A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2292 Nine-turn Xuantian Heart Demon Powder

Seeing Zhang Qinghua's serious expression, Lu Fei couldn't help but sigh: "Fantasy is really harmful to people!"

"Old man, you have such a rich imagination."

"Illusion formation, killing formation, formation eye, and the magnetic material you mentioned. These are not formations. What kind of spells are you talking about?"

"Just take a look at these fantasy things in "The Romance of the Gods", but you actually take them seriously. I really admire you!" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

"Am I wrong?" Zhang Qinghua looked confused.

"Of course not!"

"It's true that this is the Nine Palaces and Bagua array, but it doesn't have the illusion array or killing array you mentioned, and it doesn't have any magnetic array eyes."

"Before I die, I will make sure you die clearly."

"The so-called Nine Palaces and Bagua Formation is actually just a large maze created based on the Qimen Dunjia technique. It is not as powerful as you think at all," Lu Fei said.


"This is impossible!"

"We have experienced the illusion personally, how could it not be real?" Zhang Qinghua asked.


"Old man, you think too much again."

"You are not in an illusion, but you are under the influence of hallucinatory drugs."

"This medicine is called Jiuzhuan Tianxuanxinmo Powder, which is made from nine kinds of high-grade hallucinogenic drugs such as datura, thyme, and purple snake vine."

"Once a person inhales Jiuzhuan Xuantian Xinmo Powder, his nerves will be severely stimulated, and his brain waves will produce an illusion."

"This kind of hallucination will produce a negative magnetic field, showing the side that people think is the most terrifying. People with weak minds will have inner demons, which will make people irritable, fearful, and depressed, and they will be tortured by these emotions. .”

With that said, Lu Fei looked at Liu Peiwen with a smirk.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

"I am his inner demon. After taking the traditional Chinese medicine, it must be me that he sees."

"Moreover, he saw three identical versions of me and shot and killed them without hesitation."

"Actually, they are just your own people."

"In other words, the three people Liu Peiwen shot and killed were all your own people."


Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

"Lu Fei, you are so terrible. How do you know so clearly?" Liu Peiwen asked in shock.


"Is that hard to guess?"

"When I searched you, you were the only one with a gun on you."

"And there are three bodies that were shot over there. If it wasn't you, who else could it be?"

"If you didn't think they were me, how could you shoot one of your own?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


After hearing this, Liu Peiwen collapsed to the ground.

That's right!

Lu Fei said everything correctly.

Thinking about the scene at that time, Liu Pei'en was still frightened. What was even more depressing was that the three main players, Zheng Tai, died in his own hands.

This is simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

Zhang Qinghua was stunned when he heard this.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that this is really what happened.

At that time, I was walking in front, and as I walked, I stepped lightly, and there was a crisp sound, as if I stepped on something.

Looking down, he saw a plume of green smoke rising up, and a light fragrance in the air. Then, the scene in front of him turned into a primeval forest.

The giant python around his waist, the roar of beasts all over the mountain, the black bear and the tiger fighting each other were so eerie that it scared him so much that he peed his pants.

If Lu Fei said it was true, those two beasts might also be lost among themselves!



"Mr. Lu, that doesn't seem to be the case, right?"

"In the illusion, I encountered two beasts fighting. I swear, this is the first time I have seen this scene. How could this be my inner demon?" Zhang Qinghua asked.


"There's nothing wrong with that."

"The fact that you haven't encountered your inner demons only means that your mind is slightly better than theirs."

"Such cases do exist." Lu Fei said.

"Then what's going on with the ropes on us?"

"In the illusion, we see the ropes as poisonous snakes and throw them away."

"But even if it is thrown away, it should not be far from us, so why can't we find the rope after we wake up?" Zhang Qinghua asked.

Lu Fei smiled lightly.

"You threw the rope away as a poisonous snake. Are you still where you are after that?"

"If you encounter a horrific scene, will you still stay where you are and wait for death?"

"It's a maze there. Once you run away, you won't be able to find your original location."

"Besides, I'm secretly helping to collect all your ropes. If you can find them, you'll be damned!"


Zhang Qinghua was so popular that he vomited blood.

Damn it!

Help secretly?

Why do you have the nerve to say it?

It's obvious that you took away the rope and put us in a desperate situation, okay?

You are despicable, and you still speak so high-sounding, do you still want some Bilian?

Shameless! !

"Mr. Lu, when we woke up later, did the medicine disappear?"


"The effect of Jiuzhuan Xuantian Heart Demon Powder is two quarters of an hour, and there will be no sequelae afterward."

"However, Jiu Zhuan Xuan

After hundreds of years of baptism, the Tianxin Mo Powder has lost some of its potency. It only takes about twenty minutes for you to wake up. "

"Otherwise, some of you people should turn into corpses." Lu Fei said.


Several people gasped after hearing this.

Thinking about everything in the illusion, it is really terrible.

Fortunately, some of the efficacy of the medicine has been lost, otherwise, many people might have died!

However, looking at the current situation, it doesn't seem to be much better.

If it weren't for Lu Fei's Kaitian En, he would still be a corpse sooner or later!

How great is this!

"Mr. Lu, I have another question."

"We have studied this formation quite thoroughly before."

"According to the Qimen Dunjia Five Elements Bagua Technique, we have found the Shengmen, and safely passed through the Nine Palaces Formation and arrived at the central area of ​​the Stone Forest Formation, but why are we still being attacked?"

This is the question that Zhang Qinghua wants to know most.

He has been studying formations for more than ten years and almost needs a wand.

After finally seeing a real formation, Zhang Qinghua was very excited.

Everyone studied together for more than ten days and were quite well prepared before entering the big formation.

Everything went well before, but when victory was just around the corner, something unexpected happened.

I prayed thirty-six times, but failed at the last tremor, which meant that all my previous efforts were in vain.

His glorious image in everyone's mind instantly turned into a sinner whom many people accused of being a sinner. Zhang Qinghua really couldn't accept it.

If he doesn't understand this matter, he won't rest in peace.

Lu Fei smiled disdainfully.

"Old man, please stop mumbling."

"How far you can go has nothing to do with what you are studying."

"This formation is indeed arranged based on the Qimen Dunjia, but if you want to understand it with your little knowledge, isn't that a big joke?"

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