A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2343 Is the hearing aid broken?


When the little puppy left, Xu Shijie became so angry that he smashed the painted enamel tea bowl in his hand.


"It's too much!"

"Old Xu, calm down."

"You are so old and you don't have the same ambition as a kid who doesn't even have a hair!"

"Right now, our most important thing is to find Lu Fei, don't delay the business!" Shen Lianxi advised.


Xu Shijie took a long breath and relaxed a little.

"Old Shen, you are right, business matters are important."

"Now it seems that Lu Fei is avoiding us on purpose. Someone on the archaeological team must have communicated with him."


"In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, I mobilized all my connections to find Lu Fei."

"In addition, inform the Baodao media to increase publicity for me. I don't believe they can let Kong Fanlong's reputation be ignored."

"Let the media spread the news to Hong Kong Island and Macao Island first. If Lu Fei doesn't show up again, he will enter China immediately."

"It seems that if we don't put some pressure on them, they won't take us seriously!" Xu Shijie said.

"Mr. Xu, Lu Fei is not from the archaeological team. Can he care if the media spreads news?" said a subordinate.


Xu Shijie smiled slyly: "Don't worry, I've already found out clearly."

"Kong Fanlong was kind to Lu Fei. Lu Fei respects him very much and will never let him go."

"I can guarantee that if things get serious, Lu Fei will definitely show up."

"What we need to worry about most now is that Pan Xingzhou is communicating with Lu Fei. If that happens, the note in our hands will lose its value. Therefore, time is tight and the task is heavy. Everyone, let's find a way together to find Lu Fei's whereabouts immediately!"


At this moment, a strong young man broke in with a dozen security guards.

As soon as he entered the door, the young man at the head frowned.


"Old man, are you making trouble here?"


These old guys in Baodao are going to have their noses crooked with anger.

Good guy, the tempers of the people here are hotter than the last!

Even the security guards are so polite. It seems that respecting the elderly and caring for the young is completely out of the question here!

Xu Shijie's face was as dark as water, and Wang Dalei's eyes widened.

That's right, the young man leading the charge is none other than Fatty Wang Dalei.

"Old man, I'm asking you a question. Why don't you understand?"


Damn it, you have a Northeastern accent!

Lu Fei, is this a museum or a bandit den? This is too outrageous!


"Young man, please be polite, we are here to do something." Shen Lianxi said.


“Our boss often says that friends come with good wine and enemies come with shotguns.”

"You came to our place to cause trouble, and you still want us to be polite to you?"

"Get lost!"

"Stop talking nonsense. I said above that you are not welcome here. Get out of here. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."


Shen Lianxi felt a mouthful of old blood in his throat, and it almost spurted out.

Good guy, it seems that people were being polite just now, but now they are just scolding me.

A dozen old guys, with an average age of over sixty, were pointed at and scolded by a young man under thirty, and several of them almost went into fits.

However, looking at Dalei Zi's big round eyes and strong muscles, the old men endured it.

Pull it down!

Even if I just back off today, I won’t be as ambitious as him.

At first glance, this young man looked like a firecracker, but if he moved his hands in a hurry, it would be even more embarrassing.

Xu Shijie thought the same way. The key now was to find Lu Fei. There was no need to create extra complications.

Let’s keep the hatred of being humiliated here for now, and wait until we successfully obtain the cultural relics, then we will find a way to regain our face.

Thinking of this, Xu Shijie immediately ordered everyone to leave.

Just when everyone walked to the door, they were stopped by Dalei Zi again.

"Wait a moment!"

"What else do you want?"

After being humiliated repeatedly, Xu Shijie had reached the critical point of going berserk. When Da Leizi stopped him again, Xu Shijie was furious!

He decided that if this young man said something rude again, I would fight him.

Dalei Zi pointed to the broken porcelain bowl on the ground and asked, "Old man, did you break this?"


Xu Shijie looked at it and nodded without any concern.

He had long noticed that this tea bowl was not an antique, but a modern Jingdezhen handicraft.

Although the craftsmanship is exquisite, it has no collection value.

Xu Shijie didn't care if the other party used this tea bowl to talk things over. At worst, he would just have to pay for it, so what else could he do?

"Is it intentional to break it so much?" asked Dalei Zi.


Xu Shijie was so angry that he didn't care about a broken tea bowl. He nodded without hesitation: "Yes, it was indeed intentional."


"I really didn't expect that Lu Fei's people would be of such quality. What do you think?"

"Do you want us to pay compensation?"

"It doesn't matter. Just tell me a number and I'll pay. I can still afford this amount of money."

Xu Shijie's words were extremely ironic, secretly revealing that Lu Fei had no quality.

It's a pity that Dalei Zi didn't understand his painstaking words at all. He only understood one thing, and the other party admitted that it was intentional.


"Old man, since you admit that you did it on purpose and are willing to pay compensation, it will be easy to handle."

"It seems that you, old man, are quite happy!"


Xu Shijie's nose was so angry that he cursed in his heart, where did this weird thing come from?

Telling him this is like playing the piano to an ox.

At this time, Xu Shijie was a little confused. He didn't want to stay for another minute. He waved his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense and make an offer!"


"If you agree to compensate, it will be easier. It will save us trouble."

"Seeing as your old man's attitude is quite good, then you can just pay 1.5 million!"


As soon as Daleizi's words came out, Xu Shijie felt like the world was spinning and he was so angry that he fainted.

"One hundred and fifty?"

"This is Jingdezhen's modern handicraft. It's rubbish that costs ten yuan a pound in the wholesale market. You dare to ask for one hundred and fifty yuan. Why don't you go and grab it?"

"This is blackmail, Chi Guoguo's blackmail. I tell you clearly that if you don't have one hundred and fifty, I will give you ten yuan. If you keep asking for it, I will sue you for blackmail." Xu Shijie jumped to his feet and shouted.

When Xu Shijie shouted, it was Dalei Zi's turn to be confused.


"Old man, is your hearing aid broken?"

"I said 1.5 million. When did you say 150?"


"How many did you say?"

Dalei Zi emphasized again. The old guys in Baodao all opened their mouths to the extreme in shock, and almost fell off their dentures and reading glasses.

As for Xu Shijie, his blood pressure soared, his skull was buzzing, and he felt like his cerebral blood vessels were about to burst.

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