A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2315 Dying with eyes closed

If Lu Fei had said this before, Liu Peiwen would have thought about it carefully and been extremely frightened. But now, his state of mind is as calm as ever.

No matter what, he is dead, so what else is there to say?

"Lu Fei, I want to know what good things are in here?"

"Our family has longed for this place for a long time, and I even paid the price with my life for it."

"You can't let me die with my eyes open, right?" Liu Peiwen said with a self-deprecating smile.

"hehe!" .??.

Lu Fei smiled evilly: "I'm afraid that if I tell you, you will die in silence."

"That's my business. I just ask you to tell the truth."

Lu Fei nodded: "Okay, since you are so persistent, I will tell you."

"Actually, there are no treasures here except my master's body."


Liu Peiwen heard this and stood up suddenly.

The body that was already at the end of its strength exploded with infinite strength at this moment, making the rope buzz and almost break.

Liu Peiwen was anxious, really anxious.

He couldn't accept this result.

The family has kept this map for decades, and it is like a family treasure.

Since the first map of Han Tombs Man City was released, this map has gained even more attention from the family.

Including Liu Peiwen, everyone who knows the existence of this map believes that the other two addresses above are definitely not inferior to the Han tombs in the city.

Especially the last stone forest formation is the top priority.

The protection with such a huge formation is definitely several levels higher than the strength of Han Tombs all over the city.

For decades, the Liu family has been looking for opportunities to open this treasure, but unfortunately they have never been able to do so.

This time Liu Peiwen went all out and risked everything to break the formation. Although she did not succeed, Liu Peiwen was full of expectations.

Therefore, he kept asking Lu Fei how many good things were hidden here.

If it were truly a treasure more powerful than all the Han tombs in the city, it would be a comfort to his soul.

Especially when Lu Fei said just now that this is the burial place of his master.

Lu Fei's ability is already quite incredible, and his master must be much more awesome than him.

How could there be no good things in the tomb of such an outstanding person?

Liu Peiwen was even more looking forward to it.

Now Lu Fei told him that there was no treasure here except the bones of his master.

These words were like a basin of mysterious ice water being poured on Liu Peiwen's head, making his expectation instantly chill.

How could Liu Peiwen accept such a result?


"Lu Fei, you are not serious!"

"This is the burial place of your master. You spent 300,000 yuan to put up such a huge formation for protection. How could there be no burial objects?"

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it." Liu Peiwen said in a hoarse voice

Son, roared hysterically.

Lu Fei smiled bitterly.

"Calm down first."

"You are so excited, but you are rapidly consuming your life force!"

"If you continue like this and don't listen to my explanation, you will burp."

After Lu Fei said this, Liu Peiwen slowly calmed down.

After the energy and energy just returned, Liu Peiwen's condition became even worse, and she collapsed to the ground slumped.

While injecting him with medicine, Lu Fei said, "I don't blame you for not believing it. If I didn't know the truth, I wouldn't believe it either."

"But whether you believe it or not, this is indeed true."

"My master was born in troubled times and had a bad fate. Although he had great skills, he had no use for them, and he was destitute for the rest of his life."

"In addition to these, he also has another bad habit, that is, he is super stingy."

"I wanted to bring him some things to keep with me, but his old man said it was a waste of natural resources and ruined treasures, and he didn't agree at all."

"Out of filial piety, I can only follow his wishes."

"As for spending money to set up a large formation, it is just a defensive method. I don't want others to peek into this treasure land and disturb his old man."

"That's all!"

Looking at Lu Fei's sincere eyes, Liu Peiwen knew that he was not lying, so she couldn't help but shake her head and smile bitterly.


"What a big joke!"


"It's in vain that I spent a huge price and even cost dozens of lives to get here, but I didn't expect this to be the result."

"It's just a big joke!"


Liu Peiwen laughed, almost crazy, and her vital signs were rapidly losing.

"Lu Fei, can you answer another question for me?"


"You found that hall in Xingping Mountain, Xianyang. Can you tell me what's there?" Liu Peiwen asked expectantly with cloudy eyes.

That map has made the Liu family look forward to it for decades.

If it is still a piece of garbage, Liu Peiwen really can't stand it.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and did not hide anything. He briefly told him about the underground treasure in Xingping Mountain.

After listening to what Lu Fei said, Liu Peiwen laughed and shed tears.

This result caused him to completely collapse.


"I can't believe it, I can't believe it!"

"If you find a treasure, the map that is regarded as the foundation of your family is not only worthless, but has also become a life-killing talisman for me, Liu Peiwen."

"This is a huge irony and a huge joke!"

"I'm not willing to give in."

Liu Peiwen stood up, looked up to the sky and shouted, a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth, her body was startled and she turned over and fell down.

Her vital signs were completely lost, and Liu Peiwen died with her eyes closed. If Lu Fei had said this before, Liu Peiwen would have thought about it carefully and been extremely frightened. But now, his state of mind is as calm as ever.

No matter what, he is dead, so what else is there to say?

"Lu Fei, I want to know what good things are in here?"

"Our family has longed for this place for a long time, and I even paid the price with my life for it."

"You can't let me die with my eyes open, right?" Liu Peiwen said with a self-deprecating smile.


Lu Fei smiled evilly: "I'm afraid that if I tell you, you will die in silence."

"That's my business. I just ask you to tell the truth."

Lu Fei nodded: "Okay, since you are so persistent, I will tell you."

"Actually, there are no treasures here except my master's body." .??.??


Liu Peiwen heard this and stood up suddenly.

The body that was already at the end of its strength exploded with infinite strength at this moment, making the rope buzz and almost break.

Liu Peiwen was anxious, really anxious.

He couldn't accept this result.

The family has kept this map for decades, and it is like a family treasure.

Since the first map of Han Tombs Man City was released, this map has gained even more attention from the family.

Including Liu Peiwen, everyone who knows the existence of this map believes that the other two addresses above are definitely not inferior to the Han tombs in the city.

Especially the last stone forest formation is the top priority.

The protection with such a huge formation is definitely several levels higher than the strength of Han Tombs all over the city.

For decades, the Liu family has been looking for opportunities to open this treasure, but unfortunately they have never been able to do so.

This time Liu Peiwen went all out and risked everything to break the formation. Although she did not succeed, Liu Peiwen was full of expectations.

Therefore, he kept asking Lu Fei how many good things were hidden here.

If it were truly a treasure more powerful than all the Han tombs in the city, it would be a comfort to his soul.

Especially when Lu Fei said just now that this is the burial place of his master.

Lu Fei's ability is already quite incredible, and his master must be much more awesome than him.

How could there be no good things in the tomb of such an outstanding person?

Liu Peiwen was even more looking forward to it.

Now Lu Fei told him that there was no treasure here except the bones of his master.

These words were like a basin of mysterious ice water being poured on Liu Peiwen's head, making his expectation instantly chill.

How could Liu Peiwen accept such a result?


"Lu Fei, you are not real!"

"This is the burial place of your master. You spent 300,000 yuan to put up such a huge formation for protection. How could there be no burial objects?"

"I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it." Liu Peiwen said in a hoarse voice

Son, roared hysterically.

Lu Fei smiled bitterly.

"Calm down first."

"You are so excited, but you are rapidly consuming your life force!"

"If you continue like this and don't listen to my explanation, you will burp."

After Lu Fei said this, Liu Peiwen slowly calmed down.

After the energy and energy just returned, Liu Peiwen's condition became even worse, and she collapsed to the ground slumped.

While injecting him with medicine, Lu Fei said, "I don't blame you for not believing it. If I didn't know the truth, I wouldn't believe it either."

"But believe it or not, this is indeed true."

"My master was born in troubled times and had a bad fate. Although he had great skills, he had no use for them, and he was destitute for the rest of his life."

"In addition to these, he also has another bad habit, that is, he is super stingy."

"I wanted to bring him some things to keep with me, but his old man said it was a waste of natural resources and ruined treasures, and he didn't agree at all."

"Out of filial piety, I can only follow his wishes."

"As for spending money to set up a large formation, it is just a defensive method. I don't want others to peek into this treasure land and disturb his old man."

"That's all!"

Looking at Lu Fei's sincere eyes, Liu Peiwen knew that he was not lying, so she couldn't help but shake her head and smile bitterly.


"What a big joke!"


"It's in vain that I spent a huge price and even cost dozens of lives to get here, but I didn't expect this to be the result."

"It's just a big joke!"


Liu Peiwen laughed, almost crazy, and her vital signs were losing rapidly.

"Lu Fei, can you answer another question for me?"


"You found that hall in Xingping Mountain, Xianyang. Can you tell me what's there?" Liu Peiwen asked expectantly with cloudy eyes.

That map has made the Liu family look forward to it for decades.

If it is still a piece of garbage, Liu Peiwen really can't stand it.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and did not hide anything. He briefly told him about the underground treasure in Xingping Mountain.

After listening to what Lu Fei said, Liu Peiwen laughed and shed tears.

This result caused him to completely collapse.


"I can't believe it, I can't believe it!"

"If you find a treasure, the map that is regarded as the foundation of your family is not only worthless, but has also become a life-killing talisman for me, Liu Peiwen."

"This is a huge irony and a huge joke!"

"I'm not willing to give in."

Liu Peiwen stood up, looked up to the sky and shouted, a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth, her body was startled and she turned over and fell down.

Her vital signs were completely lost, and Liu Peiwen died with her eyes closed.

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