A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2155 Seven Elders

Roy is crazy.

Lu Fei was really mad.

With nowhere to vent, he grabbed a bodyguard and slapped his mouth desperately.

Roy's anger was barely suppressed until he beat the bodyguard into a pig's head.

"Lu Fei, no matter how cunning you are, tonight is the day you die."

"I'm going to chop your head off and use it as a ball."

"I will pry your teeth out one by one, then make them into bracelets and ravage you day and night."

"I'm going to dig out your eyes, and by the way, I'm also going to cut out your tongue."

"You will be unable to speak for the rest of your life."

"I will also peel your skin to make a drum and have people beat it every day."

"Anyway, I want you to die badly!"


"I am so angry!"

After venting. Roy dialed Lu Fei's number again.

"Lu Fei, I won't listen to any explanation from you. I'll give you another twenty minutes."

"If you can't arrive at the designated place in twenty minutes, just wait to collect the bodies of your brother and woman!"


"Don't be angry. My brother is in your hands. It's me who is anxious!"

"Don't worry, I'm already familiar with the car's performance, and I'll get there as soon as possible."

"Still, I don't understand the road conditions."

"If I go the wrong way, please remind me in time!" Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, I don't want to be nagging you."

"I'm warning you, don't play tricks on us."

"We do want to get your antique knife, but the dignity of our organization is more important."

"The majesty of the organization must not be trampled upon by anyone."

"Now, you've pissed me off."

"I'm giving you one last chance. If you don't arrive in time, you will bear the consequences."

After saying that, Roy refused to listen to Lu Fei's explanation and hung up the phone angrily.

The reason why Roy hung up the phone quickly was because he really didn't want to hear Lu Fei's voice.


Hearing Lu Fei's voice, he couldn't suppress his anger, and his seven orifices were filled with smoke and his five internal organs were burning.

Under Roy's pressure, Lu Fei's speed did improve.

But it was only a modest improvement of five steps.

"Lu Fei, you bastard!"

"Just wait for me, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you."

Roy roared hysterically, and the bodyguard behind him quickly stepped aside, fearing that Roy would catch him and use him as a punching bag.

At this time, Murray's call came in.

"Roy, what are you doing?"

"You force Lu Fei like this, what if he doesn't give up?"

"I'm warning you, this is your only chance to get away with it."

"If you mess this up, get out of Europe right now."


Hearing this, Roy became even more angry.

A few days ago, he was on the same level as Murray.

The two are both the new generation talents of the family, and in some aspects, Roy's ability even suppresses Murray.

But in just two days, he became the abandoned son of his family, and he could only survive by performing meritorious deeds.

And Murray, who was equal to him at the beginning, has become the seventh elder of the family. He gives orders to him as if he is teaching his son a lesson, which Roy really cannot accept.

However, he had to endure it even if he couldn't accept it.

Because only by seizing this opportunity to return to the family can he have a chance to make a comeback.

If he were driven out of Europe, he would surely die.

Countless enemies are waiting to deal with him. If he can survive for three days, it is a gift from God.

Therefore, people have to lower their heads when they are under the low edge.

this is the truth.

Suppressing the overwhelming anger in the center, Roy said flatteringly.

"Don't worry, Murray.


"Roy, please watch your words, you should call me the Seventh Elder." Murray roared.

That's right!

With the guarantee of Quess, Murray has successfully entered the family elders' council and became the seventh elder of the family.

Roy now looks like an ant in his eyes.

Damn it! .??.??

Roy quietly raised his middle finger, but his mouth was as polite as a eunuch.

"Yes, Seventh Elder."

"Don't worry, I promise to complete the task."

"Tonight is the day Lu Fei will die."

"I will definitely force him to hand over the Seven-Star Sword. I have absolute confidence in this aspect." Roy said.

"Roy, I know you hate Lu Fei."

"But I'm warning you, you'd better hold back until you get the Seven-Star Sword and the treasure map."

"If Lu Fei dies without any clues, just wait to be buried with him!"


"Also, don't be smart, your little wisdom is nothing in front of Lu Fei."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have been repeatedly played like an idiot by Lu Fei."

"Now that Lu Fei has come out alone, he will definitely meet you."

"On your side, don't push him too hard."

"You know, Zhu Tianbao is not in your hands at all."

"Lu Fei is not a fool. If you push him too hard, it will be counterproductive."

"If Lu Fei alerts you, you will bear the consequences." Murray said coldly.

Roy gasped upon hearing this.

Now he is also a little scared.

Before, he was so carried away by hatred that he completely devoted himself to the role, and he even forgot that Zhu Tianbao was not in his hands at all.

Thanks to Murray for reminding him, otherwise he would really be in trouble.

"Seventh Elder, I know what to do."

"But Lu Fei must be dawdling like this on purpose.


"What if he gets suspicious?" Roy asked.


"Of course Lu Fei did it on purpose."

"Do you think he will believe you based on just one photo?"

"Do you think Lu Fei is as idiotic as you?" Murray shouted.


"Since he was suspicious, why did he come out to meet me?"

Murray sighed, thinking that this guy is really an idiot.

In the past, there were five or six people who were protected by the family. Without the protection of the family, he was nothing.

"Judging from the current situation, maybe Lu Fei was really attacked last night."

"The disappearance of Zhu Tianbao and the clan leader should have nothing to do with him. He is also a victim."

"The reason why I came out to meet you is because Zhu Tianbao is too important to Lu Fei and he must rescue him."

"Although he doubts you, this is the only clue at the moment."

"No matter what, he has to verify it himself."

"You threatened Lu Fei just now. If you suddenly change your attitude, he will be suspicious of you."

"You still do it your way, but you must have a certain degree of control. Don't tighten the strings too tightly. Do you understand?" Murray said.


In a dark place three kilometers away from Roy's real location, an ordinary Volkswagen sedan was parked.

The car was also black. In the darkness without any light, it fit perfectly into the darkness like a ghost. It was impossible to spot it without looking carefully.

In the car, Murray hung up the phone with disdain.

"Murray, why didn't you tell Roy we were outside to pick him up?"

"This way he can rest assured!" the third elder asked.

Not only the third elder, but also the great elder Andre was also in the car.

Counting Murray, three of the seven elders came, and there were dozens of armed and armed bodyguards laying a dragnet around the perimeter.

Even if Roy fails, they are sure to keep Lu Fei.

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