A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2253 Unknown origin

After listening to Liu Peiwen's words, Chang Yufei's eyes burst out with two greedy gleams.

There are three locations marked on the map.

The first is a super large tomb that is one of the top ten archaeological discoveries in a century. Tens of thousands of cultural relics were unearthed, and there are national treasures such as gold-stitched jade clothes and Changxin palace lanterns.

Although he didn't know what was inside the second place, Lu Fei spent huge sums of money to build a villa and surrounded it. Thinking about it, it must be a great treasure.

The first two places are so awesome, I think the third place will not disappoint them.

What's more, the third treasure is protected by the Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation.

Such a huge formation was set up just to protect the things inside. If you say the treasures inside are worthless, even if you kill Chang Yufei, you won't believe it.


"Mr. Liu, you have indeed given me a dose of reassurance!"

"You can do it safely and boldly. I will fully cooperate with you if you need anything." Chang Yufei said.

"Thank you, Mr. Chang."

"Everything that should be prepared is almost ready now. Mr. Chang, just wait for the good news in Changjing!" Liu Peiwen said.


Chang Yufei frowned and waved his hands repeatedly.

"No, no, no, I will go with Mr. Liu this time."

Liu Peiwen was stunned when she heard this.

"Mr. Chang, are you worried about me?"


"Mr. Liu, don't get me wrong. If I don't trust you, I won't fully cooperate with you."

"To tell you the truth, this is the first time I have seen the legendary formation in my life. I really don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Don't worry, I won't be a burden to Mr. Liu. I keep exercising every day and my physical fitness is excellent. I will never hold anyone back," Chang Yufei said.

"Mr. Chang, this is no joke."

"The Stone Forest Formation is located deep in the Qinling Mountains among the lofty mountains. The mountains are steep and wild animals roam wild. It is really dangerous. Why would Mr. Chang put himself in danger?" Liu Peiwen


Chang Yufei waved his hand.

"Mr. Liu, Yu Fei has already been fascinated by the formation before, so I must go there in person this time."

"If you miss this opportunity to observe the formation, Yu Fei will regret it for the rest of his life."

"Don't worry, I will never hold you back." Chang Yufei promised.

Chang Yufei's attitude was decisive, and Liu Peiwen couldn't say anything more, so she nodded slightly.

"All right!"

"Since Mr. Chang insists on going, Peiwen has no choice but to obey."

"However, there is one thing I need to tell Mr. Chang. This operation is crucial. No matter what, Mr. Chang must listen to my arrangements."

"Otherwise, Pei Wen had no choice but to refuse."

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. I'll just treat it as a trip."

Chang Yufei was most worried about losing money. Hearing Liu Peiwen's analysis, he immediately felt good and no longer worried. He was about to go back to rest, but was stopped by Gao Feng.

"Mr. Chang, Mr. Liu, please stay."


"Does Mr. Gao have anything else to say?" Liu Peiwen said.


"Mr. Liu's arrangements are flawless and very thoughtful."

"So, Mr. Gao, what are you doing?"

"Is such that."

"I just listened to the conversation between Mr. Liu and Mr. Chang. It seems that the second treasure was stolen by Lu Fei, right?" When he said this, a trace of resentment flashed in Gao Feng's eyes.

Liu Peiwen nodded.

"Yes, what do you want to say, Mr. Gao?"


"Mr. Liu, don't you think this is a good opportunity for us to deal with Lu Fei?" Gao Feng laughed.



"How do you say this?" Liu Peiwen asked.

"Mr. Liu, China's cultural relics laws and criminal laws are extremely strict."

“Under the Cultural Relics Law, everything in the mountains, waters, and fields belongs to the state.”

"If there is no tangible evidence to prove that it is an inherited item, it all belongs to the state."

"And the treasure Lu Fei occupied is obviously a national cultural relic."

"I have suspected many times before that Lu Fei's treasures came from evil sources, but unfortunately I have never found any evidence."

"If we report Lu Fei this time, I guarantee that he will never recover." .??.

"Mr. Liu, this is a good opportunity for revenge without losing any blood!"

"You tell me the details carefully, and I'll do the rest."

“Although I have retired, I still have many good friends in China’s cultural protection department.”

"With their help, Lu Fei will be defeated."

Gao Feng's excited heart was beating wildly.

He is where he is today thanks to Lu Fei.

The real enmity between the two originated from the treasure fight on Hong Kong Island.

Speaking of which, Gao Feng also witnessed Lu Fei's growth from collecting rags step by step.

At the beginning, he, like his master and junior brothers, thought that Lu Fei was a rare talent that could only be seen in a century, and even sincerely attracted Lu Fei to join the system and serve the country.

But then, Lu Fei's development exceeded Gao Feng's cognition.

In less than a year, Lu Fei developed into a legend in the Chinese collecting community.

At the Hong Kong Island Treasure Fighting Conference, each of the important treasures that Lu Fei showed off were like bolts of lightning hitting Gao Feng, shocking him to the core.

Good guy!

There are not a few intact bamboo slips in the whole of China, but Lu Fei can get a complete set as soon as he takes it.

It is a bamboo slip book, and it is also the masterpiece of Kong Ming and Jiang Wei.

The bit of soma in the hands of the Persians has been in the hands of the Persians for decades.

But Lu Fei weighed hundreds of kilograms at a time.

The Liu family has accumulated decades of experience, and by chance, they got some old frozen top secrets.

But when Lu Fei waved his hand, it was the old Pu'er from the Hongwu period, and the quantity was astonishing, and there was enough for wholesale.

In addition to these, there are other unexpected treasures that are simply jaw-dropping.

At that time, it was his master Kong Fanlong who was fighting against the Liu family, so Gao Feng was responsible for guarding the warehouse.

He saw with his own eyes that there were dozens of Li Shengnan and the others responsible for guarding Lu Fei's box.

Moreover, Gao Feng firmly believed that the treasures in the dozens of boxes would never be inferior to the items on display, but they just did not match the items of Liu Jialiang's treasures.

The heavy treasure that Lu Fei showed and the dozens of large boxes in the warehouse appeared in front of his eyes, and Gao Feng was completely stunned.

Where did Lu Fei get all these heaven-defying treasures?

Don't tell me you collected rags, that's impossible.

Can I receive scrap copper or scrap iron from collecting rags, or can I receive bamboo slips?

Can you receive hundreds of tubes of aged Pu'er?

Can I receive hundreds of kilograms of Suma Liqing?

This is simply impossible.

Moreover, when they wanted to win over Lu Fei, Mr. Kong and Gao Feng had already investigated Lu Fei clearly.

The Lu family does have a heritage in treasure appraisal, but their ancestors just worked for others in pawn shops.

It is possible that the skill of treasure appraisal can be passed down from generation to generation, but so many super valuable treasures that shock the world are definitely not something that a pawn shop boy can possess.

Therefore, Gao Feng directly denied the so-called inherited treasure.

They were neither collected from rags nor passed down from ancestors, which only meant that the origins of Lu Fei's treasures were unknown.

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