A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2357 Lobbying

Pan Xingzhou and Fatty Wang appeared at the same time, and Lu Fei had already guessed what his purpose was.

Pan Xingzhou had talked to him more than once on behalf of his superiors, hoping that he would be in charge of the banner of Chinese archeology, but Lu Fei had rejected them all before.

This time, it is probably about this, otherwise, Fatty would not have been left to listen, let alone wait for him in Jincheng for a week.

You know, Mr. Pan is a very busy man!

Passing Fatty Wang a cigarette, Lu Fei said: "Mr. Pan, if the surprise you mentioned is still the same thing, I'm sorry, my answer is still the same, and I can't accept it."

Archaeological General Consultant, this is indeed a surprise to others, but to Lu Fei, it is another matter.

If Lu Fei wanted to take this position, he would have promised Mr. Kong a long time ago and would not wait until today.

Pan Xingzhou stopped smiling when he heard this and his expression became serious.

"Boy, I know exactly what you are thinking."

"You are competing with Mr. Kong's apprentice."

"Mr. Kong has been kind to you, and it's understandable for you to think so."

"But have you ever thought about it? This is a personal relationship between you and Mr. Kong after all, and it cannot be compared with the great cause of the nation."

"When Mr. Kong recommended Mr. Guan for this position, we did not deny it, but this does not mean that Guan Haishan is great, but that the superiors do not want to disappoint Mr. Kong."

"Because, like you, we all respect Mr. Kong very much, and we are even more grateful for the countless great achievements he has made for the Chinese archaeological team."

"But respect is respect, and emotion is emotion. We can't ruin our archaeological career just because of this, right?"

"For more than a year, everyone has seen Guan Haishan's ability. Facts have proved that his character is indeed not suitable for sitting in this position."

"If we continue to let him sit in this position, the team's energy will be lost. Without energy and spirit, people will be distracted, and the consequences will be disastrous!"

"We all know Mr. Kong's temper. I think even if Mr. Kong is still alive, he will agree with our opinion."

"Your boy is different from him. You are ambitious, capable and more courageous."

"In you, we can see the shadow of Mr. Kong from back then. In fact, your drive is even worse than that of Mr. Kong when he was younger."

"We all believe that under your leadership, the Chinese archaeological team will be able to make further progress."

"Isn't this also Mr. Kong's long-cherished wish before his death?" Pan Xingzhou said.

Lu Fei listened silently, smoked silently, and said nothing.

"Hey, I have said so much, have you listened to it?" Pan Xingzhou asked angrily.

After putting out the cigarette butt, Lu Fei raised his head and said, "Mr. Pan, I understand everything you said, but I still can't agree to you."

"Kong Lao worked hard for decades and achieved today's glory. During this period, he and his apprentices made the greatest contribution."

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