A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2298 Just give up on this idea


The deep regret lingered in Liu Peiwen's heart and lingered for a long time.

Once upon a time, the Liu family was also a top family in Baodao.

Especially in the field of collection, looking at the whole of Asia, it is also the top existence.

His father, Liu Jianhua, is known in the industry as the number one collector in Asia, surpassing Kong Fanlong, the chief archaeological consultant of China, and Zhenbang, the king of Demon City, in the limelight.

But all of this changed dramatically because of the appearance of one person.

It was because of Lu Fei's appearance that the huge Liu family collapsed in less than a year.

Liu Sisi, Liu Jinxuan, and their eldest brother were all imprisoned.

Dad Liu Jianhua was even pissed to death.

Decades of foundation were destroyed, and the real family was destroyed.

The worst thing is that even my mother's graveyard is in the hands of this sworn enemy, which makes him extremely hostile.

Now, even he has been controlled by Lu Fei and is in a dead end. Let alone revenge, even surviving in the world has become a luxurious dream.

Looking back on all this, Liu Peiwen regretted everything.

If they had known this would be the outcome, no matter what, the Liu family would not have antagonized Lu Fei, the evil god.

What does it mean to compensate for losses?

Even if he were a grandson, he would be much better than he is now!

But now, it's too late to say anything.

Liu Peiwen is not afraid of death, even if she is afraid of death, it is useless.

But Liu Peiwen is worried about her daughter Liu Sisi!

His only daughter, not only had her face disfigured, but also had to live in prison for the rest of her life. This really fulfilled Lu Fei's words, life was simply worse than death!

Liu Peiwen's brain was running at high speed. If she begged in every possible way and agreed to all Lu Fei's conditions, would Lu Fei let his daughter go?

After thinking for a while, Liu Peiwen rejected the idea in her heart.

This is simply impossible.

The two families are at odds with each other and will fight to the death.

not to mention,

Liu Sisi once poisoned Wang Xinyi.

With Lu Fei's cruelty, he would never let Sisi go.

Why! !

Perhaps this is the fate of the Liu family and Sisi's fate!

In this case, there is no need to worry about anything.

Daughter, your father is useless. He has no ability to protect you, so he can only wrong you.

What dad owes you can only be repaid in the next life.

All worries were put aside, and Liu Peiwen felt much more relaxed.

He raised his head and looked at Lu Fei with a surprisingly calm attitude.

"Lu Fei, it's time to understand our grudges."

"Winning king and losing bandit, I will accept it if I fall into your hands."

"Now, I just want to die quickly, so do it!"

Liu Peiwen closed her eyes as she spoke, and two lines of helpless tears flowed down the corners of her eyes. At this moment, Liu Peiwen's energy was drained, and her whole person seemed to have aged ten years.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.


"I saw it away so quickly. My brother, you have really good potential. You even have the potential to cultivate Buddhism!"

"Let me give you an idea. In your next life, you can be reincarnated and become a monk in a temple. Once you have enlightenment, you might become a Buddha instantly!"

If Lu Fei had said this before, Liu Peiwen would have definitely cursed him.

But now, Liu Peiwen has completely looked away and wants to die. She has no interest in even scolding Lu Fei.

"Lu Fei, I have to admit that you are a hero of a generation."

"If you were in troubled times, you would be a hero."

"Before I die, I have a wish that I hope you can fulfill." Liu Peiwen said.

"you say!"

"Lu Fei, whether you are wrong or right, this is all between us.

grievances. "

"If you are a man, I hope you will let my mother go and not disturb her Qingxiu."

"Otherwise, even if I act like a ghost, I won't let you go," Liu Peiwen said.

Lu Fei nodded.

"Don't worry, even if you don't tell me, I won't touch your mother's grave."

"I, Lu Fei, have my own bottom line. I'm not as despicable as you." .??.??

"Not only that, I can also promise you to find someone to offer incense to your mother."

"Are you satisfied with this?" Lu Fei said.

When Liu Peiwen heard this, a flash of brilliance flashed in her eyes.


"I believe in you. You, Lu Fei, stick to your word and will never break your promise."

"That's natural." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, other than that, I don't have any requirements. You can do it now." After Liu Pein finished speaking, he closed his eyes calmly and welcomed the arrival of death.


"Second brother, what do you mean by beating sex?"

"Now that you've finished talking, I still have something to talk to you about!" Lu Fei said.

"What do you want to say?"


Lu Fei cleared his throat and sat in front of Liu Peiwen.

"Second brother, give me the list of the ancient tombs you stole."

"In addition, I want to know the list of all criminals involved in tomb robbery."

"Also, I also want to know where you put the treasures you stole."

"Finally, tell me all the details of your collusion with Christie's." Lu Fei said.


Liu Peiwen laughed after hearing this.

"Lu Fei, do you think I will tell you?"

"Just give up on this idea!"

"Hey, brother, you are

It’s boring! "

"Except for the ones in jail, the rest of your family has their hair cut off. Why are you keeping these secrets?"

"If you don't hand over the things, what good will it do to you? Aren't you getting a bargain from Christie's in vain?"

"In any case, you are also a descendant of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. Can you bear to watch our Chinese national treasures be lost overseas?" Lu Fei said.


"Lu Fei, you don't need to talk to me about national integrity. Our Liu family has been ruined. What's the point of talking about it?"

"What I have done has one purpose in the final analysis, to develop my own strength and then seek revenge on you."

"Speaking of which, these are all caused by you. After all, it is a sin, and it is also your sin and mine."

"It's a pity that even after a hundred secrets, the success falls short."

"Since I can't take revenge in this life, I will make you carry regrets forever. I will never tell you." Liu Peiwen said with a smile.

At this moment, Liu Peiwen smiled from the bottom of her heart. Revenge was still in vain. By hitting Lu Fei in this way, she could feel happy.

When Lu Fei heard this, he smiled brighter than Liu Peiwen.

"Second brother, don't be so absolute, you will definitely tell me."

"I believe in your character."


"It's absolutely impossible, just give up!"


"Second brother, you still don't understand me, Lu Fei!"

"There is nothing I, Lu Fei, can't do if I make up my mind to do it."

"Don't deny it in a hurry, I must make you tell me the truth willingly." Lu Fei said with a smile.

Seeing Lu Fei's confident expression, Liu Peiwen felt faintly uneasy.

"Lu Fei, what do you want to do?"

"Don't try to threaten me. I, Liu Peiwen, am not even afraid of death. Will I still be afraid of your threats?"

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