A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2364 I’ll explain

After agreeing to Leader No. 3's request, Lu Fei's troubled heart completely relaxed at this moment.

Now that he has agreed, Lu Fei doesn't want to think about the consequences anymore, just do whatever you want!

Mouths grow on other people's bodies. You can't control them, you can only accept them.

But when Guan Haishan was mentioned, Lu Fei's brows wrinkled again.

Seeing the change in Lu Fei's expression, leader No. 3 immediately understood what he was thinking.

Patted Lu Fei on the shoulder and said: "Lu Fei, don't think too much!" ??

"This position is of great importance, and it should be occupied by those who are capable."

"We never dare to be sloppy in such an important decision. Even if you don't stand up, Guan Haishan must be replaced, so you don't have any guilt."

"Besides, he also knows that you are Mr. Kong's first recommender, and there is nothing wrong with you taking this position."

"You can go about your business with peace of mind. Over at Guan Haishan, I'll let Xiao Pan do his ideological work."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said, "Forget it, leader, let me go!"

"I don't want to make the relationship between the two of us too tense, let alone cause misunderstandings because of this matter."

"I'll go talk to him, and the effect will be much better than yours."

Leader No. 3 was slightly startled: "Is it okay?"

"Don't worry, leader, I'm measured."

The leader nodded: "That's fine."

"However, if he can't figure it out, you can tell him that this is a decision from above. You can even tell him that we forced you to take the position."

Lu Fei chuckled bitterly and thought to himself, telling him like this will only intensify the conflict, so he should find a way to explain to him himself!

"By the way, although you haven't taken up the post yet, you should take the time to understand the process of archaeological work. It is best if your opponent has a certain understanding of it after work."

"Know yourself and your enemy and fight a hundred times."

Victory, only in this way can you start your work smoothly. "

After saying this, the leader let out a sigh of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off him, and he felt energized.

"Okay, let's stop talking today. If you have any difficulties at work, you can go to Xiao Pan. If he can't solve it, you can also come to me directly."

"I promised you before that when you come to my place, there is no time limit, let alone an appointment. You are welcome here at any time."

"Thank you, leader." Lu Fei said sincerely.

The two shook hands, and Lu Fei was about to leave. When he walked to the door, he was stopped by the leader again.

"By the way, you'd better report to Mr. Chen as soon as possible. He seems to miss you very much!"

When he said this, leader No. 3 gave a sly smile, which made Lu Fei's scalp tingle. He chuckled before leaving.

After seeing Lu Fei out and returning to the office, leader No. 3 hugged the tea cup and laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"This kid. Letting him become an official is like sending him to the Meridian Gate. It's really not easy!"

Leader No. 3 was right. It was really not easy for Lu Fei to agree to be the general consultant.

Lu Fei had been rejected several times before, but this time he tried every means, even digging out the old files of Mr. Kong and Mr. Chen. It was only under coercion and inducement that Lu Fei compromised. It was too difficult.

If other officials knew that leader No. 3 went to great lengths to ask Lu Fei to become a high-ranking official, their jaws would be dropped.

Leader No. 3 is the third-in-command in the entire China!

It is almost impossible for an ordinary provincial leader to meet him.

As for China

The position of general consultant of history and archeology is even more impressive.

Those with great power can scare individuals to death.

If this position was vacant, others would have to break their heads to get in, but the No. 3 leader did everything possible to get a young man to take this position, which is simply unbelievable.

In fact, there is nothing incredible about this.

The so-called profession has specialization, but ordinary people cannot do it in the field of archeology.

The Shenzhou Archaeological Team has jurisdiction over dozens of provinces, and these provinces have jurisdiction over dozens of cities and several regions.

The entire archaeological team has hundreds of thousands of employees. Such a huge team can really scare anyone to death.

Not only is the team huge, there are countless majors involved.

What's more, there are many departments such as cultural preservation and history, and people without certain abilities are simply incompetent.

Guan Haishan is an example.

In terms of historical knowledge and professional level, Guan Haishan is undoubtedly the leader in the current Chinese archaeological community.

In terms of strength, he has no problem playing this position.

However, Guan Haishan's character is a flaw.

Ever since he started working, he has been living under the shadow of his master. He is not responsible for anything no matter what.

Over the past few decades, he has developed a weak character that is indecisive, has a weak sense of responsibility, and lacks responsibility.

Such a character is simply unable to lead such a large team, let alone cohesion and independent innovation. Therefore, in the more than a year since he took office, the archaeological cause has retreated instead of advancing, which has made the senior leaders quite dissatisfied.

On the contrary, although Lu Fei is young, he is decisive, courageous, and courageous. He has an excellent reputation in the archaeological community. There is absolutely no problem with him serving as the leader.

As for the cohesion that leaders worry about most,

power, then it's not a problem.

Fatty Wang said that Lu Fei was well-liked by everyone, and these four words were enough.

The old guys in the archaeological team respect their ability. Lu Fei's ability is enough to impress all of them, so there is no problem.

Also, Lu Fei's relationship with the Special Branch and the Academy of Sciences will make it easier to carry out work in the future.

In addition, Lu Fei is also the chief instructor of the Wulong Brigade, which gives him even more advantages.

In summary, coupled with Kong Fanlong's strong recommendation during his lifetime, as well as the leaders' inspection of Lu Fei's character, it was only then that leader No. 3 visited the thatched cottage three times.

Therefore, it is not accidental that Lu Fei was invited to be the general consultant. On the contrary, it is an inevitable result.

Looking at the entire China, there is no one more suitable for this position than Lu Fei.

The only drawback is the relationship between Lu Fei and his brothers Guan Haishan and Jia Yuan after he came to power.

It is impossible to say that Mr. Kong and his disciples have no ideas.

But the leaders believe that Lu Fei can handle these problems. If it doesn't work, they can also mediate. In the eyes of the leaders, these are all minor problems.

Lu Fei agreed to take the position. Leader No. 3 was happy, but when he left the office, Lu Fei felt unusually depressed.

In the last life, because he was young and vigorous, he fell into the South China Sea just after he emerged.

Therefore, in this life again, he only wants to live a prosperous and wealthy life.

Unexpectedly, things went against his wishes, and irresistible factors gradually pushed him to the forefront and became a public figure that attracted much attention.

But even so, Lu Fei didn't want to be an official, because Lu Fei didn't want to be restrained, and he couldn't stand the intrigues and conflicts of interests in the officialdom.

However, the development of things still cannot go according to my wishes smoothly!

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