A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2199 Complaint

Lu Fei has to return to Tiandu City to report on his work, and his plan to explore the treasure can only be put on hold temporarily.

Lu Fei asked Qin Rong to stay and be responsible for building a small courtyard for Chen Xiang.

Lu Fei specifically stated that he was strictly prohibited from exploring the treasure alone.

As for the construction of the small courtyard, the project should be slowed down as much as possible, and all details should be completed to the extreme.

This is not because Chen Xiang has high demands, but because Lu Fei gives himself a reason to come again.

This time I return to Tiandu City, I don’t know how long I will stay.

There may also be other special circumstances that occur, and it doesn't necessarily take long to come to the Medicine Garden again.

Therefore, try to delay the progress of the construction period.

Lu Fei asked the three girls, and they said they would stay here for a while.

In the past few days, they have deeply realized the benefits brought by the Changsheng Valley Hot Spring, so they are a little happy to miss Shu.

After lunch, Lu Fei left the helicopter with Chen Xiang and set off in the specially modified Land Rover he had just received from Dong Jianye.

Lu Fei was alone in the car. Dong Jianye wanted to get up, but Lu Fei refused unceremoniously.

Before getting off work in the afternoon, Lu Fei appeared in the high-rise office area.

Seeing Lu Fei appear, everyone from the gate looked at him strangely.

It seems that it is no longer a secret that he took action to bring down Zhao Yuanchao. Everyone should know it.

Although Lu Fei was a little depressed, he had no scruples.

In this office area, there must be a big boss who has a good relationship with the nine people in Zhao Yuanchao.

But Lu Fei believed that even if he lent them ten courages now, they would not dare to openly retaliate against him.

Even if you have this intention, you have to wait until this storm has passed.

Therefore, Lu Fei is absolutely safe recently.

As soon as Lu Fei entered the office building, he was called to the office by Pan Xingzhou's secretary.

After letting the secretary go out, Pan Xingzhou closed the door himself, turned back and glared at Lu Fei.


You are so brave. Pan Xingzhou shouted.


"My courage is indeed not small." Lu Fei said with a smile.


Pan Xingzhou's jaw twitched in anger, and he pointed at Lu Fei. He was really admiring and hating him so much that he gritted his teeth!


"Do you know how big a trap this time is?"

"I'm really mad at you. How dare you take the decision to arrest Zhao Yuanchao and the others without permission!"

"Do you know how powerful they are?"

"Have you considered the consequences?" Pan Xingzhou shouted softly.

Lu Fei took out a cigarette and handed it to Pan Xingzhou, but the latter slapped it away.

"Mr. Pan, there is nothing I can do!"

"When I got the evidence, I was worried about being discovered by them."

"If they report it, the evidence will be just a piece of waste paper."

"Soldiers are more valuable and faster. These are the four most critical words in our ancestors' art of war!" Lu Fei said.


"That's all you can say."

"But even if your troops are very fast, you should at least notify me in advance so that I can be mentally prepared, right?"

"Do you know how passive I am?"

"My hair turned gray just to wipe your ass."

"You, you really don't make me worry."

Pan Xingzhou was right, he suffered a lot that day.

Almost at the same time that Zhao Yuanchao and the others were taken away, Pan Xingzhou's phone was buzzing with calls.

Pan Xingzhou is the supervisor responsible for the security and coordination of the office area, and is also responsible for supervising the law enforcement rights of several special departments.

, including the Supervisory Special Branch.

Nine people from Zhao Yuanchao were inexplicably taken away, and it was in broad daylight in the office area. Xuanlong and the Special Branch were fully armed to arrest them. This was something that had never happened before or since.

The leaders above were completely confused and would definitely ask Pan Xingzhou about the situation.

Fortunately, Lu Fei sent the evidence and his action plan to Pan Xingzhou five minutes ago, otherwise, he would not have known how to report to his superiors.

Even so, Pan Xingzhou was caught off guard. He almost fainted after taking three quick-acting Jiuxin Pills in one afternoon.

After Pan Xingzhou vented his anger, Lu Fei smiled and handed over the cigarette again. This time Pan Xingzhou did not refuse.

"Mr. Pan, don't be angry. No matter what, the result is good after all."

"Zhao Yuanchao and others deserved their crimes and finally received the punishment they deserved." Lu Fei said.

"What a fart!"

"A few of them hold important positions, and you arrested them all at once, paralyzing the work of several departments. Do you know how much damage it will cause?"

"Also, have you considered the consequences of arresting someone so blatantly if the outside world sees it and posts it online?"

"Boy, don't think you are the only one who is smart. Let me tell you clearly. The leaders above have been paying attention to these few for a long time."

"The evidence in the hands of leaders will definitely not be less than yours."

"The reason why we haven't touched them yet is because there are too many people involved. Once they are arrested, it will affect the whole body, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"The leaders planned to slowly limit their power and wait for the right opportunity to defeat them one by one, but you kid went behind everyone's back and took them all. You must be too courageous!"

"Also, even if you want to take action, you should discuss it with me in advance, right?"

"Am I not worthy of you?

Do you trust me? Pan Xingzhou said.

The leaders above had long understood the situation of Zhao Yuanchao and the others and were preparing to defeat them. Dong Jianye had told Lu Fei before he took action.

However, the leaders above could afford to wait, but Lu Fei could not afford to wait.

At that time, it was a critical moment in the game between Lu Fei and the Thomas family.

And Zhao Yuanchao was Roy's pawn, but this pawn threatened Lu Fei's foundation, and Lu Fei had to uproot him.

As for how serious the consequences would be, Lu Fei had no time to consider and didn't care much.

This is called eliminating harm for the people. Even if the leaders are unhappy, they will not criticize themselves openly.

That's why Lu Fei dared to be so unscrupulous.

"Mr. Pan, you really misunderstood me, how could I not trust you!"

"The situation at that time was really special."

"You know Liu Sisi, right?"

"Liu Sisi once committed espionage and was imprisoned in a special prison, but was released privately by Zhao Yuanchao."

"At that time, Liu Sisi was lurking next to me. She might tip off Zhao Yuanchao at any time."

"I was also worried about missing this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I decided to make a quick decision."

"As for the trouble I've caused you, I can only say I'm sorry."

When Lu Fei said this, Pan Xingzhou couldn't complain anymore.

In fact, he was happier than Lu Fei when Zhao Yuanchao and others were arrested.

In the past, when dealing with some major matters, Zhao Yuanchao and others would stand up and oppose him from time to time.

Now that these cancers have been eliminated, it will be easier for him to carry out his work in the future.

The reason why I complained to Lu Fei was that he was angry that Lu Fei didn't discuss it with him in advance.

Now that everything was explained clearly, Pan Xingzhou felt relieved.

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