll be there at half past nine."


Instead of going back to Wade's villa, he just found a quiet woods and stopped the motorcade.

The bodyguards are experienced.

The four people dispersed around to guard, and the remaining eight people formed a circle to protect Wade's car in the middle.

The driver stands at the door of the driver's seat. If something happens, he can get into the car and leave as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the owner.

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