A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2271 I don’t want to die

Zhang Qinghua was desperate and waiting for death. At this moment, a big tiger jumped out and fought with the black bear.

Zhang Qinghua was overjoyed and did not dare to delay for a moment. He threw away the fly whisk that had been following him for many years, dragged his unconscious legs, and tried his best to climb behind a big tree and hide.

He covered his mouth, held his breath as much as possible, and watched the two beasts fighting with horror on his face.

Although the tiger is the king of beasts, the black bear is not a vegetarian.

Black bears are huge and powerful, and their fighting power is no less than that of tigers.

Previously, the tiger unexpectedly killed the black bear, and the black bear suffered a big loss. His head was scratched, and his blood and flesh were scattered in a horrific manner. However, this did not make the black bear completely lose its combat effectiveness, but instead aroused the black bear's ferocity even more. ??


The black bear howled and retreated more than ten meters.

He licked his wounds, glared at the tiger, and kept baring his teeth and roaring. The next moment, all the fur on the black bear's neck stood up, and he stared at the tiger with ferocious eyes.

The two beasts bared their teeth and faced each other while constantly changing their positions.

After a few breaths, the black bear howled and took the initiative to attack the tiger.

In an instant, the fishy wind raged, flying sand and rocks were flying, and the two wild beasts fought until the sky was dark and the earth was dark.

Zhang Qinghua, who was behind the big tree, almost peed again when he saw this scene.

"My mother-in-law!"

"It's too ferocious. If such an attack fell on someone, I'm afraid Wu Song wouldn't be able to withstand it!"

While sighing, Zhang Qinghua also had some doubts about life.

He was as clear as a mirror. He was invited by Liu Peiwen to come to Qinling to break the formation.

He had successfully broken through the Nine Palaces Formation before and entered the Bagua Stone Forest Formation.

He stepped on something, and in an instant, he was in this unfamiliar environment.

Zhang Qinghua knew that he was trapped in an illusion and everything in front of him was not real.

However, if it is not true,

What about the two beasts fighting?

I can clearly feel the terror of the beast.

When the bear ran towards me just now, I really felt the fear of death.

Zhang Qinghua firmly believed that if the tiger hadn't stepped in, he would have become the delicacy of the black bear.

This is an illusion, but how can we explain everything in front of us?

Patting his forehead, Zhang Qinghua really doubted his life at this moment.

Not far ahead, the fight between the two beasts has entered a fever pitch.

At this moment, both the black bear and the tiger were covered in wounds and blood, but the ferocity of the two beasts had not diminished at all.

That kind of dangerous aura made Zhang Qinghua even more frightened.

Just then, something unexpected happened.

The black bear opened its arms and rushed towards the tiger. In the past few times, the tiger had a hard front, but this time the tiger seemed to have developed its intelligence and suddenly changed its strategy.

Facing the black bear's pounce, the tiger suddenly jumped to the left and nimbly dodged. The black bear's huge body could not withstand the inertia and continued to pounce forward.

At this moment, the tiger jumped up suddenly, threw down the charging black bear like lightning, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the black bear's neck fiercely.


The black bear let out a miserable howl and tried its best to break away from the tiger. The rough-skinned and thick-flesh black bear was bleeding but not dead.

Although he was not dead, he was obviously seriously injured. The black bear did not dare to fight, so he turned around and ran away.

The tiger roared wildly and chased after him as fast as lightning.

Roars came and went, and in the blink of an eye, the two beasts disappeared into the thick fog.


"Scared to death

I'm here, thank you Daozu for blessing me, wuwu. It's really scary. "

In Zhang Qinghua's life, this was the first time he saw such a bloody scene. He was so frightened that he trembled all over and burst into tears.

After a while, Zhang Qinghua woke up from the panic, and his unconscious legs also recovered.

He stood up shakily, looked around for a while, and made sure there was no danger, then stood out from behind the big tree.

He carefully came to the place where the two ferocious beasts were fighting and looked down. There was blood everywhere, exuding a disgusting smell.

Zhang Qinghua bravely squatted down, dipped his finger in some blood and looked at it carefully. He smelled it again and was dumbfounded.

"Blood is real!"

"It's absolutely true."

"what 's wrong?"

"Is this really an illusion?"

"If it weren't for the illusion, where would the Stone Forest Formation be?"

"If it's an illusion, how can we explain the blood all over the ground?"

"Even if the magic array can transform beasts, it can't transform real blood, right?"


"Who can tell me what the hell is going on?"

"Sanqing Taoist Patriarch, please clarify my doubts!!"

At this moment, Zhang Qinghua's Taoist mind was in chaos and he completely doubted his life.

After a long time, Zhang Qinghua took a deep breath and finally accepted the reality.

Whether it's a phantom formation or a real scene, that's not the most important thing.

The most important thing right now is to leave this hellish place and I want to go home.

As for breaking the formation, go to hell, go to hell!

As long as I can return to civilized society alive, I will immediately join Quanzhen and become a true Taoist priest.

From now on, I will not care about worldly affairs, I will focus on the Tao, and I will no longer show off.

As for breaking up with Liu Peiwen

If you enjoy the treasured place of hell, then go to hell!

Building the ancestral tomb here can indeed make the Zhang family prosperous, and in future generations there will inevitably be super bosses who are powerful in the world or rich enough to rival the country.

By then, the Zhang family will surely become the top wealthy family in China and even the world.

But, does that have anything to do with me?

Later generations will be prosperous and the Zhang family will be prosperous, but what’s the point of entrusting my old destiny here?

Damn it!

The sage said: If a person does not take care of himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth.

Everything else is bullshit, your own life is the most important!

Without greed and desire, Zhang Qinghua's mood calmed down.

Zhang Qinghua knew that whether it was an illusion or a real scene, he couldn't sit still and wait for death.

At this time, we can only calm down and find a way out as soon as possible.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Qinghua thought carefully, but after thinking for a long time, the old Taoist's tears flowed out again.

The life-saving rope was gone, and I don’t know when my backpack disappeared.

Now I am really alone, as light as a swallow!

After struggling for so long, Zhang Qinghua was tired, hungry, and even more thirsty.

If he can't find a way out, Zhang Qinghua believes that within three days at most, his old destiny will definitely be here.


"I don't want to die!"

"I haven't lived enough yet, I haven't lived enough yet!"

"How could it be like this?"

"Obviously we have found a way out, everything is normal, but why is it like this?"

"Old Gao."

"The Liu boy."

"Where are the people?"

"Where the hell did they all go?"

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