A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2184 Deja Vu

The hiding place of the treasure is quite cleverly designed.

When ordinary people see Mantou Mountain, they will definitely think that it is the hiding place of the ultimate treasure.

Because no one would be bored and come up with such a huge cover-up.

You know, Lu Fei thought so too at first.

After confirming that the treasure is at the foot of Mantou Mountain, they will find a way to dig it out.

It is impossible to accurately locate such a large mountain of steamed buns. We can only use the stupidest method to dig slowly from top to bottom.

At this scale, even if modern machinery and equipment are used to dig to the bottom, it will take at least three months.

Of course, there will be no discoveries below. They are not willing to give in and will definitely explore around.

At this scale, it would take at least three years to remove the entire Mantou Mountain.

However, this is still an optimistic estimate.

People spent countless manpower, material and financial resources to create such a deception, and it must be quite realistic.

All kinds of preventive measures and institutions are indispensable.

This makes excavation more difficult.

More importantly, blatant excavation using modern machinery will inevitably attract the attention of Chinese officials, and the consequences will inevitably be confiscation.

Therefore, personal excavation is simply impossible.

Even if Shenzhou officials take over, there will be no results, because this is not the case here at all.

I have to say, this trick is really deceiving!

Withdrawing his thoughts, Lu Fei continued to study the valley.

After carefully considering all the factors, Lu Fei finally believed in his judgment.

The final location is underground in the valley.

Lu Fei put himself in his own shoes and thought about where he would hide the treasure if he were hiding it.

After thinking for half an hour, Lu Fei finally identified the four most suspicious locations on both sides of the canyon.

After doing all this, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

Lighting a cigarette, he leaned on the chair and crossed his legs, feeling extremely excited.

The final location was found, but it could not be connected with the previous five maps, so the exact location of the valley could not be determined.

But Lu Fei was not in a hurry, as long as he saw the last map in his mother's hand, all problems would be solved.

This treasure is yours.

This can basically be said to be a certainty, how could Lu Fei not be excited!

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei was ready to restore the Seven-Star Sword.

Sitting up and looking at the gold foil map again, Lu Fei suddenly frowned.


"Why does this location look so familiar?"

Lu Fei was shocked when he came up with this idea.

Standing up with the map, he walked around in the study and thought.

Lu Fei didn't have any hallucinations. He really felt that this location was a bit familiar.

Mantou Mountain, woods, canyons, hot springs


Lu Fei's eyes suddenly burst into fiery light, and he finally made a major discovery.

This place indeed seemed familiar to Lu Fei, because the landforms on the map were very similar to Xue Taihe's medicine garden.

In retrospect, isn't the mountain at the Xue Family Medicine Garden's medicinal material preparation base just a semicircle?

It doesn’t feel like you’re in the mountains, but standing far away, it looks like a steamed bun!

For this reason, Lu Fei also discussed with Xue Cheng and said that the shape of the mountain is quite strange. If it is not man-made, it is a miracle created by nature!


It's this shape.

Under the Xue Family Medicine Garden, there is indeed an endless stretch of woods.

The trees are mainly redwood, pine and cypress.

Every tree is tall

Towering into the clouds, various rare medicinal materials have also been planted in the woods by Xue family employees, and they are growing very well.

There is indeed a winding path in the woods, and Lu Fei once rode a horse.

At that time, Lu Fei was still wondering why the road was built with so many curves.

Passing through the woods is the most mysterious part of the base, which is the valley.

There are eleven hot springs in the valley, filled with hot air and misty all four seasons, just like a fairyland.

The elders of the Xue family gave that valley a super cool name, called the Valley of Immortality.

There, Lu Fei also had some charming things happen with Xue Taihe's granddaughter Xue Meimei.

When Zhang Huaizhi died unexpectedly and Lu Fei was wanted, he stayed at the Xue family base for a long time.

At that time, Lu Fei soaked in the hot springs almost every day.

Lu Fei had already noticed the smell of sulfur in the hot springs.


The more Lu Fei thought about it, the more excited he became.

The whole picture of the Xue Family Medicinal Materials Base came to mind, and he compared those images with the gold foil map bit by bit.

Finally, they overlapped almost perfectly, and Lu Fei jumped up excitedly.

Quack quack!

Lu Fei laughed strangely and was extremely excited.

At this time, Lu Fei thought that his guess was accurate.

If it is really there, then just skip the map in Chapter 7.

In other words, Lu Fei can find the treasure without his mother's Seven-Star Sword. This is of great significance to Lu Fei.

If that were the case, Lu Fei could completely avoid his mother's suspicion.

Give her the map directly and let her look for clues on her own.

Of course, there must be no clues, so it's none of my business, and my mother won't doubt me.

This is not Lu Fei’s intention to trick his mother.

There is really a special reason.

On the one hand, Lu Fei has had too little contact with his mother and has no understanding of her current personality.

Today’s mother is the head of the Xiao family!

Being able to achieve this position and eyeing the other two companies is enough to prove that my mother is ambitious and cruel.

Lu Fei, who has lived in two lifetimes, has experienced countless things.

He knows very well that people with this kind of personality always put power and interests first.

At the critical moment, family affection is even worthless.

This is not alarmist, but a true fact.

If someone threatens their position, they will kill them without hesitation.

This is just like the imperial power in ancient times. In their eyes, their current status is even more superior than that of the ancient emperors. How could they allow others to threaten their rule?

Therefore, Lu Fei did not dare to have too much interaction with his mother.

Lu Fei is confident that he can move freely between power and family affection, but he cannot guarantee the safety of his family and friends, so Lu Fei does not dare to take risks.

Apart from this reason, there is another important factor.

My mother is not of Chinese nationality. Although she is of Chinese blood, she does not have the same Chinese feelings as Lu Fei.

In Lu Fei's eyes, those treasures are the treasures of China. Although they are in his own hands, they belong to every Chinese people.

In your own hands, that is your pride, and only you can inspire their greatest value.

But in my mother's eyes, those are just wealth.

It is the richest wealth in the world, and there are some treasures that restrict the belonging of some people's beliefs.

The ownership of these beliefs is also power in their eyes.

With such power, they can make people with faith do what they want according to their will.

Such a result is really terrible.

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