A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2257 Blocking out the sky and the sun

The wonders of the Stone Forest are like a powerful stimulant injected into everyone's body.

Although their physical strength was severely exhausted, in order to witness the full formation of the formation as soon as possible, everyone only made slight adjustments and immediately changed their clothes and organized their equipment.

After the debugging of the drone was completed, Zheng Rong personally controlled the drone to take off.

The camera footage was transmitted to the computer, and everyone held their breath and stared at the monitor without blinking.

The drone lifted eighty meters into the air, and when you looked down, it was green.

The crowns and leaves of the towering trees cover up the stone forest formation. Except for a few stone pillars that can be seen occasionally, the entire formation cannot be seen at all. .??.

When they saw this situation, everyone couldn't help but frown.


"No wonder I have never seen this stone forest formation. It turns out that it is blocked by the tree canopy and cannot be captured by satellites!" Gao Feng sighed.

When he first saw the stone forest map, Gao Feng was suspicious.

Having been engaged in archeology for decades, it can be said that he knows all the famous mountains, rivers, lakes in China quite well.

Because, this is their job.

The computer library of the Chinese archaeological team has all satellite images of China's more than nine million square kilometers of land, and almost no one is missing.

Usually, professionals screen these photos and videos to find suspicious ancient ruins.

Without this database, the archaeological team would be blind, no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

Therefore, Gao Feng is quite familiar with the landforms in various parts of China.

But after decades of working in the industry, he had never seen the landscape of the Stone Forest Formation, which made him puzzled.

Now with drone aerial photography, Gao Feng finally found the answer.

Long Chenghui nodded.

"If it were photographed by satellite, this place would no longer be a secret."

"Maybe this formation has been developed into a tourist attraction long ago!"

Zhang Qinghua didn't care at all about what they said.

he is

What matters is just breaking the formation.

But now I can’t even watch the formation. Zhang Qinghua couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.


"Our drone aerial photography cannot see the whole picture. How did the people who drew the map see it clearly?"

"Isn't this unscientific?"

"Could it be that the person who drew the map is the master who created this formation?"

"No, this doesn't make sense, does it?" Zhang Qinghua was at a loss.

Although Dou Jingshan didn't understand the formation, he was extremely thoughtful. After looking at the towering trees in the formation, he immediately had an idea.

"Master Dao, this should be easy to explain." Dou Jingshan said.


"Brother Dou, come and listen?" Everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I just observed that the trees in the formation are a special kind of tree."

"It should be a graft of red poplar and redwood trees."

"This kind of tree grows quickly and is extremely tenacious."

“Just because the trunks are so thick and straight now doesn’t mean they are old.”

"As far as I know, it takes hundreds of years for this tree species to grow to this size."

"Looking at this map, it should have been drawn fifty or sixty years ago."

"At that time, the trees in the formation were probably not half as tall as they are now. They couldn't block the whole view. You should be able to see clearly from a higher place." Dou Jingshan said.

Everyone heard it and suddenly realized it.


What Dou Jingshan said makes sense.

Furthermore, fifty or sixty years ago, satellites had just come out and did not have so many functions. Of course, there would be no satellite images left.

Yes, that must be the case.

However, although this point has been clearly explained, how can we clearly see the entire formation?

This seems to be another extremely difficult task.

We discussed it and finally decided to lower the flying height of the drone again.

Use two drones to shuttle through the canopy, pick up some of the effects, and then splice them together.

When this method was explained, it immediately gained collective approval from everyone.

However, he was not in such a hurry for the time being. Zhang Qinghua decided to maintain an altitude of 80 meters and walk completely within the control range of the drone.

This is quite necessary.

First, you can see the surrounding landforms, and you can also check if there are any potential dangers around you.

If there is danger, everyone should respond promptly.

After deciding, Zheng Rong operated the drone and took off again.

The drone brought this time is a world-class product brought back by Chang Yufei from the UK, with a remote control range of three kilometers.

As the drone went away, everyone stared at the display screen.

"Old Gao, look, Old Long."

Zhang Qinghua pointed at a green area and said excitedly.

"You see, the height of the trees in this area is quite uniform, and they are all the kind of trees Jingshan just mentioned."

"Except for this area, the surrounding trees are in a mess, and the terrain in this area should be relatively flat. If I guessed correctly, this area is the coverage of the entire formation."

Everyone couldn't help but nod.

"It can't be wrong."

"The trees in the formation are hybrid species and are artificially produced species."

"Without artificial cultivation, it would be impossible to have it in the virgin forest. This area must be covered by the formation." Dou Jingshan said.

"In that case, it's easy to handle."

"In a while we will draw based on the video

Using the ratio of the surface, you can immediately calculate how large the area of ​​the entire formation is. "

"Then based on this total area, the low-altitude shots are spliced ​​together, and there will be no mistakes."


Liu Peiwen also became excited after hearing this.

These old guys are indeed rich in experience. They found the right person this time, and the money is not in vain!

An hour later, the three-kilometer radius was clearly covered twice.

Generally speaking, except for the relatively flat area covered by the formation, the surrounding area is surrounded by rugged natural landforms.

After looking at the terrain here three times in a row, Zhang Qinghua's eyes suddenly flashed with light.

"Boy from the Liu family, please quickly let the drone fly again. This time it can fly as high as it can. I feel like this place is very special!"

Zhang Qinghua was an expert from outside the world. He said it was unusual. Liu Peiwen believed it and immediately asked Zheng Rong to operate the drone and take off again.

Looking down from a height of 300 meters, the surrounding area instantly became much smaller.

Looking at the pictures in the video, Zhang Qinghua and Long Chenghui became excited at the same time.


"This is dragon vein!"

"I go!"

"Look, extending from here to the northwest, do you think the overall mountain shape looks like a giant dragon traveling through it?" Long Chenghui shouted excitedly.

Everyone looked at it at the same time, and were completely stunned for the next second.

Except for Chang Yufei, everyone here is familiar with Dragon Vein.

After all, apart from the earth masters and archaeological experts, the rest are all grave scorpions.

These people have one thing in common, that is, they have been dealing with various landforms all year round, and of course they know the existence of dragon veins.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know or don’t understand, because the scenes in the video are so realistic.

The entire mountain range is winding and winding, like a flying dragon.

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