A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2317 Underground Space

Lu Fei stood in front of the tomb for a long time, bit by bit from his previous life, playing quickly in his mind like a movie, but his heart was filled with mixed emotions.

After standing for a long time, Lu Fei finally moved.

Retreat to a stone pillar in the northeast and gently touch the third level of the stone pillar.

I found a spot and pressed it gently.

Strangely enough, the flat surface where no gaps were visible suddenly suddenly had a shallow dent in a square area as big as a palm.

If anyone saw this scene, their jaw would drop.

Not to mention a hundred years ago, even in the modern era of technological advancement, it is almost impossible to make such a precise design on stone.

This is simply incredible.

However, if old man Yue Qifeng were here, he might be able to see the clues.

Because the third layer of this stone pillar is not an ordinary rock at all, but a huge piece of Hetian Qingyu.

However, the surface has been specially treated and looks no different from ordinary stone.

The density of jade is much higher than that of ordinary stones. It is indeed possible for a master to polish jade finely and create such a delicate and undifferentiated mechanism.

As the jade dented, a dull roar came from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the tomb not far away shook for a while, and the ground two meters in front of the tomb quickly split open on both sides.

The roaring stopped, and a huge hole three meters long and two and a half meters wide suddenly appeared, and a hot and moldy smell gushes out.

Lu Fei frowned when he smelled the smell from a distance.

Damn it!

It’s only been a hundred years and the ventilation system is broken?

Damn blind Cheng, you won’t take any kickbacks from my materials!

Lu Fei thought about it, but did not rush over. Instead, he walked in the opposite direction of the cave entrance with a flashlight.

Lu Fei didn't stop until he reached a mountain cover two thousand meters away.

I used my flashlight to look around for myself.

After some time, Lu Fei finally understood what was going on.

It wasn't that Blind Cheng was fooling himself with shoddy materials, but there was another reason.

It turns out that there is a natural cave on this mountain.

The ventilation outlet of the underground space is in this cave.

However, the previous cave can no longer be found. Judging from the surface conditions, a small mudslide should have occurred here, and the mountain collapsed, burying the ventilated cave.

Without the passage, the ventilation system will of course lose its function.

Lu Fei smiled awkwardly and looked into the distance.

"Blind Cheng, I just misunderstood you."

"Don't blame me, you soul in heaven!"

"If you have a chance, I will burn a few beautiful girls for you as an apology."


"The standard will be the same as that of Piaoxiangyuan Oiran Dameili. I guarantee your satisfaction."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he looked around with a flashlight while recalling hard.

After searching for two hours, Lu Fei finally determined the specific location of the cave.

After finding the location, Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.


The collapsed area is not too big. Give yourself three days to completely clean it out.

I hope it only seals the entrance and prevents the cave from collapsing.

Otherwise, even I can't do anything about it.

After determining the location, Lu Fei pulled out some weeds to mark it.

Wait until it gets light tomorrow and come over to clean up the cave.

In more than two hours, the underground air should be completely replaced.

After lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei returned to the cave entrance.

Sure enough, that stock

The musty smell was much lighter, almost negligible, and Lu Fei walked in.

Entering from the cave entrance, there is a wide passage.

Both sides and the dome are made of large blue stones.

The mortar used to build the walls is not white ash, but super high-quality cement.

Cement is actually cement, it was just called it a hundred years ago.

The cement of that period had much smaller grades than today's cement, and the quality was a bit worse, but the price was quite expensive.

Modern cement costs three to four hundred yuan per ton, but at that time, cement cost fifteen yuan per ton.

What is the concept of fifteen yuan?

An ordinary family of five can afford a year's living expenses.

Therefore, cement could be regarded as a luxury product in that era. Most people could only use yellow mud, and the more advanced ones used white ash mixed with straw. Those who could afford cement were definitely rare.

Moreover, at that time, only the shrewd islanders could supply cement. They had a monopoly on the market, and the price had to be raised from time to time. It was quite a thief.

When this place was built, more than 700 tons of cement alone were used.

From Chang'an City, the money spent on traveling over mountains and rivers to get here can be said to be astronomical.

Thanks to the friendly sponsorship from Lu Fei's friends, otherwise, Lu Fei really wouldn't be able to afford it.

Not counting cement and bluestone, the underground steps are also quite awesome. This is real granite!

It was even more generous than the royal palace. At that time, it could be said that it was extremely luxurious.

Even the friendly sponsorship from friends still cost Lu Fei a considerable part of his family wealth.

Lu Fei spent 300,000 to find the Nine Palaces and Bagua array and those mechanisms outside.

However, Lu Fei did not explain the details to Liu Peiwen.

Not counting the outside, just in this underground space, Lu Fei spent another

Five hundred thousand oceans.

Including the friendly sponsorship from friends, the total cost exceeded 3 million.

In that era, this money was enough to equip a team of tens of thousands of people.

Going down the fifth step, a fifty centimeter square groove appeared on the left wall.

Inside the groove are an angry wind lamp and a clay pot.

Opening the clay pot, Lu Fei added some kerosene to the lamp, then lit it, and the space suddenly lit up.

All the way down, Lu Fei turned on the light as he walked.

After going down eighty steps, the steps disappeared, and a circular passage with a height of 2.5 meters and a width of 5 meters appeared.

When he came to the wall in front of him, Lu Fei picked up his feet and pressed lightly on the wall.

It was similar to the mechanism of the stone pillar outside. A palm-sized stone wall was slightly dented, and when it was used, there was another slight roar.

Lu Fei raised his hand, and the sunken stone wall slowly reset.

This is the main organ of this underground space.

There are countless terrifying mechanisms designed here. If the main switch is not turned off, even Lu Fei will not be able to move forward.

Otherwise, if the mechanism is touched, death will be inevitable.

After turning off the main switch, all the terrorist mechanisms were temporarily disabled. Lu Fei walked along the left passage and lit the oil lamp on the wall.

As Lu Fei moved forward, the passage became brighter and brighter.

After walking five hundred meters along the circular passage, we arrived at the center of the entire underground space.

The circular passage is a huge circle, and the position Lu Fei is facing now is the center of the circular passage.

Here, a simple and elegant old-fashioned children's store suddenly appeared.

Two broad red lacquered doors are tightly closed, with brass door knockers and one hundred and eight breast nails.

There are two white marble lions placed on both sides of the gate, which are as powerful and domineering as a rainbow.

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