A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2305 Good birds choose trees to roost in

After reading Chang Yufei's information, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. Chang Yufei was flattered.

"Brother Lu Fei, is this information still valuable to you?"

"Not bad, indeed good."

"However, these are not enough."

"Brother Yufei, where are the items that have not been auctioned yet stored?" Lu Fei asked.


Asked this question, Chang Yufei hesitated, his mind racing.


"Brother Yufei refuses to say?"

Lu Fei's sharp gaze swept over him, and Chang Yufei was shocked.

"No, brother Lu Fei, don't get me wrong."

"Since I have given you such important information as my account number, what else can I hide?"

"It's just that Christie's vault is the top priority. Even if I tell you, you can't get it."

"The vault door there requires my fingerprints."

"If I hadn't started it myself, even the boss would have been helpless."


"So secret?" Lu Fei asked.


"I don't dare to lie to you, it's true."

"I suggest that Brother Lu Fei let me go, and I will take you to get those treasures in person. From now on, I will hang out with Brother Lu Fei and follow your lead." Chang Yufei said seriously.


"Brother Yufei, we are all the foxes we were the year before last. Why don't you stop playing with me?"

"No, no, no, brother Lu Fei, you still misunderstood. I swear, I am absolutely sincere."

"As long as Brother Lu Fei lets me go, I will take you to get the treasure right away."

Liu Peiwen next to her gritted her teeth with hatred.

"Chang Yufei, you spineless coward, you are a slave of the third surname."

"If you give your treasure to Lu Fei, the boss will never let you go." Liu Peiwen roared.

"Liu Peiwen, shut the fuck up."

"Who do you think you are? You dare to go against Brother Lu Fei?"

"Are you worthy?"

“A good bird chooses a tree to roost in, and he who knows the current affairs is a handsome man.”

"This is what I call abandoning darkness and turning to light. Don't fucking cause trouble."


When Chang Yufei said this, the people around him looked at him with contempt, and even Lu Fei had goosebumps all over his body.

Lu Fei finally saw it today.

At the moment of life and death, people can be so shameless, which completely subverts the three concepts!

However, this is beneficial to Lu Fei, and Lu Fei will certainly not refuse.


"Brother Yufei, don't care what others say. Tell me your address first. I'll take care of your food and drink today," Lu Fei said.

"Brother Lu Fei, I really didn't lie to you. You really couldn't get it without me!" Chang Yufei said.


"Don't think about whether you can get it or not. Tell me where it is stored first. As for the other things, we will discuss it in detail later."

Chang Yufei thought for a while and finally told Lu Fei the address.

Chang Yufei planned to use the address of the treasure house in exchange for his life, and originally did not want to tell Lu Fei directly.

But Lu Fei kept asking, and he didn't dare to offend Lu Fei.

However, what Chang Yufei said was not wrong. Without him present, even if Lu Fei reached the treasure house, he would not be able to enter.

Therefore, Chang Yufei firmly believed that Lu Fei would let him go in the end.

Chang Yufei handed over the address, and Liu Peiwen on the other side suddenly became furious, with a murderous look in her eyes, and she wanted to rush over and bite Chang Yufei to death.

Judging from Liu Peiwen's expression, the address given by Chang Yufei should be correct.

"Brother Lu Fei, I told you the address. Look, when are we going to pick up the baby?" Chang Yufei tried

He asked tentatively.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Don't worry about this yet. You are injured. Let's rest first."

As he said that, Lu Fei looked at Liu Peiwen.

"Second brother, given your condition, if you don't eat, you will only last until tomorrow morning at most. Are you still stubborn?" Lu Fei said. .??.


"Lu Fei, give up this idea as soon as possible."

"Even if I, Liu Peiwen, die, I won't tell you. I want you to have regrets in your life." Liu Peiwen shouted slightly proudly.


"Second brother, you are too naive."

"Where I am, asking for death is a luxury."

"Okay, I'll ask you one last time, are you going to say it or not?"

"Dream!" Liu Peiwen said.


Lu Fei gave Liu Laoer a thumbs up.


"As expected of the Liu family, they do have backbone."

"However, I believe you will beg to tell me sooner or later."



"Don't rush to conclusions yet, we will wait and see what the result will be."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he jumped up into the pit in two steps.

"Brother Lu Fei, what are you doing?"

"I've told you everything I know, but you should let me go!"

"Brother Lu Fei, I need to pee."

"Brother Lu Fei."

No matter how Chang Yufei shouted, Lu Fei ignored him.

He got into the woods, took out his only satellite phone, and dialed Lang Lijing's number.


"I'll give you an address. This is a vault. See if you can crack it."

"You study it, no matter what

Okay, please reply to me as soon as possible. "

"Okay, I'll try my best."

After hanging up Lang Lijing's phone, Lu Fei called Gao Yuan again to ask about the current situation at home.

After ending the call with Gao Yuan, Lu Fei had a strange smile on his face.

According to Gao Yuan, a big event really happened at home.

The day he left Xianyang, Guan Laosan, Wang Fatty and others searched for him all over the world.

Unfortunately, all of his phones were turned off, and no one could contact him.

These old guys didn't give up and chased directly to Jincheng. They stayed at their homes for two days, but there was still no news.

Finally, these old guys couldn't sit still and went to the museum to meet Meng Xianguo.

Their purpose of looking for Meng Xianguo has been explained above.

Guan Haishan and the others were worried that Baodao would seek instructions from their superiors and ask several museums in China for sets of cultural relics.

The Chinese archaeological team was unwilling to give in, but had no choice, so they thought of Lu Fei.

Their plan was to loan those cultural relics to Lu Fei's museum, push Lu Fei to the front desk as a shield, and let the old guys in Baodao negotiate with Lu Fei.

Unfortunately, the plan was perfect, but Lu Fei lost contact again.

Really unable to wait any longer, they found Meng Xianguo.

Meng Xianguo would certainly not refuse after explaining his intention.

They took the initiative to lend first-class cultural relics to the Lu Fei Museum for display. This was a great thing, and Meng Xianguo smiled from ear to ear.

However, when Guan Haishan and others told the inside story, Meng Xianguo was dumbfounded.

It turns out that the secondment was just a cover.

On the surface, the secondment procedure for decades was issued, but behind the scenes, an agreement had to be signed.

This agreement directly negates the formalities on the surface.

In other words, those cultural relics are only temporarily stored in Lu Fei's museum. In fact, they must return them unconditionally whenever they want to take them away.

With this additional condition, Meng Xianguo certainly did not dare to make the decision.

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