A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2347 Jin Guangmao

Three and a half million?


Hearing the number reported by Yuan Jiahui, the blood of all the veterans in Baodao surged, they were dizzy, and they suddenly felt hopeless.

Oh my God!

Please show me your spirit!

We just can't take it anymore.

Previously, the big man's asking price of 1.5 million had already made them burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

When a new general manager came over, not only did he not get the slightest advantage, but the compensation more than doubled, which was simply fatal.

Is Lu Fei opening a museum here?

Why does it feel like a slaughterhouse and a bandit den?

It simply doesn’t give people a way to survive!

Don’t the leaders of China understand the situation here?

If you haven’t dealt with such unscrupulous merchants, are you still keeping them for the New Year?

A bunch of old guys were going crazy, and Xu Shijie almost rolled his eyes out.

"Mr. Yuan, I'm really sorry. I didn't hear you clearly just now. Did you mean 3.5 million?"

Yuan Jiahui always maintained a professional smile: "Yes, it is indeed 3.5 million!"

Damn it!

Madman, this woman is also a madman, no, there is no normal human being here!

At first, when they saw Yuan Jiahui's polite smile, the veterans praised her greatly in their hearts, but now when they see Yuan Jiahui's smile, everyone has goosebumps.

It's really terrible.


"Mr. Yuan, are you sure you are not joking?" Xu Shijie asked.

"Of course, how can I joke about this kind of thing?"

"Everyone, which one of you is in charge? Please cooperate with us and pay the compensation!" Yuan Jiahui said.

After getting confirmation from Yuan Jiahui again, everyone was fine.

Don't talk about Xu Shijie and the others

, even Dalei Zi’s eyes widened.

I'll be a good boy!

This girl is usually polite to everyone, but I never expected that she would be so cruel!

This is the rhythm of killing these old guys, but hey, I like it!

Dalei Zi thought that Yuan Jiahui was deliberately embarrassing Xu Shijie and the others, and felt extremely happy.

However, Xu Shijie and the others were not happy at all.

"All right!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Yuan, we broke the teacup. We will be responsible to the end. It is only natural and understandable to make compensation."

"However, the price you are asking for is really unacceptable to us."

"We are all experts in appraising treasures. We really can't see how this thing can be worth 3.5 million. Could you please explain it to us, Mr. Yuan?"

"As long as you can give me a reason, I will compensate you at the price of 3.5 million."

"But if you can't tell us, don't blame us for being rude. We are not the ones who can be bullied. We will hold you and your museum legally responsible." Xu Shijie said.

Yuan Jiahui was still smiling: "Don't worry, sir, our museum treats every guest equally. Our service tenet is to make guests feel at home, and we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation."

Feel at home?

Damn it!

Two black lines suddenly appeared on Xu Shijie's forehead.

My aunt, is this word really appropriate when used in your museum?


"In that case, we are all ears."

Yuan Jiahui nodded, turned around and pointed at several other pieces of porcelain on the coffee table.

"Sir, since you are all experts in treasure appraisal, you should be able to tell that the tea bowl you broke is the same set as the tea set here, right?"


Before, everyone was patronizing and angry, and no one paid attention to other porcelain. When Yuan Jiahui asked, everyone looked over. ??

There is a set of red enamel porcelain bowls placed on the coffee table. There is also a teapot, a set of fruit plates, and even an ashtray seems to be included in this set.

Thinking back to the tea bowl that I smashed before, I realized that it was indeed the same set of items as these porcelain pieces.

But so what?

No matter what, these are undoubtedly modern handicrafts, right?

Modern things, no matter how well made they are, are not worth 3.5 million!

Isn't this an international joke?

Xu Shijie glanced at it casually and nodded: "Yes, this is indeed a set of porcelain, but I still can't see how it can be worth 3.5 million."

Yuan Jiahui smiled slightly and said: "Sir, don't be anxious, listen to me and explain slowly."

"Actually, I want you to pay 3.5 million, which is still a friendly price!"

"Don't mind me. Except for our boss, no one else can buy this set of porcelain for 10 million yuan!"


Hearing this, Xu Shijie's people were slightly surprised: "Mr. Yuan, what do you say?"

Yuan Jiahui calmly said in a calm tone: "Gentlemen, you just said that you are all familiar with treasure appraisal. In this case, I think everyone must have heard of the name Jin Xin, right?"

Jin Xin?

Upon hearing this name, the veterans present were stunned.

"Mr. Yuan, the name Jin Xin is indeed a bit popular. I don't know which Jin Xin you are talking about." Xu Shijie asked.


Jiahui nodded: "Indeed, the name Jin Xin is a bit common, but what about the name Jin Guangmao?"


When Jin Guangmao said these three words, it was like a thunderbolt exploding in the crowd. All the old guys were so shocked that their bodies were completely broken, and they all felt bad.

In addition to the master staff of Baodao Gubo, these old guys are also members of Baodao Collection Association.

Although his treasure-appraisal skills are not as good as those of great masters like Lu Fei, Kong Fanlong, and Guan Haishan, they are still much better than ordinary dabblers.

But even if you are a half-dabbler, anyone who has studied the basic knowledge of antique porcelain for a few years will definitely be familiar with the name Jin Guangmao.

Jin Guangmao!

This name is so well-known in the field of antique porcelain that it can be said to be a worldwide sensation and is well known in the industry.

This is a great master in the porcelain industry in Jingdezhen!

During the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Yongle Zhu Di was full of praise for Jin Guangmao's craftsmanship.

In the seventh year of Yongle, an imperial edict came down, directly making an exception and directly promoting Jin Guangmao to the second governor of the dynasty, with an official position of fifth rank, second only to the governor Liu Heng!

However, Jin Guangmao only served as his deputy for only two years. Two years later, another imperial edict was issued to straighten him up and he became the governor of the Ming Dynasty during the Yongle period, a fourth-rank official.

Relying on the skill of making porcelain, he rose from a commoner to a high official in the imperial court. This was the first time in the field of porcelain management.

In the following ten years, Jin Guangmao brought surprises to Zhu Di countless times. Emperor Yongle was very satisfied and rewarded the Zhu family many times.

Unfortunately, Jin Guangmao was seriously ill and only served Zhu Di for seventeen years. He passed away before he was fifty and traveled westward.

For this reason, Zhu Di also lamented: "Ai Qing has passed away, and it will be difficult to find a masterpiece from now on."

This sentence was the highest compliment given to Jin Guangmao in his life.

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