A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2197 Cursed

Lu Fei was interested in the new car, and Dong Jianye gnashed his teeth in sorrow, his intestines turning green with regret.

"Brother Lu Fei, the quality of your car is already very high. Can you just let me go?"

"This is the car assigned to me by the superiors. I really have no right to give it to you."

"Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to the superiors!" Dong Jianye said with a grimace.


"Boss Dong, you are not serious!" ??

"You are now the chief special officer, and you are already a figure on the ceiling."

"Who do you need to ask for instructions when deploying a car?"

"Don't tell me, you have to ask Leader No. 1 for instructions when using the car. He doesn't have that spare time."


Dong Jianye rolled his eyes angrily and felt a little feverish on his face.

Because what Lu Fei said is true.

He now holds great power and does not need to ask for instructions when deploying vehicles. He is just reluctant to do so.

Now being directly pointed out by Lu Fei, Dong Jianye was immediately ashamed.

"Boss Dong, I think our friends have a good relationship, so I informed you to act together last time."

"Otherwise, Xuanlong can easily handle it alone."

"I treat you as a brother and give you a chance to reach the sky in one step, but you can't even part with a broken car. Do you think it's appropriate?"

"have gratitude"

Lu Fei turned on the oral squirting mode. Dong Jianye's old face almost caught fire and he quickly interrupted Lu Fei.

"have to!"

"Stop talking. If you like it, you can drive this car away."

"Can I help you complete all the procedures?" Dong Jianye said.

Lu Fei then showed a satisfied smile.

"That's pretty much it."

"If you have good things, you should learn to share them with your buddies."

"Just like when I have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds, the first thing I think of is you." Lu Fei said.



Do you think I'm a thief? "

"Stop talking."

"The car can be given to you, but you must follow the rules."

"Special vehicles like ours have strict registration codes and must not be messed with."

"After you go back, you use your identity as the chief instructor of Wulong to give me a call report, and you can forget about the rest." Dong Jianye said.

"no problem!"

Lu Fei knows all the rules here.

After all, this is not the first time. To put it bluntly, it is just a situation.

If it were anything else, Lu Fei wouldn't bother to go into this situation.

But this time is different, this is Dong Jianye’s special car! !

Lu Fei owns one, and he knows how awesome this kind of vehicle is.

It can be said that at critical moments, this is a super tool to save lives.

Wraiths, Bentleys, and stretched Lincolns are not worth mentioning in front of these special vehicles.

The cost of modifying this kind of vehicle is extremely expensive. Looking at the entire China, there will be no more than thirty vehicles.

In the entire Five Dragons Brigade, only Dragon King Chen Honggang has one, which is still the lowest level.

As for Lu Fei, the chief instructor, he is simply not high enough.

Dong Jianye was able to have one before, but it was because the work of the Special Branch was of extremely special nature, so he was given a low-level special car, which was later stolen by Lu Fei.

The current car is a mid-range special car, much more powerful than Lu Fei's Cherokee.

No amount of Lu Fei is too many for such a heaven-defying treasure.

Now Lu Fei owns two cars, which is so cool! !

In fact, this kind of car is really not of much use to Lu Fei.

With his current identity and status, ordinary people in China cannot threaten him at all.

someone who can threaten him

, even if there are special vehicles, they are of no use.

However, Lu Fei was worried about the safety of Chen Xiang and Wang Xinyi.

It would be too troublesome if someone used them to threaten themselves.

Just like the previous Changshanyu Reservoir incident, Wang Xinyi and herself almost died.

Lu Fei will never allow this situation to happen again.

Now with two special vehicles, the safety of the two women is greatly guaranteed. This is much safer than carrying a dozen bodyguards with you!

Lu Fei was in a good mood after cheating Dong Jianye's car.

Taking this opportunity, Dong Jianye wanted to get down to business, but was interrupted by Lu Fei again.

"There's no rush to get down to business. I'll ask you about the situation first."

"How's things going over there with Liu Sisi?"

"Have you confessed?"

In London, after Lu Fei took control of Liu Sisi and Huo Lin, he immediately sent them out of Europe separately.

Huo Lin handed it over to Tianbao, and used the Ruixin drug transport cargo ship as a cover to send it to the Strait of Malacca.

Mom Xiao Tingfang led people to hand over Tianbao in the Straits of Malacca.

As for Liu Sisi, Lu Fei handed her over to the Zhulong team members and escorted her directly back to China.

When I arrived in China, I handed it over to Dong Jianye immediately.

Dong Jianye shook his head slightly.

"This woman is really not simple. She bites you to death and doesn't say anything. She just keeps cursing you."

"Have you sneezed in the past few days?"

"If she continues to curse like this, your life will be shortened by a few years." Dong Jianye said with a smile.

"Depend on!!"

Lu Fei rolled his eyes angrily, and Dong Jianye immediately felt very happy.


"I'm not kidding you, that woman's mouth is too poisonous."

"I have transcribed your ancestors and their descendants several times, and I even recorded them. I will send them back to you!"



"Quack quack!!"

Dong Jianye laughed even more wildly.

You little bastard, you cheated on my car, I will never be mad at you, Dong Jianye thought to himself.


"You don't have to be depressed. It doesn't matter whether Liu Sisi confesses or not. Zhao Yuanchao has already given up everything."

"Liu Sisi's crime has been increased, and she will never see the light of day again in this life." Dong Jianye said.


After hearing what Dong Jianye said, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

Now Lu Fei is not worried that Liu Sisi will not confess, but he does not want her to confess.

Because Lu Fei had learned from Roy the entire process of how the Thomas family rescued Liu Sisi and arranged for Liu Sisi to harm him.

What Lu Fei was worried about was that Liu Sisi confessed to the Thomas family and her contacts with the Thomas family, which would arouse suspicion among senior officials about her and possibly cause unnecessary trouble.

Now it seems that this worry is unnecessary.

Liu Sisi didn't know that the Thomas family had ceased to exist in name only.

She has seen the Thomas family's methods with her own eyes, and in order to avoid being retaliated by the Thomas family, she will never dare to talk nonsense.

He felt at ease in his heart, but Lu Fei couldn't show it on the surface.

You know, Dong Jianye is a super cunning old fox!


"There are no absolutes in this world, so don't be so full of yourself."

"You said the same thing back in Fengtian. What was the result?"

"Isn't Liu Sisi out to cause trouble to the world?"

"If I hadn't been so alert, I would have fallen into her hands." Lu Fei said.


"Well, it's different this time."

"Before, there was Zhao Yuanchao, who gave her a chance. Now that I'm watching personally, nothing will happen."

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