A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 2384 The powerful Mrs. Wang

On the balcony, Mrs. Guan watched Guan Haishan getting into the taxi listlessly and leaving, and she always felt that something was wrong.

It's really baffling.

Fairy Forest Garden.

Lu Fei sent Chen Xiang back, hailed a taxi and returned to the courtyard.

At this time, Fatty Wang was drinking alone.

On the table is a bag of spiced peanuts, two cucumbers, half a bowl of sweet noodle sauce, and a bottle of Red Star Erguotou.

His wife only found out today that Fatty Wang had submitted his resignation, and she didn't give him a good look that night.

At this moment, he was sitting opposite the fat man and was in nagging mode.

"You old thing, what do you think?"

"If you say you're going to give up your job, then you're going to give up your job. What do you do with decades of service?"

"Without a pension, will I have to live with the northwest wind for the rest of my life?"

"I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

Fatty Wang looked depressed, and in his heart he greeted the bastard who had leaked the news ten thousand times.

"What are you arguing about?"

"Have I not completed the formalities yet?"

"Besides, with all my abilities, can I still make you starve?"


Mrs. Wang slapped the table hard, startling the fat man.

"You fart!"

"Besides digging graves and dealing with the dead, what else would you do?"

"With your abilities, if you're not in the company, where can I get you?"

"Except for the crematorium and wreath laying, the things you learned are of no use at all."


Fatty Wang almost choked to death after taking a sip of wine.

"Old lady, what you said is too damaging, isn't it?"

"It's simply worse than flying around like a turtle."

"Yo ho!"

"Damn fat man, you dare to talk to me, I'm giving you face, right?"

"I tell you every day to calm down your cowardice."\u003c


“In today’s society, it’s no use just having skills, you also have to learn to be a good person.”

"Have you turned a deaf ear to what I said?"

"President Guan is the great leader. How do people decide? Is it your turn to dictate?"

"What kind of cloves of garlic are you pretending to be? This shows your ability, isn't it?" Mrs. Wang pinched her waist with both hands and yelled.

Fatty Wang raised his beard angrily at Lao Gao, and was about to get angry, but when he saw his wife's domineering temperament, he instantly withered away.

"Well, you don't understand what's going on at my work, so stop making trouble!"


"Mom, I will spit toilet water all over your face."

"I don't understand your job, but I understand how to behave. I also understand that if I lose my job, our family will not be able to survive."

"I don't care. Go and apologize to Mr. Guan tomorrow morning!"

"You two usually have a good relationship. He will definitely be able to forgive you. Please correct your attitude when you go there. If you don't get Mr. Guan's forgiveness, you will never drink again in your life!"


"You want me to apologize to him?"

Speaking of other things, Fatty Wang could bear it and asked him to apologize to Guan Haishan. Fatty immediately became upset.

"You bitch, you know how to use a hammer?"

"It's impossible for me to apologize to him!"

"Don't worry about me. Anyway, as long as I live, I won't let you starve!" Fatty Wang roared.


Mrs. Wang was so angry that she picked up the broom on the ground and was about to set rules for the fat man. At this time, there was a knock on the courtyard door, and both of them were stunned.

After the couple moved in, unless Fatty Wang brought friends back for dinner, they usually didn't visit at all.

It's too late now

It was after eight o'clock in the morning, and there was a sudden knock on the courtyard door, which was really unexpected.

Mrs. Wang was stunned for a moment, and then she felt overjoyed.

Pointing to Fatty Wang, he said in a low voice: "I guess it's Zhang Yanhe and the others who are here. When we talk later, please be careful and let everyone put in a good word for you."

"If you keep showing off your temper, I will never end it with you."

"Come on, come on!"

Mrs. Wang rushed to open the door, and the fat man scratched the top of his head, which was almost unobstructed, and sighed depressedly.

Mrs. Wang thought it was Zhang Yanhe and others who came to persuade Wang Shun, but when she opened the door and saw, it was not the case!

However, Mrs. Wang was ten thousand times happier to see this person than to see Zhang Yanhe!

"Lu Fei?"

"When did you come to Tiandu City?"

"Come in, come in!"

Lu Fei smiled slightly: "Sister-in-law, I just arrived at noon today."

Mrs. Wang was nagging as she let Lu Fei inside.


"You came just in time. Please give that old guy some advice later!"

"Tell me, this old guy resigned without consulting anyone, just because he had a few words with Mr. Guan and decided on his own."

"Isn't this fatal?"

"I've been scolding him all night. Please help my sister-in-law to persuade him to apologize to Mr. Guan and go back to work quickly. You can't lose your job no matter what!"

Listening to Mrs. Wang's tone and thinking about Fatty's situation, Lu Fei couldn't help but mourn for him.

"Sister-in-law, I know this, and I really don't blame the fat man."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

When Lu Fei said this, Mrs. Wang was completely relieved.

She knew that Lu Fei was really capable.

She had already inquired about it, and this courtyard house alone was worth hundreds of millions.



Several hundred million!

After finding out the value of the courtyard, Mrs. Wang was so frightened all day that she didn't even dare to pull out any weeds.

Moreover, she also knew that the relationship between Lu Fei and Boss Guan was very unusual, and it would definitely be much easier for him to mediate between them than Zhang Yanhe and the others.

Mrs. Wang nodded repeatedly, and after leaving Lu Fei behind, she happily went into the kitchen to get busy.

When he entered the room and saw Fatty's depressed expression, Lu Fei couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Smile, smile, smile like a shovel!" Fatty Wang said with a roll of his eyes.


Lu Fei pointed at the desolation on the table and said with a smile: "Don't you say that you always tell the truth at home?"

"Why are you in such a miserable state?"


"I'm happy to do this. I want you to take care of it?"

As Fatty Wang said, he brought two wine glasses and poured Lu Fei a glass of Erguotou.

Lu Fei was not polite, put down his bag, grabbed a handful of peanuts and sat down.

The two clinked glasses and took a sip of wine. Fatty Wang asked, "Why are you here?"


"This is your home, why can't I come?"

"Hey, why don't you ask me what happened this afternoon?"

"Isn't this what you care about most?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Fatty, Lu Fei and Pan Xingzhou returned to Tiandu City at the same time.

Fatty also knew that Lu Fei was going to see leader No. 3 in the afternoon, and he also knew what the leader wanted to say to Lu Fei.

At that time, the fat man repeatedly asked Lu Fei, but when they met, this guy could resist asking about the result, which surprised Lu Fei.

The fat man took a sip of wine and hummed: "No matter what you ask, you are just like a bird!"

"I didn't know about your bad temper. You must not have agreed. Otherwise, the news would have spread long ago."

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