A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2231 This is your honor

"Xiao Fei, I know that the Yuanbao from Wanshan is really rare."

"In the past few decades, one ingot of ten taels of silver has appeared, worth more than 20 million!"

"There are a hundred boxes of gold and silver here, which is incredible!" Gao Jianhua said excitedly.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Brother Gao, it's not as exaggerated as you think."

"The reason why Wanshan's silver ingots are so valuable is because they are rare."

"As the saying goes, rare things are valuable."

"When my Daxiguo silver ingot first appeared, one ingot of fifty taels of silver ingot was worth millions."

"But now, no one wants the 100,000 yuan."

"These Wanshan silver ingots are the same."

"If you take out three or five ingots, they will definitely be valuable, but if you take out more, they will be junk goods, and they will even seriously disrupt the collection market!"

"So, we keep a box and take out one or two ingots every few years. The rest can only be melted and made into jewelry." Lu Fei said.

When Gao Jianhua heard this, he felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, and his mood instantly dropped.

"That's it!"

"But in this case, why do you want to build a villa here?"

"Isn't it a little worthless to waste labor and waste without making any money just to look at these things?"

"It's better to just send him back to Jincheng for peace of mind." Gao Jianhua asked.


"Just guarding these is definitely not worth it."

"However, this place may be of great use in the future, so it's just a rainy day plan!"

"This investment is nothing to me." Lu Fei said.


Only then did Gao Jianhua understand and stopped asking.

Gao Yuan came over and laughed.

"The Zheng family must have thought there were some great treasures here. If they knew what they were, they would probably cry in anger."


"That's not to say

, after all, Wanshan’s silver ingots are still very valuable. "

"By the way, Xiaofei, why do you think there are so many Wanshan gold and silver ingots here?" Gao Yuan asked.

Lu Fei shook his head.

"This is a legacy of history."

"Back then, the Wanshan ship radiated throughout China, and it was not surprising to see it wherever it appeared."

"As for their exclusive gold and silver ingots, there are too many of them."

"I estimate that this place is just a temporarily hidden treasure house that was left behind for some reason." Lu Fei said.

"Now what?"

"Are these boxes transported back to Jincheng?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Don't use it for now, just put it here. I will use it in the future."

"Let's go!"

"Let's go back and study how to deal with Zhao Dongsheng and the Zheng brothers."

"This matter should be resolved."

At noon the next day, Xu Yaohu, the biggest gangster in Xianyang, came to Hongchao Nightclub after attending a party.

This is one of his properties. Whenever Xu Yaohu gets drunk, he must come here to rest.

The nightclub is closed during the day, so it seems quite quiet.

Several younger brothers gathered around Xu Yaohu and went straight to the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is Xu Yaohu's special area. No one dares to come up without his order.

Returning to his exclusive room, Xu Yaohu entered alone. A burly man with a fierce face stood guard outside the door with a serious expression.

If Xie Chuncheng saw this person, he would definitely recognize him as the culprit who caused his injury. Xu Yaohu's number one general, nicknamed Dragon Subduing Luohan Long Xiaofei.

Xu Yaohu returned to the room and took a comfortable hot bath.

Wrapping up a bath towel, I lazily sat down on the sofa and touched

Calling Long Xiaofei in with wet hair.


"Xiao Fei, have there been any newcomers to the nightclub these past two days?" Xu Yaohu asked while drinking tea.

Long Xiaofei chuckled.

"Boss, two beautiful girls from the south came here yesterday. Their looks and figures are incredible."

"Sister Hong didn't let them sit on the stage last night, so she was just waiting for the boss to come over to inspect the goods." Long Xiaofei said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xu Yaohu's eyes flashed with a lustful light.


"Go and call them up. I want to inspect the goods now."


"Boss, you'll be waiting later."

Long Xiaofei was about to go out, but was stopped by Xu Yaohu again.

"Let them give them a good wash, I'm a germophobe."

"Yes, boss!"

"Well, go ahead!"

Xu Yaohu lit a cigarette and drank tea while waiting.

Long Xiaofei, who left the room, was also extremely excited.

He had seen the two girls who came yesterday with his own eyes, and they were so charming.

If the boss hadn't inspected the goods first, he would have been impatient.

After lunch today, Long Xiaofei suggested that Xu Yaohu come to the nightclub to rest, just to wait for Xu Yaohu to inspect the goods.

After the boss inspects the goods, those two girls are his.

Thinking of this, Long Xiaofei couldn't help laughing.

The two women he loved were on the third floor, and Long Xiaofei walked quickly to the elevator entrance.

When I walked to the bathroom door, the bathroom door suddenly opened.

Long Xiaofei, whose thoughts were filled with those two women, was forcefully pulled into the bathroom by a strong arm before he could react.

After a muffled groan, the bathroom became quiet.

In the room, Xu Yaohu was lying on the sofa

He squinted his eyes and swayed his arms slowly to the rhythm of the music, feeling comfortable.

When the door to the room opened, Xu Yaohu thought it was Long Xiaofei, but still didn't open his eyes.

"Xiao Fei, have you informed them to take a bath?"

"Xiao Fei?"

After calling out but no one responded, Xu Yaohu opened his eyes displeased.

Xu Yaohu was shocked when he opened his eyes.

Standing in front of him was a young man over 1.8 meters tall who was smiling evilly at him, but this man was not Long Xiaofei.

In this nightclub, the rules set by Xu Yaohu are quite strict.

No one can go to the fifth floor without his permission. This is to prevent his enemies from sneaking in to take revenge on him.

Now that he saw the stranger, Xu Yaohu was no longer drunk. He sat up suddenly, placed his right hand not far from the crystal ashtray, and suddenly became alert.

"Who are you?"

"Who asked you to come up?" Xu Yaohu shouted sharply.

The young man showed no fear at all, looking at Xu Yaohu like an idiot and grinning evilly.

"My name is Zhu Tianbao."

"It's your honor, Boss Xu, that I come here to meet you. Just enjoy it secretly!"

Yes, this person is indeed Tianbao.

Last night, Lu Fei and the others studied several plans, and finally decided to find a breakthrough from Xu Yaohu.

Gao Jianhua concluded that the Zheng brothers must have brought many younger brothers with them when they came to Xianyang.

They came here to find Zhao Dongsheng to seek cooperation. The younger brothers on the periphery must also be watching Zhao Dongsheng's every move to prevent Zhao Dongsheng from doing anything detrimental to them.

On the contrary, Xu Yaohu's side should be the safest.

Because Xu Yaohu was only hired by Zhao Dongsheng. All he wanted to do was to make the Xingping Villa project impossible, and he didn't know anything else.

In other words, Xu Yaohu is just the one who uses money to eliminate disasters.

Therefore, there is no need for the Zheng brothers to pay attention to him.

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