A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2275 It’s terrible

In the illusion, Long Chenghui was tortured to death by four evil ghosts.

After hearing Li Gui say that he had harmed them, Long Chenghui hurriedly explained.

However, when the four fierce ghosts announced themselves, Long Chenghui was completely shocked.

Long Shenghui will never forget the names of these four people in his life.

More than 20 years ago, Pei Yaodong, the richest man in Dragon City, died in a car accident.

Pei Yaodong's descendant went to Hong Kong Island specifically to ask the already famous Long Shenghui to order a ghost house for his father.

In the face of sky-high returns, Long Chenghui certainly would not refuse.

When I came to Longcheng, I ordered a Feng Shui treasure cave on Tenglong Mountain.

Although it is not a dragon vein, the feng shui of that Yin Mansion is excellent.

Long Chenghui was so happy that he couldn't help but start to show off, and proposed to move all the bones of Pei Yaodong's three deceased brothers here.

In the future, this treasure cave can serve as the foundation of the Pei family and the ancestral grave of their family.

Pei Yaodong's son was convinced, and after discussing with several cousins, he agreed with Long Chenghui's opinion and added an additional reward of three million.

But during the burial, Long Chenghui always felt that the soil of the burial pit was a bit awkward. However, Long Chenghui really didn't notice the specific awkwardness, so he didn't take it seriously.

But that night, an angry face came to him in a dream, saying that he had been harmed by this half-hearted earth master.

The person who entrusted the dream was Pei Yaodong, who was buried today.

Pei Yaodong said that there was a dead person buried under their grave.

Moreover, the person below has a special status and profound moral conduct, and cannot accommodate them at all.

The four brothers Pei Yaodong are restricted to move out of the treasured land within seven days, otherwise their souls will be destroyed and they will never be reincarnated.

After the four Pei Yaodong brothers finished complaining, they begged Long Chenghui to help them move their graves, and Long Chenghui agreed in his dream.

But when he woke up, Long Chenghui didn't care at all.

Long Chenghui believed that none of that in the dream was true and was purely a coincidence.

Even if it were true, he couldn't move their graves.

Anyway, he is also a big shot in the industry, what do you want him to say?

Go find me and tell me directly that there is something wrong with the Yin Mansion I ordered. There is a tomb underneath. This is the most taboo tomb within a tomb in Feng Shui. If you can’t yell at someone, this is a place of great evil, so the tomb must be moved. ?


You are an Earth Master, why have you been there so early?

Why didn't you see it before?

If you say that, why don't you be beaten to death by this family?

Even if he is not beaten to death, if word spreads, Long Chenghui's reputation will be so bad that his career as an earth master will be over, so he must not say this.

Besides, this is not necessarily true.

Although he didn't believe it, in the next few days, Long Chenghui was always thinking about this matter, and he was depressed and unhappy.

Fortunately, in the next six days, the four Pei Yaodong brothers never gave him any more dreams, so Long Chenghui was completely relieved, and everything in the dream gradually faded away.

But half a year later, an explosive news reached Long Chenghui's ears. Now Long Chenghui was confused.

The Chinese archaeological team announced that a general's tomb from the Western Zhou Dynasty was discovered on Tenglong Mountain in Longcheng.

The owner of the tomb is Bo Rui, the famous general of the Western Zhou Dynasty. He killed countless people in his life and was famous for his cruelty and ruthlessness. Enemies fled away after hearing his name, and even called him an evil star.

What's even more terrible is that the location of Borui's ancient tomb is the Feng Shui treasure cave that he ordered for the four Pei Yaodong brothers half a year ago.

A tomb within a tomb, the previous owner of the tomb was still the evil star Borui.

Damn it!

It seemed that what Pei Yaodong said in his dream was true, but he ignored it.

Buried together with a thousand-year-old evil star like Borui, the fate of the four Pei Yaodong brothers will definitely not be better!

Fortunately, in the days that followed, Pei Yaodong's descendants did not seek arguments from Long Chenghui, nor did they publicize the matter to the outside world. Of course, they did not damage Long Chenghui's reputation.

But even so, Long Chenghui was still in panic all day long.

Long Chenghui felt uneasy, so he came to Dabao Temple and asked the abbot, Master Pinyuan, to help save Pei Yaodong and the other four.

Later, Long Yaohui discussed some issues with Master Pinyuan, and Long Chenghui regretted it even more.

Pei Yaodong didn't give his son a dream because the new ghost's yin energy and resentment were too strong for ordinary people to bear.

The reason why Long Chenghui was entrusted with the dream was because Long Chenghui was an earth master, and ordinary evil spirits could not cause him substantial harm.

However, the new ghost had limited mana and could only dream once, which explained why Long Chenghui was not harassed by Pei Yaodong in the following days.

After understanding this, Long Chenghui felt guilty, but there was nothing he could do.

As for what will happen to the four Pei Yaodong brothers, we can only leave it to fate.

Besides, this is just my guess.

Even as an Earth Master, he would not believe such a mysterious thing.

At first, she felt a little guilty, but as time passed, Long Chenghui completely forgot about it.

But he didn't expect that today in the fantasy world, this old score would be revealed, and he would be severely retaliated by four ghosts, which almost scared Long Chenghui out of his wits.

Fortunately, just when Li Gui was about to carry out the second round of torture, the illusion was lifted and Long Chenghui collapsed immediately.

After telling Zhang Qinghua everything, Long Chenghui still had lingering fears.


"Master Dao, I've thought about it."

"After I get out, I will wash my hands immediately. I want to retire."

"Damn, that's scary."

Zhang Qinghua nodded and explained his situation. The two old guys sat on the ground and relaxed for a while before completely calming down.

Immediately, they came to the two corpses and took a closer look, and immediately recognized them. These two people were Liu Peiwen's men, and they were not far behind them.

But they didn't expect that the magic array would be triggered, and the two of them would die.


"It's too scary. This formation is really scary."

"Niubi, what do you think they encountered?"

"How could you lose your life?" Long Chenghui asked.

Zhang Qinghua frowned and thought for a while before saying.

"I estimate that they also entered the illusion, and they didn't know what they encountered in the illusion, so that they killed each other."

"such a pity!"

"It's all the poor Taoist who harmed them. It's the poor Taoist who is incompetent!"

Zhang Qinghua bowed and expressed solemn condolences, his eyes full of guilt.

Long Chenghui waved his hand.

"Forget it, maybe this is their fate."

"The most important thing is to find a way to get out."

"Now that our rope is missing, it is still deep inside the formation, and there will be danger at any time."

"We must calm down and find a way to leave this ghost place as soon as possible." Long Chenghui said.

"Yes, you are right!"

"The power of this formation seriously exceeds our expectations. It is really too dangerous."

"In this way, let's look for other people first, find them, and then we can figure out a solution together."

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