A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2255 Suffering

Early the next morning, Liu Peiwen, Chang Yufei, the Zheng brothers and four old men set off in two off-road vehicles.

Near noon, everyone arrived at the foot of the northern slope of the Qinling Mountains and rested and adjusted at a B\u0026B.

The B\u0026B was booked by Liu Peiwen in advance, and four descendants of the Nine Gates delivered the necessary equipment here overnight.

After lunch, everyone sorted out their equipment and made sure it was correct. Together with the twelve people who arrived at the front station, they rented three sacred Wuling Hongguang cars locally and started going up the mountain.

The Qinling Mountains start from Kunlun in the west, pass through Longnan and Shaanxi in the middle, and end at Hubei, Henan, Anhui, Dabie Mountains and Zhangbaling near Bengbu in the east. .??.

The south of the Qinling Mountains has a subtropical climate and the natural conditions are of the southern type, while the north of the Qinling Mountains has a warm temperate climate and the natural conditions are of the northern type.

Therefore, for a long time, people have regarded the Qinling Mountains as the geographical dividing line between the "south" and the "north" of China, and also as a main dragon vein running through the north and the south.

Since ancient times, there have been too many legends here.

Even now, less than one percent of the area is developed.

Deep in the Qinling Mountains, there are uninhabited primeval forests everywhere. Looking at them, they are both magical and mysterious.

Four hours later, they had reached an altitude of more than 2,000 meters.

At this point, there is no road.

Next to it is a small square with several outdoor tents set up on the square.

Liu Peiwen and others got out of the car, left the driver's contact information and sent them down the mountain.

Adventure and mountaineering enthusiasts can often be seen here, and local drivers have long been accustomed to it.

After getting the reward, they happily turned around and left. Liu Peiwen and others took their equipment and got into the tent.

The several tents here were arranged by Liu Peiwen in advance, so they are absolutely safe.

After spending the night in the tent, Zheng Tai got everyone ready to set off early the next morning.

After leaving the tent, the fresh cold air blew in the face, making people feel relaxed and happy, and even Gao Yuan's reaction was not so obvious.

Look around, wherever you can see

Square, surrounded by clouds and mist, it looks like a fairyland.

Except for the clouds and mist, there is only one color left. There is a green ocean everywhere, which is spectacular.

"Beautiful, so spectacular and beautiful."

These ordinary people who have lived in the city for a long time are now immersed in the magnificence and beauty of nature. Everyone is relaxed and happy. Chang Yufei even shouted out, excited to the extreme.

After breakfast, everyone took their equipment and left two people waiting at the station. The other 28 people in total went into the forest in a mighty manner.

Feeling the fresh air and listening to the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, Chang Yufei and Long Chenghui, who had never seen such an environment before, were extremely excited.

I walked by and saw everything new. From time to time I took out my camera to take pictures, looking like a few excited tourists.

But the time of joy is always short-lived, and soon they lose their excitement.

After walking all morning, the old guys were so tired that their backs and legs ached and they were sweating profusely. Chang Yufei even stuck out his tongue and kept trembling.

"Oh my god!"

"I'm exhausted."

"Who is that? How long will it take to get there?" Chang Yufei said depressedly.


"Mr. Chang, don't worry, it's actually not too far away."

"At our rate, we will definitely be able to arrive within five days."


"Wha, what?"

"Five days?"

"Oh my God, I'm going to kill you."

That night when camping, Chang Yufei almost cried.

My waist aches, my legs hurt, and my feet are covered in big blisters.

I can't even eat dinner.

The most terrible thing is that the roars of wild beasts can be heard from time to time in the mountains, which scares Chang Yufei so much that he feels regretful.

As everyone knows, the other old guys are much worse than him.

As they continued their journey early the next morning, Chang Yufei and several old men felt that their bones were about to fall apart. They all complained and regretted endlessly.

According to the estimates of the Zheng brothers, it was only a five-day journey.

But due to the poor physical condition of these old guys, Chang Yufei and Liu Peiwen, the five-day journey took eight days and they still didn't arrive.

By the eighth night, Chang Yufei and several old men were going crazy.

"Young man from the Liu family, you are so fucking useless."

"If I had known it was such a long journey, Pindao would never have agreed to come." Zhang Qinghua was full of complaints.

"Master Dao, just be satisfied. I have been wronged more than you."

"I was originally a soy sauce worker. I felt fresh and wanted to come over and see the world. How could I have wanted to suffer like this!"

"My intestines are so full of regret."

Dou Jingshan said with a mournful face, and Long Chenghui regretted it even more.

His arrogant and arrogant little apprentice was even more sad and could no longer play the piano.

"Old Liu, we have been walking for eight days, are you sure we didn't go the wrong way?"

"This is deep in the mountains and old forests. There is no fucking signal even if you click on your mobile phone. It would be fatal if you got lost!"

At this time, Chang Yufei changed Liu Peiwen's title to Lao Liu again, and he was really full of resentment.

Liu Peiwen was not much better, slumped on the ground breathing heavily, but the Zheng brothers looked relaxed.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chang, we are definitely not lost."

"Our people have walked this route several times and have marked it along the way. It is absolutely correct."


fart! "

Chang Yufei became furious when he saw Zheng Tai.

"You bastard, didn't you say it's only five days away?"

"It's been eight days and we haven't arrived yet, how do you explain it?" Chang Yufei roared.

Zheng Tai smiled slightly.

"Mr. Chang, you can't blame me!"

"It's just that your physique is too poor and your feet are too slow."

"According to the speed on the first morning, it will indeed only take five days, but in the next few days, your speed is really too slow."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me the truth. At the current speed, how long will it take to reach the Stone Forest Formation area?" Chang Yufei shouted.

"Two days, two more days are enough." Zheng Tai said.


"We have two more days to go!"

After hearing this, Chang Yufei suddenly felt hopeless.

Chang Yufei cursed, and the other old men kept complaining. After nagging for more than an hour, Liu Peiwen became anxious.

"Okay, everyone, shut up!"

"If you have this energy, you might as well seize the time and take a good rest."


Liu Peiwen was so anxious that the old men stopped working. They were all shouting and cursing, which made Liu Laoer's head hurt.

But he still had to endure it, after all, they were still needed to break the formation, otherwise this time would be in vain.

The next two days seemed like seconds.

Not only were their physical strength severely exhausted, but they were also scratched and scratched by the branches along the way. Each one of them looked no different from a beggar, and they were extremely embarrassed.

Not to mention this, when we were camping on the last night, Gao Feng was attacked by a venomous snake.

Thanks to being well prepared and injecting him with the serum, otherwise, Gao Feng's fate would have been decided here.

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