A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2362: Both soft and hard tactics

After Leader No. 3's impassioned speech, Lu Fei's heart also aroused huge waves.

No one knows Guan Haishan's abilities better than himself.

In this position, the best outcome for him is to maintain the status quo.

But now, maintaining the status quo has become a luxury, because Guan Haishan's mood has changed. After being a big leader for more than a year, Guan Haishan has also become a little swollen.

If this continues, the archaeological team will really be in danger.

Leader No. 3 is right, this is not what Mr. Kong wants to see.

The foundation he had built with all his hard work and dedication had fallen into decline, and the coffin of his old man might not even be able to hold it.


However, after all, I have made it clear that I will not peek into this position. If I agree to Leader No. 3, wouldn't I be breaking my promise?

If a true man breaks his promise and gains weight, won't he become the laughing stock of the world?

But is my own face really more important than the rise and fall of the archaeological team?

Even Mr. Kong can put aside personal interests and worry about face issues, which is too unrealistic.

Why! !

Lu Fei was in a dilemma and was really worried.

Leader No. 3 fired another sugar-coated bomb, and Lu Fei became even more confused.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei said: "Leader, how about this!"

"How about I promise you to assist Guan Haishan?"

"If the archaeological team needs me somewhere, I, Lu Fei, promise to do my best."

Leader No. 3 shook his head like a rattle: "It's too late!"

"If Guan Haishan had had your supervision when he first took over, we would have been completely assured."

"But things are different now. People are distracted and have no fighting spirit. Guan Haishan only cares about his position, is indecisive, and has no responsibility at all."

"The most terrifying thing is that Guan Haishan's mentality has changed."

"At this time, you can't control him at all, and of course you can't play a supervisory role."

"Letting you supervise him again will only intensify the conflicts between you."

"If the generals and generals are not in harmony, the military strategists will be wary, and the team will be even more hopeless."


Lu Fei's face turned red with worry, and his mind was extremely tangled.

"Lu Fei, don't be too entangled."

"The position of general counsel is crucial and must not be trivial."

"To be honest, even if you didn't show up, we would have replaced Guan Haishan. We have already made a decision on this."

"The reason why he dismissed get out of class is because of his lack of ability, and it has nothing to do with you."

"So, don't have any psychological burden." Leader No. 3 said.


Lu Fei smiled helplessly.

It doesn't matter, is it possible?

This is true, but would Guan Haishan think so?

That old guy is always petty. Last time during the live video broadcast, I said a few words too much and he couldn't bear it.

Now let me take his place. It's no wonder this old guy doesn't hate me to death!

When Mr. Kong was alive, he promised him that he would help Guan Haishan and take care of his master's lineage.

Now, Gao Feng died indirectly in his own hands, and Guan Haishan was dismissed from get out of class because of him!

In this way, the remaining three brothers Jia Yuan will inevitably misunderstand themselves, and even if they can't do anything to themselves, they will still hold grudges.

By then, I would have completely offended Mr. Kong's lineage.

Also, although Guan Haishan has average abilities, he has a very strong self-esteem.

He was pulled out after less than two years as general counsel. How will the outside world talk about it?

Can he bear it in the face of overwhelming public opinion?

What's more, it was because of himself that he stepped down. Maybe, this old guy might collapse!

More importantly, at your age, can you convince the public in this position?

Even if the old guys in the archaeological team don't embarrass themselves, external public opinion will push them to the forefront.

If you are not careful, you will definitely be ruined and your reputation will be ruined forever!

I am now a group of people who have no worries about food and clothing, are richest in the world, have a confidante to accompany me, and live a comfortable life. Is it necessary to take this risk?

Seeing Lu Fei's hesitation, leader No. 3 continued: "Lu Fei, we have all had high hopes for you."

"On the road to your growth, the country will give you strong support and give you the green light at every turn!"

"Now the country needs you, the archaeological team needs you, you must not let us down!"


Lu Fei was about to vomit blood.

Several groups!

Leader No. 3 is using both soft and hard tactics!

The meaning of these words is too profound, and there is a strong threat in them.

That means that we have helped you in everything, but now that we are in trouble, you stand by and watch, which is a bit shameless.

Damn it!

For such a big leader, Chi Guoguo is threatening him, is this really good?

No Bilian!

Lu Fei cursed in his heart, but he never dared to speak out.

"Lu Fei, are you worried about external public opinion?"

"If you worry about this, it's completely unnecessary."

"We all know your abilities well, and we have enough confidence in you."

"As long as you agree, we can greet the official media. As for the rumors on the Internet, you don't have to care at all."

"When you make some achievements, the rumors will be self-defeating."

"We have confidence in you, and you should also have confidence in yourself!" After the impassioned leader No. 3, Lu Fei's heart aroused huge waves.

No one knows Guan Haishan's abilities better than himself.

In this position, the best outcome for him is to maintain the status quo.

But now, maintaining the status quo has become a luxury, because Guan Haishan's mood has changed. After being a big leader for more than a year, Guan Haishan has also become a little swollen. .??.

If this continues, the archaeological team will really be in danger.

Leader No. 3 is right, this is not what Mr. Kong wants to see.

The foundation he had built with all his hard work and dedication had fallen into decline, and the coffin of his old man might not even be able to hold it.


However, after all, I have made it clear that I will not peek into this position. If I agree to Leader No. 3, wouldn't I be breaking my promise?

If a true man breaks his promise and gains weight, won't he become the laughing stock of the world?

But is my own face really more important than the rise and fall of the archaeological team?

Even Mr. Kong can put aside personal interests and worry about face issues, which is too unrealistic.

Why! !

Lu Fei was in a dilemma and was really worried.

Leader No. 3 fired another sugar-coated bullet, and Lu Fei became even more confused.

After thinking about it, Lu Fei said: "Leader, how about this!"

"How about I promise you to assist Guan Haishan?"

"If the archaeological team needs me somewhere, I, Lu Fei, promise to do my best."

Leader No. 3 shook his head like a rattle: "It's too late!"

"If Guan Haishan had had your supervision when he first took over, we would have been completely assured."

"But things are different now. People are distracted and have no fighting spirit. Guan Haishan only cares about his position, is indecisive, and has no responsibility at all."

"The most terrifying thing is that Guan Haishan's mentality has changed."

"At this time, you can't control him at all, and of course you can't play a supervisory role."

"Letting you supervise him again will only intensify the conflicts between you."

"If the generals and generals are not in harmony, the military strategists will be wary, and the team will be even more hopeless."


Lu Fei's face turned red with worry, and his mind was extremely tangled.

"Lu Fei, don't be too entangled."

"The position of general counsel is crucial and must not be trivial."

"To be honest, even if you didn't show up, we would have replaced Guan Haishan. We have already made a decision on this."

"The reason why he dismissed get out of class is because of his lack of ability, and it has nothing to do with you."

"So, don't have any psychological burden." Leader No. 3 said.


Lu Fei smiled helplessly.

It doesn't matter, is it possible?

This is true, but would Guan Haishan think so?

That old guy is always petty. Last time during the live video broadcast, I said a few words too much and he couldn't bear it.

Now let me take his place. It's no wonder this old guy doesn't hate me to death!

When Mr. Kong was alive, he promised him that he would help Guan Haishan and take care of his master's lineage.

Now, Gao Feng died indirectly in his own hands, and Guan Haishan was dismissed from get out of class because of him!

In this way, the remaining three brothers Jia Yuan will inevitably misunderstand themselves, and even if they can't do anything to themselves, they will still hold grudges.

By then, I would have completely offended Mr. Kong's lineage.

Also, although Guan Haishan has average abilities, he has a very strong self-esteem.

He was pulled out after less than two years as general counsel. How will the outside world talk about it?

Can he bear it in the face of overwhelming public opinion?

What's more, it was because of himself that he stepped down. Maybe, this old guy might collapse!

More importantly, at your age, can you convince the public in this position?

Even if the old guys in the archaeological team don't embarrass themselves, external public opinion will push them to the forefront.

If you are not careful, you will definitely be ruined and your reputation will be ruined forever!

I am now a group of people who have no worries about food and clothing, are richest in the world, have a confidante to accompany me, and live a comfortable life. Is it necessary to take this risk?

Seeing Lu Fei's hesitation, leader No. 3 continued: "Lu Fei, we have all had high hopes for you."

"On the road to your growth, the country will give you strong support and give you the green light at every turn!"

"Now the country needs you, the archaeological team needs you, you must not let us down!"


Lu Fei was about to vomit blood.

Several groups!

Leader No. 3 is using both soft and hard tactics!

The meaning of these words is too profound, and there is a strong threat in them.

That means that we have helped you in everything, but now that we are in trouble, you stand by and watch, which is a bit shameless.

Damn it!

For such a big leader, Chi Guoguo is threatening him, is this really good?

No Bilian!

Lu Fei cursed in his heart, but he never dared to speak out.

"Lu Fei, are you worried about external public opinion?"

"If you worry about this, it's completely unnecessary."

"We all know your abilities well, and we have enough confidence in you."

"As long as you agree, we can greet the official media. As for the rumors on the Internet, you don't have to care at all."

"When you make some achievements, the rumors will be self-defeating."

"We have confidence in you, you should also have confidence in yourself!"

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