A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2296 She is your daughter

puff! ! !

The two discussed their sworn hatred, and Lu Fei changed the subject, but it ended up involving Nina, that flirtatious fox.

This is nonsense enough.

But now Lu Fei asked himself what the name of that sexy fox was, and Liu Peiwen was completely drunk.

"Lu Fei, are you talking about these useless things?"

"Kill or chop up as you please, I, Liu Peiwen, am not afraid of you." Liu Peiwen rolled her eyes and shouted.


"What's your name? Since I'm asking you, it must have meaning."

"Let's not talk about anything else. Guess who the naughty fox is?"

"There's a prize for guessing it right!" Lu Fei said with a smile.


"Lu Fei, are you sick?"

"Isn't she Nina, the president of Ruixin Group Asia?" Liu Peiwen said with disdain.

"No no no!"

"I asked about her real name, can you guess it?"


"I guess your sister!"

"Although I, Liu Peiwen, am not a good person, I still have my bottom line and principles."

"Such a shameless fox, even if you flatter me, I won't even care."

"How do I know who she is?" Liu Peiwen said righteously.


Lu Fei burst out laughing when he heard this.

"why are you laughing?"

Lu Fei gave Liu Peiwen a thumbs up and expressed sincere appreciation.

"Second brother, I've known you for so long, and I just saw you have a manly side today."

"Well said, very well said."

"That bitch is indeed not a good thing. Whoever stays with her will be unlucky."

"I don't know what kind of evil bastard did this, but he gave birth to such a naughty fox. What a misfortune for our family!"

"By the way, second brother, what kind of unlucky family do you think can win this honor?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Lu Fei, your uncle, what do you want to say?

What? "Liu Peiwen is going crazy.


"Calm down, why are you so angry?"

"Excessive anger hurts the liver!"

"All right!"

"Since you can't guess, I can give you a hint."

"The Nina you see is not her true face, but that charming and coquettish look is an innate ability."


Liu Peiwen frowned upon hearing this.

"You said, that flirtatious fox is not his true self?"

"That's right!"

"Nina is not an overseas Chinese of American origin. In fact, she is a fellow villager with you and a native of Baodao."

"Now, can you guess who she is?" Lu Fei said with a smile.


Liu Peiwen rolled her eyes again.

"Lu Fei, I accept that I fell into your hands. You can deal with me however you want, but don't fucking torture me like this, okay?"

"You are the greatest insult to me." Liu Peiwen roared.


Lu Fei sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Second dick!"

"I originally wanted to give you a sense of mystery, but you are just too boring."

"Since you can't guess it, I'll tell you the answer."

"The flirtatious fox you saw has actually changed his skin."

"And before she changed her skin, she had quite a relationship with you!"

"Speaking of which, her surname is Liu, and she was born into a big, unfortunate family."

"The real name of this flirtatious fox is Liu Sisi, and her dad is you idiot, Liu Peiwen!"


Hearing the three words Liu Sisi, Liu Peiwen

As if struck by lightning, Ji Lingling shivered and collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud.


"Absolutely impossible!"

"Lu Fei, you actually hit me in this fucking way, you are not a human being, you are not a human being!"

Thinking of her daughter being behind bars and looking at her current situation, Liu Peiwen burst into tears and looked up in pain.


"You don't believe it?" Lu Fei asked.

"Fuck you, stop lying to me."

"Lu Fei, I, Liu Peiwen, have a mortal feud with you."

"I hate you in my heart, but I have to admit that you, Lu Fei, are indeed a person."

"You are a pure man who dares to act boldly."

"I didn't expect that you would be so despicable as to insult my daughter's reputation and hit me in this way. Are you still a human being?"

"You are just a fucking despicable and shameless bastard. You must die!" Liu Peiwen roared hysterically.

His veins were exposed, his teeth were clenched, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was extremely angry.


Lu Fei couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Boy, you're a fucking idiot."

"Liu Sisi is your biological daughter!"

"You can't even recognize it. How can I do this?"

"Shut up!"

"Lu Fei, you must die a good death."

"I'll blame your ancestors!"


"Shut the hell up!"

"You're such an idiot."

"Liu Sisi and I have only met a few times, but the first time I saw Nina, I recognized her. But you, the father, were kept in the dark. It's the most ridiculous thing in the world."

"Second brother, calm down and think about it carefully, especially Nina's eyes and that lusty look, don't you think it looks familiar?"

"Idiot!" Lu Fei said contemptuously.


After hearing what Lu Fei said, Liu Peiwen, who was furious, calmed down instantly.

Force yourself to calm down and recall Nina's voice and smile carefully in your mind.

Thinking back to this, Liu Peiwen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

His thoughts returned to the London Theater, where Nina was charmingly nestled in Lu Fei's arms, making disgusting gestures.

But thinking about it carefully, the way Nina looked at her at that time was indeed a little different.

That night, Lu Fei seemed to have a seizure. He kept humiliating himself in public and even interacted with Nina.

Chang Yufei had no reaction at that time, but Nina's expression was extremely unnatural.


The more Liu Peiwen thought about it, the more she felt shuddering.

Suddenly, Liu Peiwen shook her head decisively.

"Lu Fei, stop talking nonsense, Nina is definitely not Sisi."

"Sisi was disfigured by you and imprisoned in the Chinese Prison on espionage charges. We tried countless methods but were unable to rescue her. How could she appear in London?"

"Lu Fei, what do you want to do with these words?" Liu Peiwen shouted angrily.


Lu Fei sighed.

"Second brother, you are really capable."

"It is true that Liu Sisi was disfigured, but now that plastic surgery technology has reached the level of perfection, can't she not have plastic surgery?"

"As for why she appeared in London, of course she was rescued by an awesome person."

"It's just that, on that occasion, she doesn't dare to recognize you."

"Liu Sisi protects you as a biological father in every possible way, but you can't even recognize your biological daughter."

"He even insulted his daughter as a naughty fox. If Liu Sisi heard it, she would cry to death."


"Thanks to Liu Sisi's good intentions."

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