A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2195 Dong Jianye who rose to the top in one step

This is the fifth day since Lu Fei and others came to the base.

In the past five days, these beauties have had a lot of fun and are in great spirits.

Riding horses, fishing, or soaking in hot springs every day has significantly improved my skin.

After five days of getting along, all the employees at the base have adapted to the presence of Lu Fei and the others.

People worked step by step, and Lu Fei and the others did not need their deliberate company.

Late that night, Lu Fei and Qin Rong finally took action.

The two of them took their tools and arrived at the innermost part of the Valley of Immortality without anyone noticing.

"Is there something here?" Qin Rong asked.

Qin Rong's specialty is to listen to thunder and debate tombs. Within a radius of five kilometers, there are almost no mistakes.

But without thunder, he is useless.

What's more, this is not an ancient tomb. Even a senior earth master or a master of the Nine Sects can't see anything strange.

"might have!"

"But it's not a fight." Lu Fei replied.


Lu Fei said it was not a fight, then it must be a treasure.

It's not a super fat fight, it can't be compared with the treasure. Qin Rong was extremely excited.

Seeing his look like this, Lu Fei couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Be careful."


Qin Rong winced and immediately realized that she had lost her composure. She quickly lowered her head and did not dare to ask any more questions.

Lu Fei took out two Luoyang shovels and handed one to Qin Rong.

"Get down the poles ten meters apart."

"Stop when you encounter obstacles. Don't be reckless. It may be dangerous."

"Kanzi" refers to the hard ground. In the industry, it refers to the protective layer. Of course Qin Rong understands that.

The two spread out and started working immediately.

Lu Fei's Luoyang shovel is specially made and made of alloy material. It is extremely sharp and can do work with twice the result with half the effort.

Hold the pole with both hands and insert it into the ground, rotate it slightly and apply force.

The space fell forty centimeters.

However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move it.

Hit hard ground.

Based on experience, Lu Fei immediately understood that this feeling was not hitting a protective layer, but hitting a stone.

He raised his head and looked at Qin Rong. The same thing happened to him.

Lu Fei made a gesture, and Qin Rong pulled out the pole and came to Lu Fei.

Pour out the soil inside and look carefully. Sure enough, you have hit a rock.

However, Lu Fei was surprised to find that the rock fragments brought up were slightly different from the rocks on the nearby mountain.

The color and texture are similar, but the underground rocks are slightly less dense than the rocks on the mountain.

In other words, the rocks underground are not as hard as the rocks on the mountain.

This is a major discovery.

If the Changsheng Valley is naturally formed, then the exposed mountain is part of the underground mountain.

Because Lu Fei and the two of them were clinging to the pole at the base of the mountain.

Since the top and bottom are the same mountain, there is no such a big difference in the quality of the rocks if they are so far apart.

Even if there is a difference, it is because the density of the rocks on the ground is slightly lower, because the rocks above the ground will undergo weathering.

But the fact is exactly the opposite. The one on the ground is actually harder than the one underground. This completely goes against natural science.

There can only be one explanation for the formation of this gap. The mountains above and below are not naturally formed, but are artificial illusions.

This slight difference cannot be seen by ordinary people, but it cannot be hidden from Lu Fei's eyes.

Seeing Lu Fei's excitement, Qin Rong looked confused.

Obviously, he couldn't see it either.

"Xiao Fei, change places!"

"Not here!" Qin Rong said depressedly.

Lu Fei waved his hand.

"Don't worry, stagger ten meters and keep trying."

In the next two hours, Lu and Fei played forty shots close to the roots of the mountain, with a distance of nearly 400 meters.

Without exception, these forty poles had the same result, which made Lu Fei even more excited.

It seems that the facts are similar to what I guessed. There should be treasures under the entire Immortal Valley.

Lu Fei was excited, but Qin Rong continued to be confused.

After checking that it was already three o'clock in the morning, Lu Fei and his two men reset all the holes they had punched before and quietly left the Immortality Valley.

In the next two days, we continued to play during the day, and in the second half of the night, we took Qin Rong to continue exploring the Valley of Immortality.

The operation for these two days was the same as the first day, which was to descend the pole along the base of the mountain. .??.

After three days of hard work, we finally completed exploring the eastern mountain roots of Changsheng Valley.

The situation is almost exactly the same throughout the entire east side of the mountain.

Even the thickness of the soil layer is almost the same.

By feeling, the two found that the trend underground was almost the same as that on the surface of Changsheng Valley, with the inside going high and the outside going low.

With such a touch, Qin Rong, even a fool, can feel that something is different.

So on the last night, Qin Rong was no longer depressed, but more excited than Lu Fei.

Another three days passed, and Lu and Fei explored the roots of the mountain on the other side again, and the same thing happened.

When he arrived here, Lu Fei was shocked and dumbfounded.

Good guy!

If nothing else, the entire Changsheng Valley and the mountains above are fake.

It is very likely that the entire area is filled with Yuanmeng's treasures.

Oh My God!

Isn't it too scary on such a large scale?

How much did they plunder?

After exploring the mountain roots on both sides, the next plan is not

It’s the Discovery Valley.

Lu Fei could conclude that the bottom of the valley should be the same as the bottom of the mountain.

It should be that the underground of the entire valley is a super protective layer made of huge rocks around the treasure.

Of course, this is just Lu Fei's guess and cannot be confirmed yet, and Lu Fei is not in a hurry to confirm it right away.

What he has to do now is to explore how large this treasure is.

Therefore, Lu Fei decided to leave Changsheng Valley tonight and continue exploring towards the woods.

For this reason, Lu Fei and Qin Rong discussed it all morning, studying various details to prepare for the evening action.

However, something unexpected happened at this time.

At noon that day, three Beijing-branded off-road vehicles drove to the base.

The cafeteria was getting ready for dinner, and many people saw it.

Lu Fei, Chen Xiang and others also saw these three off-road vehicles.

The car drove straight to Lu Fei and stopped. The door opened and eight strong men in black suits got out.

These eight people have strong bodies, all have bronzed skin, serious expressions, and all wear sunglasses.

This kind of attire is extremely close to the image of the underworld in the movie, and the base employees suddenly became nervous.

Seeing these eight people, Lu Fei also frowned.

Lu Fei was not afraid of their attire, but he didn't understand why this group of people appeared here.

That's right, Lu Fei knew half of these eight people.

One of the middle-aged strong men was more familiar to Lu Fei.

They are not a gangster, but they are much more difficult to deal with than a gangster, because they are elite members of China's Special Division.

The middle-aged man at the head was Lu Fei's old friend, Dong Jianye, the super boss who had just replaced Zhao Yuanchao as the chief executive of the China Special Branch.


After Zhao Yuanchao was arrested, Dong Jianye rose to the top and replaced Zhao Yuanchao's position, becoming a real super boss.

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