A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2371 Conscience Comfort

Lu Fei's "but" made Zhang Yanhe's old heart, which had just been somewhat relaxed, tighten again.

Reason and knowledge of Lu Fei told him that it was probably a pill!


Lu Fei's sneer confirmed Zhang Yanhe's suspicion, and she suddenly felt bad.

"Those cultural relics belong to the country, and I will definitely return them."

"However, the contract you signed with our museum is protected by law."

"In order to maintain the dignity of the law, I decided to resolutely and seriously perform the contract. Within these fifty years, our museum will make full use of these cultural relics and show their most perfect and mysterious side to audiences around the world."

"When the fifty-year period is up, I will return it immediately."

"How about it, am I quite responsible?"

"Hey, why don't you guys talk?"

"Are you touched by my sense of responsibility?"

"However, there is no point in being moved. I am a responsible person and there is no way I would break the rules of our museum just because of our friendship."

"So, if you want to see those cultural relics, you have to spend money to buy tickets and go to my museum to view them."

"I believe you, the ticket money should be nothing to you." Lu Fei said seriously.


You are paralyzed!

No Bilian!

It was an old man who was so angry that he almost fainted when he rolled his eyes, especially Zhang Yanhe.

Guan Haishan and several others were furious at the Dingliang Gate, and were preparing to angrily attack Lu Fei. Chen Xiang quickly stepped forward with a smile to smooth things over.


"Can you all just say a few words?"

"This is not an office, we don't talk about business."

"Today is my sister-in-law's birthday, nothing else matters."

Two years ago, Chen Xiang called Guan Haishan his uncle.

However, since marrying Lu Fei, this title has also changed.


Lu Fei calls Guan Haishan's wife sister-in-law, but she can only call her sister-in-law, otherwise it would be too disobedient.

After hearing what Chen Xiang said, the four old guys put away their anger, collectively rolled their eyes at Lu Fei, and Guan Haishan said.

"We can't defeat you, so we won't argue with you today."

"However, we still need to discuss the matter of those cultural relics. We will go to the office another day and we will discuss it in detail."

Lu Fei nodded: "Whatever you want, I'll be with you at any time."

"What I just said represents my position. I will not give in on this matter."


Damn it!

You bastard, can't you give us a step down?

Why is this about killing everyone?

Can you still have fun and have fun?

The anger that the few old guys had just calmed down was almost ignited again by Lu Fei's words. Fortunately, Chen Xiang smoothed things over in the middle, so there were no serious consequences.


"For the sake of the eldest lady, we don't have the same experience as you."


Seeing how desperate they were, Lu Fei felt funny in his heart. If Chen Xiang hadn't stopped him, Lu Fei would have really wanted to fight them for another 300 rounds.

Now that he had calmed down, Lu Fei felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Once upon a time, everyone was in this state when they met.

Although there was a lot of quarrel, everyone was just defending their own opinions.

That kind of quarrel not only doesn't hurt everyone's feelings, but actually makes everyone closer.

But I don’t know since when, that kind of scene has never been seen again.

Just now

During this quarrel, Lu Fei actually felt friendly, and even had no desire to stop.

Not only Lu Fei, but also Guan Haishan felt this way.

Realizing this feeling, a trace of longing even flashed in Guan Haishan's eyes, but it passed away in a flash.

Everyone knows that it is too difficult to return to the atmosphere of the past.

Everyone entered the corridor together. In order to lighten the atmosphere, Jia Yuan asked as he walked: "Miss, how do you know that my sister-in-law's birthday is today?"

Chen Xiang smiled slightly: "Mr. Jia, just call me Xiang'er."

"Lu Fei and I just came back last night. We planned to come home to visit my sister-in-law today. When we got downstairs, Lu Fei met his sister-in-law and Sister Guan, and then he realized that today was her birthday!" .??.

"Are you here specifically to visit your sister-in-law?" Jia Yuan asked.


"You are thoughtful~!" Jia Yuan sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Although he is the leader of cultural protection in China, and his third senior brother Guan Haishan is the chief archaeologist, with Lu Fei's current reputation and status in China and the world, they are no longer on the same level.

If other people had achieved such achievements, they would have been forgotten long ago.

But Lu Fei and Chen Xiang came to visit their sister-in-law at home as soon as they returned to Tiandu City. This was so rare that even he, an outsider, was moved by it.

There is a conflict between the third senior brother and Lu Fei, and Jia Yuan certainly understands it.

At this moment, Jia Yuan even felt that Lu Fei's mind and moral character were much nobler than those of his third senior brother, whom he respected so much.

However, Guan Haishan was noncommittal about this.

After getting on the elevator, after a while, everyone arrived at Guan's house.

When he was about to enter, Guan Haishan suddenly thought of something and quickly pulled Lu Fei aside and whispered: "Hey, are you really here to see my wife today?"

"Otherwise?" Lu Fei asked.



"What, you're not here to ask for a bill, are you?"

"I signed a contract with your company, so I won't default on the bill, but I'm hiding this from my family!"

"Don't let me know!" Guan Haishan said worriedly.

He couldn't help but worry.

On impulse in London, he owed Lu Fei hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Although he had the "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" as collateral, such a huge debt was still too scary.

He didn't dare to tell his wife about this matter, otherwise, he would have to scare his wife to death.

If Lu Fei spilled the beans, the consequences would be disastrous, so he felt the need to remind Lu Fei.

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "You are judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"Am I such a mean person?"

Just as Guan Haishan said yes, Lu Fei spoke again.

"But speaking of the debt you owe."


Hearing Lu Fei's "no", Guan Haishan's hair stood on end and he was extremely nervous.

"As for the debt you owe, I decided not to want it."

"Including your "Jiangshan Sheji Tu" I will also have someone send it back."

"As for that seal, consider it a gift from me."

When he was in London, Lu Fei just wanted to teach Guan Haishan a small lesson. In fact, he didn't care about the debt of more than 100 million, but he was just a little interested in his "Jiangshan Sheji Tu".

But today he promised leader No. 3 to take over as the chief consultant of history and archeology, and Lu Fei always felt that he owed him.

Lu Fei couldn't tell whether he owed it to Kong Fanlong, Guan Haishan, or his own conscience, but he always felt uneasy about his conscience.

Therefore, Lu Fei decided to give up the so-called debt, which was a kind of comfort to his conscience! !

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