A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2261 Cherish the time

Looking at the stone forest pillars in the video, everyone was stunned.

In the video, the stone pillars are densely packed and the number is breathtaking.

If you look closely, you will see that all the stone pillars are made of huge rocks.

All the stone pillars are of different heights, but the diameter is about the same, about three meters.

Freeze the scene and look closely at one of the stone pillars.

This stone pillar is about 18 meters tall by visual inspection and is made of 21 huge stones.


The average height of a boulder is nearly one meter and its diameter is nearly three meters. Calculation shows that a boulder weighs at least a dozen tons.

In the past, there was no mechanical or heavy equipment at all. How did the people who set up the formation place such a huge boulder? .??.

This is simply a miracle no less than the Great Wall!

The drone continued to shoot, and Dou Jingshan fixed the video on a big tree in the formation.

"Master Zhang, I can be 100% sure that this is the kind of grafted tree species I mentioned."

"Looking at the age of this tree, it is only a little over a hundred years old at most. It can be seen that this formation is not as old as we thought."

"At the very least, the Nine Palaces Array formed by trees only has a history of more than a hundred years." Dou Jingshan said.


Hearing this, Zhang Qinghua frowned.

"Only more than a hundred years?"

"The person who can find this dragon vein and set up such a magnificent formation is definitely not an ordinary person."

"But, in the past two hundred years, we haven't heard of such a powerful person appearing?"

"According to historical records, the person who is closest to modern times and has the ability to point out such treasures is Liu Bowen, the national advisor in the Ming Dynasty. Since then, there has been no such talented person in the world."

"Is it because there are no records in history?"

"Master Dao, can you break the formation?" Chang Yufei asked expectantly.

"Don't be anxious, Mr. Chang, all you have to do now is

Observing the formation, it is too early to say that the formation will be broken at this time. "

"This formation is not simple. We must study it thoroughly before we can possibly break the formation."

When Zhang Qinghua said this, Chang Yufei couldn't ask any more questions.

After a while, the sky gradually darkened, but only one-third of the drone shooting mission was completed.

Flying at ultra-low altitude among trees is a pretty awesome technical job, and it can only be accomplished by the cooperation of two drones.

It was extremely difficult during the day and even more impossible at night, so Liu Peiwen later ordered the work to be stopped.

At night, everyone set up a bonfire outside the tent and studied the many details discovered today while eating.

Three miles away, the thin man was in a higher position. In this quiet mountain forest, he heard everything discussed on the other side.

At first, the skinny man listened carefully to a few words, but as he listened, he curled his lips in disdain.

Picking up a piece of cold beef jerky, he tore off a large piece and chewed it. At the same time, he drank a sip of strong white wine and sneered.

"Cherish the good times now"

Across the way, a few old guys discussed for a while, then immediately dispersed to each other's tents to rest, preparing to recharge their batteries for a big fight tomorrow.

Unfortunately, the weather was not beautiful, and it suddenly started drizzling in the middle of the night.

At dawn, the rain stopped, but there was heavy fog.

The thick fog obscured everything, and the visibility was no more than ten meters. It was impossible to work at all, so I had to continue sleeping.

In the afternoon, the fog finally dissipated, a rainbow rose in the sky, the air was clear and refreshing, and it was refreshing to take a breath.

However, Liu Peiwen and others were not in the mood to enjoy it.

Liu Peiwen arranged for five people to go back and transport

Food, the Zheng brothers took off again using the drone to take pictures.

As the sun set over the west mountain, I finally finished photographing the entire stone forest array.

After dinner, Liu Peiwen, Chang Yufei and a few old men got into the tent to study carefully.

The Liu family's computer experts spliced ​​together the low-altitude shots taken over the past two days to match the scale of the high-altitude images, and then handed them over to Zhang Qinghua for viewing.

"Holy shit!"

Seeing this, even the old Taoist cursed.

Good guy!

The scale of this formation is really scary.

There are a total of 999 stone pillars inside, distributed in a circle.

The gaps between each stone pillar are different.

The smallest gap is only six or seven meters, and the largest gap is nearly fifty meters.

The entire circular layout is nearly two kilometers in diameter.

My God, what a huge project this must be!

Counting carefully, there are a total of 2,999 grafted variant ancient trees inside and outside the Stone Forest Formation. The Nine Palaces pattern perfectly matches the Eight Diagrams pattern of the Stone Forest.

It looks natural and powerful.

Zhang Qinghua was both shocked and excited by such a large-scale formation, and his eyes were filled with light.

"What an awesome formation, what an awesome layout!"

“It’s no exaggeration to say that this momentum is as great as ever!”

"Too domineering!" Zhang Qinghua muttered.

"Master Dao, don't just sigh with emotion!"

"Look carefully, can you break the formation?"

"Masters, please show your talents and study carefully. If you can break through the formation, Mr. Liu will be very grateful." Chang Yufei said excitedly.

Zhang Qinghua rolled his eyes at Chang Yufei and said disdainfully.

"Do you think breaking the formation is just playing house?"

"It's not as easy as you think?"

"Now that I have just put together the diagram and thoroughly observed the formation, it cannot be done in one day."

"If Mr. Chang thinks our efficiency is slow, you might as well hire someone else."


Zhang Qinghua's words almost choked Chang Yufei to death.


"Master Dao, calm down. I have no other intentions. I'm just in a hurry!"


"It's really weird. Liu Peiwen chose a shady house for his parents, and he wasn't in a hurry. Why are you so anxious?"


At this time, Chang Yufei was really speechless. You can't say that I'm in a hurry to get the treasure, right?

Wouldn't that be self-inflicted?

Therefore, even if Chang Yufei was no longer happy or anxious, he could only apologize awkwardly and wait quietly aside.

"How many of them!"

"The real scene is right in front of us now. Pindao can be sure that this is the legendary Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation."

"This formation is unpredictable and powerful. Next, we need everyone's full cooperation to study the formation thoroughly."

"At this time, everyone should stop hiding their clumsiness. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, as long as you have opinions, feel free to put them forward and we will study them together."

"Only by brainstorming can we not miss any details." Zhang Qinghua stood up and started editing.

"Don't worry, Mr. Dao, we will fully cooperate." Dou Jingshan said.

"Okay, then I'll thank you all on behalf of my family."

"Next, I have to make some arrangements."

"Starting tomorrow, we will all work separately."

"Brothers from the Zheng family, you two are responsible for operating the drone and taking a panoramic view every hour. There must be no omissions for 24 hours."


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