A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2388 Can’t stand it

Lu Fei pushed two, six, and five, completely subverting his character. For a moment, the old guys were all confused.

Zhang Yanhe and Zhao Bo looked at each other, completely speechless.

Before, everyone decided to store the cultural relics with Lu Fei, not just to find an excuse.

In addition to this, there is another reason. Everyone knows that although Lu Fei has a bad temper, he is never ambiguous when it comes to matters of right and wrong.

Lu Fei would never sit idly by while Xu Shijie and the others were making such a fuss.

When Lu Fei gets angry, he might really be able to scare these old guys.

To frighten them is not only the immediate benefits, it can even prevent them from taking any chances with China for decades.

As the saying goes, evil people will be punished by evil people. They believed in Lu Fei's ability and believed that he could achieve such results.

But I never expected that the reality was completely different from what everyone imagined.

This time, Lu Fei was completely bloodless and directly passed the responsibility back. Such a change caught them off guard.

If this is the case, not only will they have to face Xu Shijie and the others, but Lu Fei will also take a huge advantage. The archaeological team will lose both his wife and his troops.

What a mess!

Why did this guy suddenly act out of common sense?

Especially Zhang Yanhe, it was even worse after hearing what Lu Fei said.

This method is what he came up with. If the current script continues, he will be criticized by thousands of people.

Damn it!

He died unjustly!


"Baoshaifei, this matter is not as simple as you think."

"Xu Shijie and the others came to China this time, and what they did was extremely abnormal."

"It seems that he will never give up until he achieves his goal."

"They are so determined that they will definitely find ways to bring the cultural relics back."

"Now, they are mobilizing all their forces and mobilizing all their connections to find you all over the world. They are like mad dogs. This is definitely not normal."

"So, we must come up with a perfect solution to the problem as soon as possible, otherwise, we will be very passive." Zhang Yanhe said.

Lu Fei took a bite of the food calmly and said, "I don't understand. What does it have to do with me after you've been talking about it for so long?"

"The cultural relics belong to your archaeological team. This is something you should worry about. What do you mean by telling me this?"


"What happened to me?"

"Isn't what I said the truth?"

"I only act in accordance with the contract. All I care about is whether you will breach the contract and how much loss you should compensate me after the breach of contract. I don't want to ask and I can't care about the rest," Lu Fei said.


Several old men were so angry that they were twitching all over and almost had a heart attack.

"Lu Fei, are you drunk?"

"We are all friends, so forget it if you don't help. What do you mean by saying these sarcastic words?" Gong Xiuliang asked with eyes wide open.



Lu Fei couldn't help but sneered: "You guys really have the nerve to say this!"

"You team up to trick me while I'm not at home. Is this something that friends can do?"

"I bother!"

"Can you still have some facial expressions?"

"I'm sorry to be friends with you, I can't bear it."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, the faces of the old guys turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"Baoshaifei, you have misunderstood us."

"Just because we are friends, we understand your character and temper. We know that you are an upright man who hates evil and hates evil, and cares about the archeology of China.

cause. "

"With your character, you will definitely not stand idly by when such a big thing happens. That's why we plan to let you help us."

"We also wanted to notify you in advance, but you can't get through at all. This can't be entirely our fault, right?" Jia Yuan said.


Lu Fei sneered again, making Jia Yuan's head tingle with laughter.

"People say that as you get older, your skin becomes thicker, but I didn't expect that you are so thick-skinned."

"If you try your best and still can't solve it, I, Lu Fei, have this ability, so I can help you."

"But what's the truth?"

"As far as I know, you hardly resisted, and you didn't even come up with any countermeasures. You just put the trouble on me. Am I right?"

"Can't you solve it?"

"You obviously don't want to solve it."

"Are you doing this to ask me for help?"

"You obviously want to use me, Lu Fei, as cannon fodder!"

"What's wrong?"

"Do you think I, Lu Fei, am an idiot?"

"I, Lu Fei, am not in my position and do my own business, so why should I wipe your ass?"


"Is it my fault?" Lu Fei roared.

In the room, hearing the quarrel between Lu Fei and others, Chen Xiang spread his hands to Mrs. Guan and closed the door tightly.

Liu Song stuck out his tongue and left quietly with his wife and children.

In the restaurant, the faces of Zhang Yanhe and the others turned purple. Guan Haishan felt like his face could fry an egg, and he wished he could find a crack in the floor and crawl in.

After a long time, Zhang Yanhe raised his head.

"Lu Fei, you really misunderstood."

"It's not that we don't want to solve it, it's just that we really can't solve it."

"That gang


"shut up!"

Lu Fei glared and choked back the second half of Zhang Yanhe's words.

"The dignified Chinese archaeological team, a team of more than 100,000 people, needs people, money, and policies."

"With such good conditions, you can't deal with a few young men from a tiny place?"

"What do you do for food?"

"What's the use of you?"

Lu Fei came today to explain to Guan Haishan and did not intend to cause trouble.

But these old guys succeeded in arousing Lu Fei's anger, and Lu Fei couldn't care about anything else for the time being.

"What are you worried about?"

"Worried about their so-called documentary evidence?"

"That thing is nothing!"

"Trace back to the source, where did those documents come from?"

“Is that generated by the local culture?”

"If you admit it, that thing is just a rhetoric. If you don't admit it, it's nothing more than bullshit."

"The big deal is, let them sue, so what?"

"Don't say they won't win the lawsuit. Even if they can win, such a big lawsuit will not come to a conclusion in ten or eight years."

"With such a long buffer time, you are still worried that you can't think of a way to deal with it?"

"If you really can't think of it, you might as well buy a piece of tofu and get hit by it."

"It was originally a very simple matter, but you chose to escape and let me, an outsider, solve it. Aren't you embarrassed?"

"Aren't you blushing?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Could it be that the number of times they made trouble caused a psychological shadow on you?"

"In this huge country, a team of more than 100,000 people was frightened by a few monsters and monsters and they threw away their armor and fled. Where is the majesty of the Chinese archaeological team?"

"Where is the dignity of China?"

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